Last Epoch: Harbingers of Ruin Patch Notes

Hey EHG, I’m a little worried that a certain bug isn’t mentioned in the bug fixes…

It’s the bug where the tooltip from hovering any item in your inventory disappears whenever any new item is dropped on the ground.

Is that still in the game? I hope not, but I haven’t played in a couple of months.

P.S: These changes look fantastic by the way. Great work, I really look forward to playing this cycle!

Edit: Yoooo nevermind - I went back to check and this bug was fixed in 1.0.3! W’s in the chat

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Well done EHG. You have completely nerfcucked all the builds I enjoyed playing previously yet again. Cant wait to be stuck at 289 corruption with some cucked build that crits for 7k damage, AaronAPRG’s wet dream.

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300-400 corruption is supposed to be the top tiers now anyway lmao


What happens to existing items with the affix tier changes and unique changes? Will they keep their roll range?

If you reach 4-digit corruption they did something wrong :wink:


You can deal more than 7k crits with a starter spell and no legendaries. Nerfed builds doesn’t mean they can no longer go above 300c. I recommend you do less delulu and more critical thinking.


Yeah, I don’t disagree with nerfing freeze builds. A well built freeze static orb build could easily push 4-digit corruption and was one of the strongest builds in existence. But this patch they didn’t just nerf freeze builds, they outright deleted the playstyle from the game since they heavily nerfed every tool you could utilize alongside buffing bosses resistance to freeze. Honestly, they should just delete the freeze mechanic from player abilities as there is no real way to build it any longer and it’s a junk stat now (it was already pretty bad if you didn’t build around it - now it’s just worthless).

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I don’t see the reason to nerf that much the Archmage passive for the sorcerer, was already the weaker mastery of the class, and now you cut by three this bonus of flat additive damage, one of the fewest way do get the additive damage, and also the base bonus of the mastery capped at 50% bonus damage.

The game is supposed to be more fun with the time pass, not more tedious, let’s not start to cap everything as Diablo 4


Uhh. Idk if I like the mana regen nerfs. Building a lot of mana regen on gear already felt bad as an opportunity cost, and especially now that you are allowing mana regen to work on channels (but also nerfing their channel costs), you are reducing the mana regen we can get? Idk man, seems like a step back to me.

I like a lot of these other changes though.


Might try this out, but its mostly gonna be a pass for me.

Dual Wielding Shields.

The archetype lives on!!! :rofl: :joy:


I just came from Diablo 4 after a year of nonstop blanket nerfs and the removal of fun from the game.

This game came highly recommended and all im reading are heavy handed nerfs to everything.

Is this normal here?


" Mana and Mana Regen (hybrid affix) Can no longer roll on sceptres"
Ok what happens to my septer with mana and mana regen then? Does the affex disappear do I get a blank affex I can add something to?

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yes, virtually every build ever made has been nerfed into the ground.

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“Game Version Changes: Beta 0.8.4 or earlier (Added)”

“Hundreds of Balance Changes”. How is this fair? You totally left this one out. You were even using this in your trailer for 1.1. And this is probably the only skill left in the game that still has a lot of high-level nodes reaching up to 7 and there’s multiple of them in the same tree.

Again, since it was used in the trailer, I just got my hopes up that it was finally revamped. :frowning:

There are probably still some skills that still needs to be updated aside from this ofc. I am hoping to see changes on them in the next patch after 1.1 (copium). I am calm btw. Just dead inside (again). lol

But I can’t wait for the update. I can’t wait to play not-Acolyte on my first-ever cycle!! HYPE!!

Sadly it seems like EHG have lost the plot, sure some stuff need nerfs, but some of these nerfs are too harsh, gutting frostclaw, detonating arrow, mana regen (which was bad before, now even worse).

Seems like they also forgot at huge part of the player base this patch as they’ve designed 14 new weapons and not a single one is a bow. :sweat:


generally old sceptres just have it and you can no longer do anything with it, its like a legacy item at that point. sometimes the older affixes are replaced with a new affix…but since the affix still exists, would assume the first option

My guess with going after Detonating Arrow was in response to the dual-wielding Jelkhor’s DA build that was fairly popular and very powerful. Nerfing an ability over 1 build requiring a specific unique seems a little wild to me, I agree. Seems like there could be better ways of nerfing that build and not removing power from the ability that can be used in other builds. (Opposed to Jelkhors being very focused on what it can do).

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Hope your wrong… IT’s a perfect damage roll lp3 scepter and I need that regen.

This is disingenuous at best. There are plenty of buffs in these notes (and a lot of nerfs, I agree). But to say everything got nerfed is just wrong.