Last Epoch: Harbingers of Ruin Patch Notes

Thank you for your service, kind Sir!

Does this forge weapons nerf actually get outweighed at higher-levels by the 4.1% more damage? I’m struggling to see how this could be seen as a buff …

For example, for the 4.1% more damage multiplier to surpass the 18 flat damage nerf, wouldn’t you need 500 flat damage from gear/abilities on forge weapons? 500 x 1.041 = 520.5 damage … Whereas anything below 470 flat damage increase wouldn’t even break even with the 18 damage reduction versus 4.1% multiplier.

Hope I’m wrong, but 470-500 flat damage addition to forge weapons from gear/abilities seems like a LOT … Definitely not easy to get.

Forge weapons have been in a bad state already.


I mean, this is exactly why the team moved this node, as forcing players to use 1/4 of their passive points on nothing but a defensive measure that feels mandatory to take severely constrains every single Primalist build. Druid already has a massive ton of survivability measures, and Shaman has had its passive tree reworked to provide some additional help with damage reduction as well.

We’ll see how the offensive changes turn out and whether killing enemies faster will offset the defensive changes, but it’s a band-aid that desperately needed to be taken off so that Primalist builds can become more specialized instead of the old samey distribution.

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Eel me daddy!

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Love it, looks great. Can’t wait!

Really ?

druid Tree has 1 DR measure which is impervious

beastmaster has been the DR choice (4-5 nodes) for all classes because the passives in Druid aka Werebear dont really add to survivability 105 armour LOL 150 health LOL 40% health regen dont really stand out as survivability as much as the 4-5 nodes in the beast master tree


Exited for this new cycle!

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  • Added a new node, Natural Fortitude, at Porcine Constitution’s previous position. It grants 1 strength per point, 2 added health regeneration per point, and 3 added health regeneration for companions per point. It has a threshold bonus which grants 2% increased health regeneration per point of strength for you and your companions.

this replacement is basically Worthless… not sure what the Dev who thought this replacement was thinking but its basically a Gimped version of overgrowth

surely if your taking away 30% of our defencive measures you can atleast give something in the druid tree to accomidate trust me when i say this alot of Useless nodes in the druid tree that can do with a buff /change


I really love a lot of these improvements like the blessing stash, loot filter improvements, and I’m excited to try evade and all the new content. I can’t wait to play Cycle 1.1 :slight_smile:


By “fixed tooltip size in several languages”… does this mean the font size was fixed,?

That was a thing or is this just a sneaky joke? :smiley:

Otherwise I’m really excited for some of the buffs. Loved playing my Multishot Marksman back when I started playing. Now I only need some more QoL or a rework for Dark Quiver.

Shaman looks a lot more interesting now. Looking forward to trying it out. Hopefully it is in a better spot now. Same for Forge Guard. I tried a retaliation shield throw build last season but that didn’t feel good. Now the dual shield style alone will fix that. :smiley:

The changes for mage also look fun.

Will players in a party all get to choose what the items are before a Nemesis encounter or will it only be the person that opened the zone?

Also, will the Nemesis encounter only drop for the zone opener or the entire group?

See above


How does Swiftness work exactly? “Swiftness grants increased movement speed based on character level” is too ambiguous

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Keep up the great work! The Chefs are cooking!

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Excited for the new cycle, buuuuut 14 new weapons and not a single bow added? What the hell? :crying_cat_face:


This is a good point. We shall see

Did you not read the Patchnotes or watch any of the Videos? No Damage Reduction anymore. Just a burst of ward that decays on its own if you dont do enough Damage or you can deplete faster with Damage.


this was REMOVED.

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So flame rush is still bugged, and will continue to get stuck on nothing/terrain/objects/doodads/angles/incline or declines like stairs?

Also I didn’t see a fix for infinite load screen while transitioning areas. I’ll check back around 1.2 good luck EHG