Last Epoch: Harbingers of Ruin Patch Notes

They are if you have any amount of mana regen at all as it would extend the amount of time you can channel for.


That’s not how it works, but you do you… I bet they probably did it just to piss you off. In fact, I was earwigging on the devs in their sooper seekrit AbsolutelyDevsOnlyDiscordServer & they distinctly said that they wanted to piss off a certain Aussie player.


Thank you for removing the increased damage reduction from bosses. I bitched about it when the game came out since it ruins life leech as a sustain option. Really interested to see how some of the boss fights will play out now.

I came to Last Epoch from D4 about two weeks ago and must tell you I’m shocked by the enormous breadth of nerfs you guys are about to apply. Sadly that is the way the overwhelming majority of these changes read - as nerfs not as changes for the better. I wonder if you didn’t learn from the playerbase reduction disaster that resulted from Blizzard’s initial nerf-fest shortly after release of D4? Which I suspect they about to repeat in their upcoming season. I sincerely hope not as I’m really enjoying the game so far.
One might think that new players would be less affected by these incredibly broad reaching changes as we aren’t yet as heavily invested in the game as long-term players, however I don’t think this is the case - I think we’ll all be distressed by things suddenly changing to such a massive degree.
I hope I’m proved wrong and the playerbase wholeheartedly embraces the imminent patch, I really do.


I’m curious how it would have been taken by the community if most builds had been buffed to the same high level, then all of the mobs had have the ever living shit buffed out of them so that most/all builds would struggle to hit 200c. Would that have been considered a buff or a nerf?


Frostbite damage was increased significantly.

Your very first example isn’t even a buff - it’s actually a nerf at high gear levels. They only buffed frostbite to counteract the massive nerf to snowdrift (which is used by pretty much every frostbite build) to make it feel less necessary. Unfortunately it’s still going to be necessary since even at the nerfed value it’s hard to beat it out, it just won’t feel as bad if you go with other boots. It’s about a neutral change at low gear levels and a nerf at high gear levels.

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Before, Frostbite did 36 damage per stack. Now it does 50.
That’s a buff!
It’s like saying Disintegrate was actually nerfed bc the singular interaction that once made it good was replaced with a myriad of other changes built specifically to make it more widely accessible for builds.


38% more damage. How much of an incremental effect has the Snowdrift been? @Aschere If it’s less than 38% less damage then overall it’s still a buff.

Assuming monsters with 0% resist, 380 freeze rate (FR/1000 = .38) is the breakpoint I think as to whether it’s a buff or nerf. Below 380 it’s a buff. Above 380 it’s a nerf. You can get over that with a single weapon affix so realistically they nerfed frostbite for almost all builds.

Most builds can easily get 1000-2000. Freeze builds can get 4000+ (although no one is going to be doing that anymore since they killed freeze in this patch). So frostbite is a net nerf for most builds - although to be fair, it’s closer to a break-even.

Edit: Math mistake. Forgot to account for the fact that you have pen before. Actual breakpoint would be 1583 freeze rate. So for most builds that build towards it (most builds can pretty easily get somewhere between 1000-2000FR), it’s a net neutral change. At lower gear levels its a buff, although a pretty small one.

FR = 1000 → 33% nerf
FR = 1583 → 38% nerf
FR = 2000 → 40% nerf

Full formula for solving is:
FR/1000 / (1+ 2FR/1000) = 0.38 → FR=1583

But it’s not a buff. Overall it comes out to a nerf to basically every frostbite build out there today. I do think making builds less required to use a specific unique is a good thing, so I think it’s a step in the right direction on that change… but to call it a significant buff is just simply incorrect. The change was clearly made to help even out the impact of the massive nerf to snowdrift on such builds.

There’s something to be said for opening up your boot slot on every frostbite build now. If Snowblind is less required for a build, those builds might be able to get more or other better stats on their boots that help a build in other ways also.

I won’t disagree that the Snowblind nerf hits the builds. But there are more numbers in the game than your damage stat.

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This was the d4 approach devs took in season 1. Most things were just nerfed. The community obviously responded negatively towards it and it hurt d4. Now the devs have done a 180. Things mostly just get buffs now and the community has been really positive about d4 lately.

Since EHG is going down the nerf route I don’t doubt that the community’s perception of LE will go down if they keep nerfing.

Already we can see it happening. The devs take a hard stance on no mid season buffs and they don’t want any build to be able to go past 300 corruption. Which I don’t understand because they put in a system that allows for 1k+ corruption so it’s really confusing taking a hard stance on we want all builds to be around 300.

I don’t have high hopes on the future of this game if they keeping doing what they’re doing.


I think you mean it’s a buff, albeit not a particularly big one. But thanks.


would be a very small nerf. Like, tiny. 2%, if that.

No & hell no. They want builds to be able to hit at least 300c but getting into the thousands is a failure on their part. You can’t say that they don’t want builds to go above 300c because they’ve never said it & I dare you to find the quote.


Same, we were all told this game was different and the first thing we see is the Diablo 4 dev team doing this patch…

I read through it, its just blanket nerfs. You dont have to be an Last Epoch vet to see this is the same nonsense ruining every other ARPG.

Players gravitate to the same kind of builds every season in every game, when your endgame revolves around repeating the same activity tens of thousands of times players want comfortable, easy builds.

These over handed across the board nerfs to literally everything people used the season before are lazy and selfish.


Yeah, my wording was maybe a little unclear. Was just saying its a 33% nerf from snowdrift. You’d have to combine with the 38% frostbite buff to see the net change. Bottomline, 1583 is the break-even point although it’s mostly a neutral change across the board.

As far as replacing the boots, I think it’s going to be hard on builds that don’t have good access to other large amounts of cold pen. Cold Rogue acid flask probably being an exception (and to be honest, is probably going to be a busted build this league).

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Mike has said countless times they want builds tuned around 300c.

That means every build should theoretically be able to get there but might not if you aren’t bis.

That’s how tuning works pal. Devs design something at a certain difficulty and then the classes are tuned to be theoretically able to hit that mark. Doesn’t mean the average player can hit that mark and it also means that the highest end player could technically push a tad more if they can play perfectly.


Im pretty sure thats not what mike said in the live streams.

Mike said a good build can do 300-400c. 4 digits (1k+) isnt intended if a build reaches that point we have messed up somewhere.

He never said all builds should reach 300-400c. Hell the majority of players havent even reached 200c yet alone empowered

Also if i remember correctly mike also said in recent tavern talks with DM and ghazzytv that corruption is really built around 100s of corruption. And not 1k+

Anytime hes talked about corruption im pretty sure it was never said that all builds should reach 300-400c. TBH they shouldnt all beable to.

My guess is 300-400 maybe 500c is probably going tk be the earliest a player can challenge this boss. We dont know yet on this tho


I don’t want ehg to keep buffing builds to the point where 1k corruption ends up being the new benchmark. It takes too long to grind out that much even with it being easier in 1.1, and 1k corruption in general is just not fun.
These nerfs are better for the long term health of the game, especially considering some of the builds were so over the top overpowered. People keep comparing it to d4 s1 nerfs but those nerfs were far worse than this. You either expand on what builds you find fun, or simply play another game.

I’m sure there’s collateral damage which is most likely unavoidable. I don’t know what those are besides maybe shaman losing a primary defensive with the freeze nerfs. But people will find ways around it!

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So a build that could EASILY generate 50000 ward cut to 20% of that is now at 10000 ward and that’s a ‘destroyed build?’
