Last Epoch: Harbingers of Ruin Patch Notes

Name one other game where a Lich, which is a type of mage, is as tanky as Paladins. Why would you compare the two? Apples and oranges. Paladins are the tankiest thing in the game right now because of a broken and unintended ward interaction… Which is being curtailed in the next patch.

Lich can be extremely tanky when you build for that. Check for examples.

I am very excited to see how the updated Shammy passives and updated skills improve Shaman gameplay! The new passive tree looks very enticing.

FG looks like it will be interesting with its revisions as well.

“While in combat” is having used as skill in the last 4 seconds, it’s the same as the Rage degen passive Druids have.

Yeah, you wouldn’t be able to have Disintegrate also channel a channelled Lightning Blast for you, though it might not be too bad if you paid the mana cost for both.

If you had mob dodge chance running in the mono or there was some lag/desync that would explain that. Plus you can get “mobs can’t dodge” from Net as well.

Personally I’ll be going for Puncture Shadow Daggers. You don’t have to try new stuff if you don’t want to, but there has never been a dev that fixed/buffed everything that needed it every season.

If you want, but there are options to throwing a strop because your favourite build wasn’t buffed.

To quote Kosh, it has always been here, just you lot are catching up…


This was my impression as well. The most popular builds and most-used items got toned down, with maybe a handful of changes in a couple of other places.

It really does feel like if something was being widely used, it caught a nerf. Some build combos got nerfed in multiple places, which is even going to catch non-meta builds that might have also been using similar abilities.

All in all, it feels like a weird place to spend 5 months’ worth of development hours. Patiently waiting for the next big update, and… Nerfs! Nerfs for all!

Might check the game out again in 1.2 (however far away that is) to see the Primal Era story, and maybe by then we will actually see some meaningful changes to underused abilities as well.


Thank you for your service, kind Sir! Visit us again in 4 months. Cheers! :cowboy_hat_face:


You should ask why the Lich’s skills are so similar to those of melee characters. Even the skill range is close to that of melee characters, like Death Seal or Aura Of Decay, even Reap of Reaper Form.
On the contrary, Drain Life, which is most similar in nature to the so-called “lich magician”, has such poor linkage with other skills.
Perhaps this is why other professions have undergone such drastic changes, but the Lich seems to be ignored, because whenever it is proposed that the Lich needs to be strengthened, someone always jumps out and says that the Lich is very strong.
But the reality is that my friends who played Lich eventually gave up this class and went to play Paladin or Shaman. They all thought that Lich was a child abandoned by the designer.
Then I always have to give examples and defend similar problems.

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Ward needed to change fundamentally. It has long been a tricky thing to balance for the devs, particularly with its absence of a cap. The 1.0.0 and the new masteries introduced quite a few interactions and passives/uniques that made Ward become the defacto choice. Particularly when it comes to EHP.

As you probably know, the end game is centered around survivability, with Ward there was no alternative to compete with and with Ward’s scaling it is not very feasible to “pump up the alternatives” to the scale that Ward was producing.

A sign of an over-powered defensive mechanic is pretty easily seen when classes that were not designed at all for ward and ward-retention (i.e. Primalist/Sentinel) were eschewing their built-in defensive preferences for ward builds. The scaling had to be squashed in the absence of no cap.

The new masteries were bound to be tweaked in some fashion, as they are brand new and even with CT testing, interactions or over-performing skills might not be clear until you have a major population playing with the new toys and sure enough they did. That’s just the way of new classes in most games.

The devs have stated many times over the years that they desire to see build diversity as a sign of a healthy ecosystem, the changes that were made are pretty evident towards that desire.


I agree man they hate lich players. Lich is weak cause not enough dps.
Still after patch Wraithlord best acolyte build cause u know snapshotting still in the game.


What about drop rate? I’m not going to spend a thousand hours to get 1 Item with Lp4

Except you didn’t defend against my questions at all or give a single example lol

I asume healing hands got nerfed?? I didnt try it last cycle and wanted to try it in 1.1 :smiling_face_with_tear:

There’s an entire section on Healing Hands in the notes. That and the changes to ward.

It got adjusted. A number of bugs got fixed. This hopefully means, a) hh won’t be in “every” sentinel build now, b) some of those bug fixes can open up some very interesting game play. c) it should be a much ‘healthier’ (balance wise) game spot. May not be perfect but it looks much more manageable.


Or maybe the things that were most widely used were widely used because they were broken as hell, way overtuned, and were overshadowing many, many other things. Reducing the power of blatantly overpowered skills/items/mechanics is always a valid action, full stop.

No matter how many times I read them across countless games, the total lack of depth in hot takes about nerfs to obviously overperforming things never cease to amaze me.


This kind of question is meaningless and unconstructive, so I am too lazy to answer similar questions. I am not the developer of this game, just a customer.
But if you insist on an example of a Lich and a Paladin, can I tell you about the Lich King holding Frostmourne in WOW?
Even the Harvest mechanism of the Acolyte is very similar to the damage mechanism of Death Knight. The only difference is that it puts a curse on the target and deals direct damage through Harvest.
Death knight is a plague that outputs direct damage through strike skills.

I just hope that the developers know that the current professional positioning of the Lich is very embarrassing. The unique skills are biased toward melee combat and increasing one’s own hardness, but they do not provide enough tankiness, and the damage is also very insufficient.
Most of the Lich’s powerful gameplay basically has nothing to do with their own unique skills. This is an example.
Maybe correct the direction so that it goes in the direction that the magician should go, or learn from the death knight. At least for now, the lich is more like a death knight than a magician.

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Well 20% ward conversion from the healing (from previous 100%) is a major nerf. Thats where most of the ward was coming from, and now you’ll only be getting a 5th of the total. Regardless if you abused this or not, having 1/5 of a conversion from 5/5 conversion, is what destroys overperforming builds.

For some reason i missed that. I agree that is a cool way to do that

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Thanks for your answer !

Last question about this : what if I use the shield with Manifest Armor’s Shield Bearer ? I suppose the armor’s basic attack counts as a skill for that purpose ? I also guess the armor can gain ward even though I use skills (though it stops me from gaining any) and vice versa ?

Yeah, kinda happy about this, but what we really want to know is: did the Wraithlord get an icon yet?

Mana regen using puncture isnt broken i used it in 3 different marksmens builds.

How did they fail the marksmen for 2 cycles? One of these marksmans is at about 250c before i got bord this cycle.

Most likly will push higher with a marksman in cycle 2 now that theres a reason to even push corruption

I’d argue the channeling changes are a buff. Even if you added 8 to all channel costs bc of removing their inability to regen during channels, you still come out ahead if you have any mana regen.
Frostbite damage was increased significantly.
Buffs and debuffs no longer are overwritten by shorter versions.
Death Seal can now go to 0 cost (It can now be used at negative mana).
All Skeletal Minions had HP increases.
Disintegrate had massive buffs and changes.
Firebrand got buffs across the board.
Flame Reave was buffed thrice and nerfed once.
Focus was buffed.
Frost Claw was buffed many times, nerfed a few times.
Avalanche was completely changed, and the numbers are almost all higher than they were before.
Maelstrom buffed across the board.
Serpent Strike buffed across the board.
Crow Storm buffed.
Summon Wolf buffed.
Acid Flask buffed across the board.
Cinder Strike buffed across the board.
Dancing Strikes buffed across the board.
Flurry buffed across the board.

I can keep going if my point hasn’t been made. You not reading the patch notes doesn’t mean there aren’t buffs in here.

Edit: So far as ward goes, it was buffed for normal builds, it was nerfed for abusive builds. The change is healthy for the game. Just because you’re sad you can’t have 100,000 ward anymore doesn’t mean it isn’t good.