Last Epoch could be the first MMOARPG

After lots of discussion, I noticed that the same concept of how LE could be unique from the other ARPS keeps popping up. That concept is making LE an MMOARPG.

Last epoch has a very close relationship with lots of this. I have a vision that arena could be transformed into pvp ques. How pve could be remade to enable more frequent grouping for monoliths or even dungeons. I can easily see clans and the like added. All of these things are possible because of le’s very close relationship with the trinity (damage, tank, heal) roles which is void in other ARPGS for the most part (especially d4).

Just some food for thought. Granted, this is a lot of work but not as much as it would be fore d4 etc.

Yeah that’s never going to happen.


It technically would be 2nd or third. The first one could be lost ark, second one could be considered diablo 4 [at least if we consider most popular games]

Gods war online [2007] would take the title from my knowledge. In many ways it was PoE before PoE was a thing and game was tagged as an mmo, but may be others i dont know off.

The main principle of LE was that everything can be done alone and there is no content that needs a group.
If you wanted a mmoarpg you are a bit late to party because Marvel Heroes is no more.


Marvel Heroes(2013(fixed)) - Made by David Brevik of Diablo Fame (He wanted D3 to become an MMOARPG before he left)
Devilian(2015) - a Korean MMOARPG that predates Lost Ark
Mu Legend(2017) - another Korean game that predates Lost Ark

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Ye there are a few, never heard of the ones you listed. But i will take you at your word.

Main thing i kind of tried to remember by is a game that is an isometric A-MMORPG instead of an isometric ARPG or an isometric mmo which is what OP is not asking for.

The two are similar but not necessarily same thing.

ARPG is just action Role Play Game
MMO a game that is played in groups usually in open world, needs no offical party
RPG: just means role playing game, does not need progression

MMORPG: a stand in term for a party based game, with a form of progression
Isometric RPG: an rpg with top down camera, gameplay is turn based
Isometric ARPG: an RPG with isometric camera and real time combat no turns

Depending on how you look at it, can get complicated. Here is why i picked Godswar

  • offically tagged as an MMO, and has both party play and open world co-op gameplay in form of pve, and pvp, game is not turn based, is top down, has progression in the form of tomes

(find book, upgrade tree, unlock skills as get stronger, gear is deterministic), has customization, has fast paced numerical combat. Some what modern world design*

Some of the older games dont match these critera

Im with you on changing the arena. It is beyond a waste of time and effort. Raids in LE sound so fun to me, or even just a boss fight that you have to play with three other players to do. (or not if you are giga chad strong) It won’t happen, but fun to think about.

Ragnarok Online (2002) was a lot closer to Diablo 2 than Diablo 3 was.
Good enough for me to call RO an ARPG. And it was Korean, too :wink:

I never played ragnarok but I’ve heard it compared to ARPGs and it was iso right?

Yeah, people get really heated about calling games like Lost Ark ARPGs at all. But to me it differentiates between tab targeted MMOs. If it plays like an ARPG but has MMO systems then I think MMO-ARPG is the perfect description myself. /shrug

And isometric view is only required for Diablo Clones, as ARPGs can definitely have first or third person cameras.

Oh and to answer the OP. I definitely don’t want Last Epoch to pivot to being a full fledged MMO. But raids would be fine.

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Yes, it was isometric, and the control scheme was quite similar. LMB to move, etc.
Felt similar to playing Diablo, albeit a bit slower.
Nice PvP mode :slight_smile:

Not gonna happend. Hack and slash diabloids and wow-like games are totally different. The main point is: the first ones is solo-oriented games - you can complete all content solo, and the second ones not - you need other peoples to do it. I don’t want raid or something what should require another ppl to play with me sorry. This is not a place for them, let me grind alone with my wolfs.

Sorry for being pedantic, but slight correction:
Marvel Heroes released 2013. It was rebranded Marvel Heroes 2015 and Marvel Heroes 2016 in those respective years and Marvel Heroes Omega 2017, shortly before Disney shut it down.

From all the games I saw being mentioned here Marvel Heroes is definitely the only one I would consider truely a ARPG with MMO elements.

All other games are MMO’s or other type of games with slight leanings towards ARPG.

Marvel Heroes was a true ARPG at its core.

But to go back to OP’s request This will never happen. EHG took a clear stance that they will never implement any systems or mechanic that would require more than one player. The entire game will be soloable.


What I would like to see is some endgame mechanic where players can assemble a small team of NPCs that can be levelled and equipped, 3 of them joining the player in some sort of content designed around the concept.

For each other player in the party, one less NPC could be brought along.

No clue how you came to that concusion.
Even if you setup those points it wouldnt change to an mmo.
Its just a arpg with multiplayer features, same as POE already.
Diablo4 is bearly a mmoarpg and only because of the worldbosses, which are a joke.

I hate mechanics that invlole having npc’s. Hopefully this will never come.

Everything that forces me to play with npc’s should be 100% optional and not a core feature or game mode.

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I fixed it thanks.

The weird thing about Marvel Heroes was that Brevik was too busy on the business side and his devs were MOBAfying the game a bit without him knowing. He stated on stream once that he was not a fan of signature, ultimates and I believe the cooldowns to force rotations.

The game deserved better but they were forced to release it in a really bad state due to the suits. And too many players never returned after trying it.

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The game had its issues for sure. But overall it was the single best and fairest F2P games I personally ever played. The ingame shop and how cosmetics and eternity splinter system was handled was the most fair and customer friendly that I have ever seen. (to this day).

Regarding Signatures and Ultimates and a lot of cooldown, I actually think they were excellent designed. Especially for some. Of the later Heroes like Doom, which had 3 different signatures, one for each branch.
Ultimates were kinda purposefully over the top, but I still liked them.
Signatures were Ina perfect spot IMO 15-45sec cooldown that wipe the entire screen or kill a boss from 50-0% HP just felt so good from a powerfantasy, especially because the hero design and kit always felt very true to the comics and what the heroes is supposed to be thematically.
(e.g. Penance Stare, No More Mutants, Deadpool Surprise Box)

To this day it is my most played and most favorite game that I have ever played. As good as LE is, I don’t think LE will ever reach MH for me personally. LE is just not going into certain directions enough so I could call it more enjoyable than MH for me.


Marvel Heroes was an MMOARPG and it was great, probably the most fun I’ve had in online play, it helped we had a nice community too.

Sadly it closed servers and can’t ever play that masterpiece again, I wish they had made an offline mode :frowning: