Last Epoch 1.0 Patch Notes

Enemy Changes

New or Replaced Enemies

Chapter 3

  • Replaced all void cultists except for a few minibosses
  • Replaced Voidfused Bears with Consumed Groles
  • Updated Weathered Statue model and abilities
  • Replaced Ruin Skuttlers with Cockroaches
  • Replaced Bloated Husks and Decayed Husks with Sprouting Husks

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Chapter 4

  • Imperial Hoplites have been rebalanced and moved to Imperial Thetima
  • Removed Flame Remnants
  • Removed Storm Remnants (they still spawn in endgame)
  • Added Zombie Hounds
  • Added Mortal Hunters
  • Added Bone Sculptors
  • Added War Tombs
  • Removed Bone Cairns (they still spawn in endgame and will be re-added elsewhere in the campaign in future)
  • Added Inquisitor Captain Nerva
  • Added Praetor Taranis
  • Added Headhunter Lavian
  • Added Sirenis the Accuser
  • Added the Storm Cage
  • Removed Avian Chimeras
  • Removed Feline Chimeras
  • Removed Avialine Chimeras
  • Removed Occultists
  • Removed Wraithbinders
  • Added Imperial Mariners
  • Added Imperial Navigators
  • Added Swampfiends
  • Added Lightning Wraiths
  • Replaced Necromancer’s Crows with Drowned Ravens

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Chapter 5

  • Updated Giant Scorpions
  • Added Crimson Scorpions
  • Added Sand Scorpions
  • Removed Blood Scorpions
  • Removed Jewelled Skuttlers
  • Removed Jewelled Spitters
  • Removed Sapphirals
  • Added Undead Hydras
  • Updated Drowned Husks
  • Updated Dune Wraiths (they no longer spawn endlessly)
  • Added Blood Gorgons
  • Added Mummified Nagasa
  • Added Titan Leeches
  • Added Leech Slayers
  • Added Zerrick’s Hands
  • Added Desiccated Corpses
  • Added Soul Binders
  • Transfusion Caskets
  • Added Immortal Firebrand
  • Added The Bone Furnace
  • Added Venator Ealos
  • Added The Stygian Warden
  • Added Praetor Vul’arta

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Chapter 6

  • Added Imperial Deadeyes
  • Added Sewer Dwellers
  • Removed Blood Chimeras
  • Added Bone Scavengers
  • Added Bone Mimics
  • Updated Rustland Stalkers
  • Updated Giant Rats
  • Added Rotting Hounds

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Ranged enemy behavior changes

  • Several ranged enemies now move more between attacking to make combat feel more dynamic
  • This also makes these enemies less oppressive and robotic when fighting them
  • Enemies include:
    • Skalnir Mercenary
    • Imperial Scouts
    • Imperial Sentries
    • Imperial Arbalests
    • Wengari Raiders
    • Solar Auxiliaries
    • Osprix Lightmages
    • Ascendant Embermages
    • Sapphire Nagasa

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Other Changes

  • All enemies have 2% more health
  • All enemies deal 1% more damage
  • Increased enemy health and damage globally above level 60, by around 5% at level 80 and around 25% at level 100.

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Visuals, Sound, & UI

Visual Updates

Enemy Visuals

  • Soul Warden
  • Imperial Deadeye
  • Elder Pannion Husk
  • Frozen Dryad
  • Frost Spriggan
  • Admiral Harton
  • Imperial Siege Captain
  • Necrotic Wisp
  • Armored Phoenix
  • Frost Lich Formosus’ model
  • Adjusted the Void Dart ability on the Dark Seer enemy to have a slightly smaller hitbox and not pierce.
  • Adjusted the Void Dart vfx to be a little smaller and a shorter trail.
  • Updated the rune on the hazard in the Rustlands Arena.
  • Updated the fire on the Volatile Bristlemaw enemy
  • Added vfx to the Osprix Zealot’s dash attack
  • Abomination Boss
  • Teeming Husk
  • Ancient Dragon indicator

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Other Visual Updates

  • When the Primalist transforms back into a human after being a Werebear, Spriggan, or Swarmblade, there is now a puff of dust to make the transition a little nicer
  • Added Screen Shake to most Rogue Abilities and fixed a bug with screen shake not working for on hit effects. This should make many skills feel better.
  • Updated Character Select screen
    • Updated background and lighting
    • Added support to spin and zoom in/out on characters
    • Updates all classes in Character Select with the new rig and proportions
  • Improved the the visual orbiting of orbit/spiral skills including:
    • Shuriken
    • Devouring Orb
    • Hammer Throw
    • Static Orb
  • Stash visual update, including a new model, animations, and vfx
  • Updated Void Yiqi Visuals
  • Several ailment VFX are updated
  • New Models for Primalist minion Skills
    • Summon Storm Crow
    • Summon Scorpion
    • Summon Sabertooth
    • Summon Raptor
  • Updated the VFX for a large number of skills
    • Fire explosion vfx that is used on explosion nodes on Smite, Forge Strike, Infernal Shade, Rive, and Enchant Weapon.
    • Infernal shade’s explosion node now visually converts to blood if you take the blood conversion node
    • Hail of Arrows (casting vfx, and channeled node vfx)
    • Dark Quiver (casting vfx)
    • Dive Bomb (area, speed, Shadow Falcons, Feather Rain, general vfx)
    • Summon Skeleton (vfx)
    • Disintegrate (range increased by 20%)
    • Fireball (speed and duration)
    • Rive (hitbox and vfx)
    • Erasing Strike (vfx)
    • Tempest Strike (vfx and some timings)
    • Detonating Arrow (vfx)
    • Acid Flask pools (small bugfix)
    • Hungering Souls (ailment vfx)
    • Profane Veil (vfx fix)
    • Bone Prison
    • Summoned Revenant (full update)
    • Caltrops (vfx and position)
    • Hammer Throw (hammer in hand)
    • Javelin (javelin in hand)
    • Lethal Mirage (lightning vfx)
    • Smoke Bomb (movement nodes speed and animation)
    • Aerial Assault (still a bit wip but speed and anim)
    • Avalanche (non channeled node stutter step)
    • Summon Skeleton Archer (vfx)
    • Runic Invocation (leaping nodes speed)
    • Lightning Blast (casting vfx)
    • Spriggan Form (summon vines summon delay)
    • Forge Strike (timing tweaks)
    • Healing Hands (melee vfx)
    • Marrow Shards (vfx and speed)
    • Wandering Spirits (poison spit vfx)
    • Anomaly (time bubble vfx)
    • Wolf Howl size
    • Bone Curse

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  • Added a disclaimer that cosmetics cannot be equipped to offline characters
  • Performance and visual improvements to previous MTX items
  • Added several new pets: “Guppy” the Baby Chronowyrm, Phase Sphinx, Twilight Fox, Frosthorn Owl, Seer’s Orbs, Dire-Guanas, and Bees
  • Added five new armor sets: Argentum Myrmidon, Crescent Sage, Crystalweave Plate, Fallen Ronin, and Temporal Guardian
  • Added five new helmets: Divine Shroud, Necrotic Shroud, Moltenplume Gaze, Crystal Crown, and Dreadforged Helm
  • Added several new Backslots: Voidgaze Mantle, Fire Warden’s Wings, Rime Mantle, Spring’s Bounty, Autumnal Wrap, Midsummer’s Dream, Mantle of the Prophesier, Merchant’s Mantle
  • Added three new Portals: Champions Pass, Celestial Way, Firefly’s Refuge
  • Added 4 new Weapons: Wyrmscale Aegis, Time Guardian Catalyst, and Divine Fist mace bundle.
  • Added some Kickstarter, Alpha, and Beta Supporter Pack Rewards: Kickstarter Backer Portraits, Ancient Portal, and Otom Otom’s Blessing

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UI Updates

Nearly all of the user interface in the game has been updated with better visuals, improved legibility, more information where helpful or improved information for clarity. Not all minor changes are listed


  • Added an experience panel that gives detailed information about your characters current level that can be access via hovering over the XP bar on the HUD or the level display on the character information screen
  • Added a level display below the experience bar on the HUD
  • Bottom of screen HUD icons showing you have new passive points, skill points, unlocked specialization slots, etc. have effects for better visibility
  • Reaper Form health material has been slightly adjusted
  • Arena wave HUD visual update
  • In-game Chat help - Improved layout and information

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  • Continued improvements to translations for all supported languages
  • Added full translation support across all in-game text. Players may encounter UI display issues as we work to accommodate text that varies widely by language.
  • Please use our in-game Support tool to help us gather feedback. These reports should be tagged as “feedback” for localization.
  • Cinematic subtitles updated
  • Boss voice over text is now shown in chat box

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  • Added a loading message to region display upon login
  • Steam Required error panel has been updated with more accurate and helpful information
  • Added Credits which can be found on the landing page
  • Escape menu is now shown on top of many panels that it was beneath allowing access to it in more states
  • Revised the wording to the Support Ticket form and fixed some typos
  • Disabled gameplay zoom while the Support Ticket form is open
  • Removed the support/feedback options from the Report a Bug form now that there is a separate Support form

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Map & Quest Log

  • Map has been redesigned to be full screen and only show the currently select quest on click for better map visibility. Graphics have been updated to better show towns, dungeons, campaign skips, and other notable locations
    • Quest tracker has been updated so that you can pin and unpin tracked quests. Main quests will always be tracked. There is now an icon to the left of each quest denoting the campaign chapter where the quest is located
  • Quest markers have been redesigned to feature 3d icons above NPC heads and now better reflect the following states for main and side quests: Quest Available, Quest Accepted, Quest Ready for Turn In
  • Quest Tracker and mini-map on the right side of the HUD have been visually updated
  • Reworked quest UI in campaign, dungeons, arena and monolith

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  • Tutorial tooltips have been added to many areas to better explain Corruption, Stability, the Timeline web, Gaze of Orobyss, and more.
  • Center timeline node has been made visually more prominent to aid people finding it more easily when having a timeline with many echoes unveiled

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  • Nearly every modal/panel in the game has been updated with new styling and the custom Last Epoch font
  • Many panels have been updated with new effects to highlight actions or potential actions better, like unspent points in the passives panel, investing points in the skills panel, and the availability to transfer items in the inventory panel
  • Stash panel has been updated with smooth scroll for many tabs and visual improvements
  • Character sheet layout has been updated (an even more detailed character sheet is still planned for a future update)
  • Game Guide articles now have buttons to link those articles directly into chat so you can more easily help your fellow travelers learn about Last Epoch!
  • Blessings Panel design has been updated to reflect their tie to the Epoch artifact
  • Choose a Blessing panel from stabilizing a timeline has been redesigned and tells you how to unlock the fourth and fifth blessing options
  • Shader removal for inventory items for performance improvement

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Social Panel and Experience

  • The Social Experience has been improved
    • Improved response time for party changes and friend updates
    • Character portraits load faster
    • Party panel not longer show you on an empty party when you invite someone
    • Added do not disturb status to auto reject all party invites
    • Removed unused fields from the social panel
    • Added new chat messages for social actions (add friend, block, invite)
    • You will no longer see party invites from blocked players
  • Refer a Friend
    • You can now send your invite code to a friend and they can claim you as the person who referred you to purchase Last Epoch.
    • You may only claim one person as the person who referred you.
    • Each time a person enters your referral code, you will receive one of three Bee-themed cosmetic pet rewards, up to a maximum of 3.
    • Referral codes can be sent from the Social panel

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Sprite Updates

  • All class badges have been updated across the game
  • All Keyboard and Mouse icons
  • All quest related sprites
  • Information icons and buttons
  • Refresh icon
  • Shade of Orobyss echo node
  • Sanctuary of Eterra echo node
  • Buff and debuff icon holders updated for better visual weight and clarity
  • New specialization slot unlocked
  • Basic attack icon
  • Move-to icon
  • New passive point available icon

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  • Item tooltips design has been updated and visually redesigned to show larger item art and contain better prompt information and options - especially on gamepad
  • Added “Estimated” in DPS tooltips to signify that calculations displayed don’t account for many interactions and bonuses that may exist in your character’s build or situation
  • Player and minion card have slightly visual updates

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  • Reduced the tutorialization in early zones
    • removed move tutorial
    • removed party up tutorial
    • removed using skills tutorial
    • movement tutorial only triggers if sitting still for 6 seconds in the spawn location
  • Updated Game Guide (Accessible by pressing ‘G’)

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  • Gamepad Main Menu wheel updated to include access to more panels and options
  • Most confirm buttons can now be used by pressing “Enter”
  • In towns you will now see faction affiliation displayed above characters. You may trade with other characters in-town if aligned with the Merchants Guild faction
  • Disabled timer on death screen to avoid it appearing when not needed
  • Loot Filter added to bottom fly out menu and game pad wheel menu
  • Updated damage number visuals based on gameplay elements
  • Added a short loading screen and transition effect when entering Monolith echoes

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  • Increased volume on Immortal Overseer death sound
  • Increased volume on Soul Cage Beam
  • Increased volume of rain in the The Dreadnought’s Deck global ambience
  • Profane Flesh now has Vocal sound effects for it’s main rock throwing ability
  • Flame Gryphon should now play all sounds in online play, and the sounds for when they fly in, dash and sounds for the novas have all been replaced
  • Increased volume on sfx and vocal sfx for skeleton enemies
  • Implemented louder vocals for Stormthrower Zael
  • Fixed issue where various skill sounds on Sapphire Nagasa weren’t playing in online play
  • Ice Elemental Boss has new sounds for its projectile skill, summoning mirrored elemental and the death sound is more clear now
  • Increased frequency of player on-kill and attack/hurt lines
  • Reduced volume on poison explosion sounds that play when Poison Hounds die
  • Reduced volume of hanging cages sound effect that can be heard in The Risen Lake
  • Increased the fail chance on Void Scholar attack vocals
  • Weathered Statues have new sound effects
  • Rat enemies have new sound effects
  • Increased volume on Immortal Overseer death sound
  • Increased volume on Soul Cage Beam
  • Added new sfx to the new Ulatri Scavenger enemy

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  • Reduced volume of boss fight music in The Ritual Site
  • Added new Music to 35 zones across most chapters including Monolith Hub, and Echo of a World

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  • Bone Curse and its conversions have new sfx
  • Tempest Strike has all new sound effects
  • Add new use sound, projectile sound and hit sound to Arrow Nova
  • Implemented 2D audio parameter control for Transplant.
  • Changed hit sound on Bone Splinters
  • Removed projectile sound from Skeletal Mage’s Hungering Souls
  • Changed Explosion sound on Ballista’s Armed Construction and Explosive Delivery nodes
  • Multistrike base skills now has a new hit sound
  • Replaced fire layer sfx on Volatile Zombie’s puke fire vfx
  • Added hit sound to Devouring Orb for when the impact node is selected
  • Changed the sound of Volcanic Orb’s small explosion
  • Replaced raptor footsteps sfx
  • Changed the return sound effect for Chakram
  • Added 2D sound functionality to the Chakram Use Sound

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Voice Acting

  • Acolyte has a new voice
  • Admiral Harton has a new voice
  • Large number of Imperial Enemies now have spoken voice lines
  • Wengari enemies have new voices
  • Void Cultists all have new voices
  • Drowned Husks have new vocal sound effects

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  • Replaced old portal sound that was on monolith portal to the new town portal sound
  • Given all player summons hit sound receivers that are set to “Player” so that they emit quieter hit sounds like the player
  • Increased volume of rain in the The Dreadnought’s Deck global ambience
  • Adjusted volume and mix for all MTX portals and pets
  • Adjusted VFX and timings of many skills to align better with combat
  • Audio Device is now selectable in the Sound settings panel

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Bug Fixes

General Skill Bugfixes

  • Fixed an overarching problem with how skills are used in online play which should address a number of bugs:
    • Fixed players getting stuck in place after using a skill they didn’t meet requirements for
    • Fixed players casting a skill and doing nothing for a skill they didn’t meet requirements for
    • Fixed some behaviors with channeling skills
  • Fixed several visual bugs with minion vfx and animations
  • Fixed a bug where Marked For Death was applying -50% resistances instead of the listed -25%
  • Ignite now correctly just says “Ignite” rather than “An Ignite”, in line with other ailments
  • Fixed a number of skills VFX not playing correctly because they were not pooled
  • Fixed a bug where some skills which can be turned into Traversal skills allowed you to bypass walls normal Traversal skills won’t:
    • Smite now behaves the same as Lunge, but can bypass obstacles
    • Focus now goes to the furthest accessible point like Teleport
    • Void Cleave now works the same as Shift
  • Fixed a bug where sources of elemental penetration, such as Runic Invocation’s Elemental Lore, provided seven times more penetration than intended
  • Fixed bugs as a result of quickly tapping channeled skills

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Acolyte Skill Bugfixes

Bone Curse

  • Sigil of Mortality node in Bone Curse now clarifies that it overwrites Mark for Death’s normal duration

Dread Shade

  • Symbiotic Apparition node now clearly states that you are only affected by beneficial buffs from the tree.


  • Fixed a bug where Harvest’s physical conversion did not change its vfx

Infernal Shade

  • Fixed a bug where Infernal Shade’s Combustion did not convert to physical damage when Blood Shade was also allocated
  • Fixed a bug where Infernal Shade’s Combustion did not benefit from increases to Infernal Shade’s area within its tree (previously it was only affected by Fiery Conclusion)
  • Fixed a bug where Infernal Shade had both the physical and fire tags while Blood Shade and Combustion were allocated. It will now only display the physical tag in that case

Hungering Souls

  • Fixed Vengeful Souls in Hungering Souls not granting the appropriate chance to only have 1 soul of 70% (from 60% actually) and fixed the description saying 60% when the statline correctly said 70% (had to check old patch notes from Discord to get the correct values that said 70%)

Rip Blood

  • The Carrion Hunger no longer incorrectly shows the Blood Splatter tooltip when holding alt
  • Fixed a bug where the when-hit vfx and on-hit vfx were going the wrong direction on Rip Blood

Summon Skeleton

  • Fixed a bug where Skeleton Rogue’s Shurikens would be destroyed when colliding with a target that had already been hit by a Shuriken from this cast. They will now pass through the target and be able to hit other enemies.

Summon Volatile Zombie

  • Fixed a bug where Volatile Zombies’s Grand Sacrifice and Effigy of Combustion could trigger while on negative mana

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Mage Skill Bugfixes

Black Hole

  • Fixed a bug where Black Hole with Cascade Fracture and Armageddon could indefinitely attempt to consume mana to cast Meteors after it had ended

Elemental Nova

  • Spark Charges node in Elemental Nova now states the correct duration of 1 second for Spark Charges applied by it

Frost Claw

  • Fixed it so the “Age of Vengeance” node in the Frost Claw tree works again


  • Fixed a bug where Meteor’s indicator would fly up high if you took the area nodes in the tree


  • Fixed a bug where Echomancy could forget your Runebolt combo based on your last Runic Invocation when moving between zones in online play
  • Runebolt’s Efficient Experiment node now correctly states that it requires Glyph of Chaos and not Rune of Chaos
  • Fixed a bug where Enigma couldn’t be allocated even if you had points in Adept Runescribing

Runic Invocation

  • Clarified the Attuned Approach node in Runic Invocation only refunds mana on direct casts

Runic Invocations

  • Fixed a bug that caused some Runic Invocations to not apply ailments on their first hit
  • Fixed a bug where the Unbridled Ruin invocation did not gain bonus damage per rune consumed
  • Fixed a bug where Runic Invocation could fail to cast in some situations when Interlude or Prologue are allocated
  • Fixed a bug where Revik’s Blizzard had a freeze rate 17% lower than intended

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Primalist Skill Bugfixes


  • Fixed a bug where the Coldstone Elementals from Elemental Bond did not receive the attribute scaling listed on their ability tooltip

Eterra’s Blessing

  • Ancestral Renewal now shows the Summon Healing Totems tooltip.
  • Caustic Renewal now shows the Summon Scorpion tooltip.
  • Soul Bound now shows the Summon Spriggan tooltip.

Fury Leap

  • The Summon Vines from Rise now show more info such as duration and base health of Vines.
  • Violent Upheaval now properly shows ability tooltip for Upheaval when holding alt.


  • Grip of Chaos now correctly say that Twisters deal physical damage and not cold damage
  • Grip of Chaos now shows the Twister ability tooltip when holding alt

Spriggan Form

  • Fixed a bug where Spirit Thorns visuals would linger longer than intended after hitting an enemy.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented Spriggan Form’s Summon Vines resetting it’s cooldown correctly

Summon Thorn Totem

  • Clarified Winterwood to say that Thorn Totem deals additional spell cold damage including its own thorns.
  • Fixed a few spelling errors.
  • Clarified if a node modifier affects the whole skill or just the thorns.


  • Claw Totems have more info such as about health and duration
  • Fixed Primal Resonance saying Companion rather than Companion when holding alt


  • Fixed a spelling mistake on Master of the Totem
  • Stonethorn Pillars now shows the Thorn Totem tooltip when holding alt


  • Toxic Companions now shows the Summon Wolf tooltip.
  • Whirlpool now shows the Maelstrom tooltip.

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Rogue Skill Bugfixes

Flurry & Detonating Arrow

  • Fixed a bug where multiple skills such as Flurry or Detonating Arrow would miss a target that it shouldn’t

Acid Flask

  • Acid Flask Description now clearly states its initial explosion deals physical damage.

Dancing Strikes

  • Trickling Cuts now clearly states that it’s a global damage over time modifier, rather than a local one to the tree


  • Fixed a bug where Bleeding Fury would display its name as Firebrand


  • Fixed a bug where Shurikens could fail to cast if you transitioned to a new zone while Blade Shield was active in offline
  • Fixed a bug where shurikens miss nearby targets
  • Alt text now states that added damage applies at 100% effectiveness

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Sentinel Skill Bugfixes

Devouring Orb

  • Devouring Orb - Cataclysm now shows the Void Eruption tooltip.

Erasing Strike

  • The Void Beams in the tree now have clearer descriptions.

Forge Strike

  • Now shows the Summon Weapon tooltip.
  • Clarified Spear Forge to say it deals damage in a smaller area.

Holy Aura

  • Base description now more clearly states it grants additional elemental resistance.

Hammer Throw

  • Fixed Iron Spiral not showing the added mana cost as red.


  • Capture the Flag Javelin node effect looks better when moving


  • Skill description now highlights Consecrated Ground
  • Anointed now shows the Consecrated Ground tooltip
  • Holy Eruption now shows the Holy Eruption tooltip
  • Righteous Decree now shows the Smite tooltip


  • Fixed spelling mistake in Ambuscade.
  • Lead the Charge explains the effect happens at the end.
  • Voidbringer shows the correct Time Rot info.
  • Rough Cuts clarifies that it only affects the hits along the path, not the final hit

Manifest Armor

  • Fixed spellings of “Armor”.
  • Blast Forge now shows the Forge Breath tooltip.
  • Whirlwind now shows the Whirlwind attack tooltip.
  • Dash Boots now shows the Charge tooltip.


  • Armaments is highlighted in the main description
  • Armament stacks now show more info such as max default stacks and duration.
  • Echoed Warfare now clarifies what Echoes are.


  • Fixed the increased cooldown recovery speed from Mystic Aegis being multiplicative with other modifiers.
  • Fixed a bug where the buffs from Protective Legacy always had a base duration of 2 seconds, instead of being based on channel duration
  • Wildfire Shell has more info about Spreading Flames.

Ring of Shields

  • Collateral Damage now shows the Shrapnel tooltip.
  • Clarified Displacement wording to say “target location”.


  • Massacre now provides the correct subskill tooltip for the detonation
  • Indomitable provides a subskill tooltip for Energy Wave
  • Removed incorrect alt text from Foe Cleaver

Sigils of Hope

  • Enduring Hope and Healing Rites now clearly states duration with “seconds”.
  • Divine Flare now shows the Divine Flare tooltip.

Shield Bash

  • Breadth clarifies that it increases the length of the area.

Shield Rush

  • The Void Beams in the tree now have clearer descriptions.

Shield Throw

  • Eruption now shows the Lava Burst tooltip.
  • Manifest Inspiration now shows the Manifest Armor tooltip.

Smelter’s Wrath

  • Fixed spellings of “Armor”
  • Clarified Blacksmith’s Breadth to say it charges up faster
  • Detonation clarified the nova happens around you
  • Crucible area clarification
  • Axe Volley now shows the Axe Volley tooltip
  • Furnace now shows the Furnace tooltip
  • Fixed a bug where the bright decal would be hiding behind the dark one on smelter’s wrath’s windup


  • All nodes link to the proper Fissure skill tooltip and Fissure itself is better explained.
  • Fixed a bug where Fissure damage wasn’t being increased by Sacrifice node


  • Juggernaut Stance explains in the alt text that you can block without needing a shield.
  • Reckless Spin explains that you can mitigate the elemental resistance reduction with gear and passives.
  • Forgemaster’s Stance link to Forged Weapons, rather than Forge Strike.

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System Bugfixes


  • Fixed a bug so minions will now travel with you into arenas correctly
  • Fixed a bug where dummies break in Arena after transitioning scenes
  • Fixed a bug to synchronize necrotic traps in Rustlands Arena
  • Fixed a bug to give the Wengari in the lobby a visible weapon

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  • Fixed several issues with misplaced button highlights
  • Fixed a bug that made certain menus disallow Players from moving on controller
  • Fixed occasionally buy/sell prompt can be visible on dropped items
  • Fixed switching Vendor tabs with RB/LB not working
  • Fixed controller d-pad input is not working on party death screen
  • Fixed controller d-pad selection breaking in inventory menu
  • Fixed a bug where too much loot drops so that Controller’s D-Pad scroll cannot reach all of the items
  • Fixed a bug where item tooltip behavior when pressing ALT+CTRL differs depending on which is pressed first
  • Fixed a bug where you can not target soul repositories in Welryn Undercity
  • Fixed a bug where controller pointer velocity setting does not persist between sessions
  • Fixed a bug that made interior doors in The Great College annoying to using controller
  • Fixed a bug where Warpath ends but character stuck in channeling state (no animation or mana regen)

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  • Fixed a bug that would cause dungeon boss doors to open in solo play before they pressed ready
  • Fixed a bug that would cause jarring transitions inside Temporal Sanctum
  • Fixed a bug that caused the 3 chests in The Sanctum Archive to not drop any loot in online

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Monolith of Fate

  • Fixed damage value on damage and crit chance monolith mod
  • Fixed a bug where players couldn’t enter an echo if the host leaves it first
  • Fixed a bug where “Portaling” notification would remain on screen after portaling in echoes
  • Fixed a bug where all monoliths waypoints were displaying level 25
  • Fixed a bug where a user could no longer open menus via hotkeys after a different user opened a monolith echo.
  • Fixed a bug where echoes would fail to load and display “already in progress” after finishing a quest echo​
  • Fixed a bug where echoes would appear to load without a floor
  • Fixed a bug where the reward rock and chest in Echo of a World scale their rarity based on the active echo, instead of the echo that was just completed to get those rewards
  • Fixed a bug where using a return Portal From Echo of a World puts you back in your last Echo

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Online Gameplay

  • Addressed multiple issues that could cause critical matchmaking failures that result in errors such as infinite loading screens, disconnects, and the inability to login
  • Server latency is now accurately reflected on login by pinging available servers
  • Fixed a number of bugs that caused Infinite loading screen for online and offline Monolith
  • Fix for bug that caused crash / login disconnects for stashes with over 4000 items
  • Fixed problems with many different skills so using them should feel more responsive and align better with hit timings
  • Fixed problems with many visuals of player skills or enemy skills being invisible
  • Fixed problems that caused enemies or players to be invisible
  • Fixed enemies in Arena and Monolith not properly animating after spawning
  • Overhauled the Social system in order to improve reliability and speed for creating and playing with parties
  • Addressed a number of problems that were specific to players portaling to each other
  • Fixed a number of bugs that caused animations to play at a different time than the attack for a number of skills such as Smelter’s Wrath
  • Fixed some cases where using movement skills would result in rubberbanding effects
  • Fixed bugs that caused players to see themselves or other players with no equipment
  • Fixed a bug that allowed new players being able to connect to a server that’s shutting down
  • Fixed a bug with the chest not being clickable and some of the animations going missing
  • Fixed a bug that caused infinite loading by rapidly clicking during the loading screen of a transition
  • Fixed a bug where rejecting party invites from someone on the same scene, triggers the party rejected notification for everyone on the scene
  • Fixed an issue where quest echo objectives were breaking / not displaying correctly in a party
  • Fixed an issue where quest list objectives would disappear when returning to Echo of a World while your party member were still in the echo
  • Fixed a bug where players become invisible while playing in a party during monoliths
  • Fixed a bug where using player portal back to town doesn’t put you near your portal
  • Fixed online character list regeneration after deleting an offline character
  • Fixed a bug causing top left party frames UI to not update on disband
  • Fixed a bug that caused some minimap quest pings not to function in online mode
  • Fixed a bug that caused a portal to open immediately upon joining a party in End of Time

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  • Fixed a bug where the portal to the Council Chambers would appear too early
  • Fixed several world map bugs:
    • Side quests in your current chapter are now correctly prioritized in the quest tracker HUD
    • World map can be opened and used while dead
    • Quest scrolling can break using controller with 40+ completed quests
    • Completed quests tab on world map was not switching correctly using mouse
    • Show/Hide quests action on world map changed to inputs instead of UI buttons
  • EoT “The Immortal Empire” main quest
    • Fixed a bug where after talking to Gaspar for the first time after choosing Mastery, the player would then be portaled to The Outcast Camp instead of The Council Chambers
  • The Crossroads “Harton’s Idol” sidequest
    • Fixed a bug where nothing would happen after placing the idol and the quest can’t progress
  • Maj’Elka Slums ‘Scalebane” / “Desert Treasure” sidequest
    • Fixed a bug where if the player completed the Scalebane quest without also completing the Desert Treasure sidequest the minimap pulse for finding the Scalebane Fence would no longer appear
  • Fixed a bug causing some minimap quest icons to display as white boxes
  • Fixes the issue that you cannot close the The Council Chambers Idol Tutorial quest popup
  • Fixed several soft progression blockers that could occur in online parties:
    • In “The Crumbling Ruins” when you complete the “Inspect the shard of the Epoch” objective
    • In “The Desert Waystation” fixed an issue where the door would sometimes not open
    • In “The End of Ruin” when you complete the “Form the Epoch and enter the Time Rift.” objective
    • Completing the “Use the Artificial Waypoint” objective when traveling from “The Maj’elka Waystation” to “The Desert Waystation”
    • Completing the “Survive the Immortal Emperor!” objective when traveling from “The Immortal Citadel” to “The Gates of Solarum”

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Visual Sound, & UI Bugfixes


  • Fixed a lot of bugs with the implementation of localization as well as continued to fix and address mistranslations or typos
  • Fixed a bug that caused text distortions with localized text
  • Many UI areas that would not display some characters in other languages have been fixed

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  • Fixed a bug where the volume on the sound sliders in settings seem inconsistent. If you halve the value on sound effects, the perceived loudness was WAY too low, when comparing the same value change to the Music slider.
  • Also fixed a bug wherein if you turned down the SFX, the sound of the sfx could be heard in the scene reverb. It would also duck volume of things in the mix that should only be ducked if the sounds can be heard.
  • Fixed an issue where Potion use sounds had no attenuation and were playing at full volume for all party members regardless of who was using the potion
  • Fixed an issue where the majority of player voice lines were not playing in online
  • Fixed an issue where Soul Warden’s aggro vocals weren’t playing
  • Fixed an issue where The Ancient Forest Stomp Plant enemy was using rogue’s acid flask sounds
  • Fixed an issue where some enemy types played an old hit sound when receiving damage
  • Fixed an issue where The Outcast Camp had no/broken footstep sounds
  • Fixed an issue where Void Horror’s explosions sfx weren’t playing in online
  • Fixed an issue where some of the sfx in The Keeper Vaults roof sequence were playing twice in online
  • Removed firebrand sfx that were playing for fire-converted Earthquake aftershock
  • Fixed an issue where Scalebane Rogue’s and Casters were using player sounds
  • Fixed an issue where Crystal Elementals were using player sounds
  • Solar Ascendant, Embermage and Ascendant Raiders all have the new osprix vocal sets now
  • Removed Abomination vocals that were incorrectly playing for Shade of Orobyss
  • Fixed an issue where enemies in Temporal Sanctum were playing Shade of Orobyss’s teleport sound at super high volumes
  • Fixed an issue where Rogue’s jog animation was throwing an error relating to footstep triggers
  • Fixed an issue where some Osprix Fire Wave was using player sounds
  • Fixed an issue where some swamp fiend enemies were playing the water emerge sfx when they weren’t emerging from water
  • Fixed an issue where the impact sound for Necromancer Crows necrotic cast wasn’t playing in online
  • Fixed an issue where Imperial Era Enemy 03’s emerge sfx weren’t playing for the base version and miniboss version
  • Fixed an issue where Sabertooth’s Flurry Swipes were playing the wrong sound and also wasn’t playing any sound in online
  • Fixed an issue where the Death sound effect could play more than one instance of the sound at once
  • Fixed an issue where the explosion sound for the Last Imperial Death in B33 was missing
  • Fixed an issue where some of Stormthrower Zael’s skills weren’t playing sfx in online
  • Fixed an issue where Sentinel’s footsteps still weren’t working after the recent footstep fix was merged in for all player characters
  • Removed Vine Crawler sounds that were incorrectly implemented on the Corrupted Void Cultist enemies
  • Fixed an issue where the spawn sound effect for Assemble Abomination sometimes wasn’t playing
  • Fixed an issue where Bone Golem’s maul and slam skills were playing the wrong sounds and/or were playing two of the same sound simultaneously
  • Fixed an issue where interactable drawbridge sound effects were playing twice
  • Fixed an issue where Mirrored Ice Elemental Boss was constantly playing the Twinned monster mod sfx
  • Fixed an issue where Fire Soul Cage and Fire Soul Cage for Dungeon weren’t playing all of the updates sounds for the new soul cage enemies
  • Fixed an issue where the Chain ability indicator sfx for Immortal Emperor weren’t playing every time
  • Fixed an issue where Decoy’s emerge sound was only playing at 0,0,0 in the scene
  • Fixed an issue where Upheaval Totem was incorrectly playing warcry sound effects
  • Spawn Upheaval totem now uses the same begin use and use sound effects as all other totems skills
  • Fixed issue where Fire Tornado was playing fireball and volcanic orb sounds on top of the intended sound effects
  • Fixed issue where Void Penance’s orb explosions weren’t playing its sound effects properly
  • Fixed an issue where Thrall Rush was using the player version impact sound from Shield Rush
  • Fixed an issue where the zombie vocal sound for the vomiting skill wasn’t playing in MP
  • Removed incorrectly implemented one shot and loop sound from Vol Zombie’s puke necrotic vfx
  • Fixed an issue where the slam sound effect for the Stone Titan Boss wasn’t playing
  • Fixed an issue where the spawn sound effects on Stone Titan Boss’s Root Enemies weren’t playing
  • Fixed an issue where Rime Giant’s avalanche skill was far too loud and was incorrectly routed in the game mix
  • Fixed an issue where Defiled Nova was far too loud, and wasn’t correctly playing in 2D for local player
  • Fixed an issue where the Ring of Shield sound effect wasn’t playing in MP
  • Fixed an issue where Void Cultist Leader was using the player version of the fireball sound effects for the projectile
  • Fixed issue where various skill sounds on Sapphire Nagasa weren’t playing in MP
  • Fixed an issue where Primal Storm Crows, Necromancer Crows and Drowned Ravens weren’t playing the correct vocal sfx
  • Fixed an issue where Skullen Shaman was using player version of Lightning Blast SFX (they were crazy loud)
  • Fixed an issue where Swamp Fiend Undead and Swamp Fiend Void’s vocal and ability sounds weren’t clear enough in the mix
  • Fixed an issue where Spirit Plague was spamming client logs with 2DMix audio errors
  • Fixed an issue where The Maj’Elka Waystation was playing old atmos sfx as well as having missing sfx for the moving gears in the scene
  • Reviewed and repaired various Shade of Orobyss boss fight audio issues
  • Fixed a bug where all players in a party would hear the local player stun SFX
  • Fixed a bug where Monolith Bosses did not trigger their voice lines until dying

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User Interface

  • Fixed a bug that caused the visual infill for the ward globe wouldn’t appear in many situations
  • Fixed a bug that caused players to go to the wrong zone when waypointing from the map due to erroneous inputs
  • Removed an erroneous “Test” word that was left on the mastery panel
  • Fixed the ability to doubleclick on a dialogue box on a single click input
  • Fixed Move To and Move To + Actions flyout on action bar not displaying tooltips properly
  • Death screen in arena will no longer show timer in the background
  • Large damage numbers will now display without breaking on skill tooltips
  • Fixed a bug where you could open the inventory while in a loading screen
  • Fixed idol tutorial tooltip not showing online
  • Gambling for an item now delivers that item to your cursor, which addresses problems when players gamble when they have a full inventory
  • Fixed an issue where an item label would get stuck on your screen when entering The Lower Temple
  • Fixed walking away from stashes not closing them automagically
  • Fixed several Game Guide bugs:
    • Fixed collapsing and search to prevent subsection visual errors
    • Added support for external links, links in the community page now bring you to the mentioned website
    • Changing active page no longer causes the article to flicker weirdly

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  • Fixed a bug that caused enemy health bars to persist after death
  • Fixed a bug where Shade of Orobyss entrance animation wasn’t playing.
  • Fixed a bug where there was a slight stutter in the rogue walk animation with the bow. Also Adjusted Summon Ballista animation with the bow.
  • Fixed issues with many enemy health bars
  • Fixed a bug that caused cinematic camera angles to persist in between zone transitions
  • Fixed a bug that caused fireballs cast by Skeletal Mage Pyromancers to be offset visually
  • Fixed outlines on non-destructible objects
  • Fixed a bug where the Heorot Boss Fight version of Grael didn’t animate
  • Fixed a bug where shadows would not be set to the correct resolution
  • Fixed issue where Ground Decals/Textures seemed to be in incorrect places and persisting through zones
  • Fixed the Shake Screen On Hit component not working
  • Fixed various skill projectiles jittering including:
    • Shield Throw
    • Javelin
    • Shuriken
    • Hammer Throw
  • Fixed animation timing bugs for skills with delayed extra projectiles including:
    • Acid Flask
    • Dagger Throw
    • Flurry
    • Hungering Souls
    • Multishot
  • Fixed a bug where Acolyte would briefly T pose before transforming to reaper form
  • Fixed Nagasa Boss Cutscene cloth clipping
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the splash screen from displaying on game launch
  • Fixed waypoints visuals not being enabled correctly in certain cases
  • Fixed a bug so that Transplant decal scales with area increases now

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Other Bugfixes


  • Fixed a bug where players and minions can push larger enemies/bosses
  • Fixed issues with many enemy and boss skills, attacks, or indicators being invisible
  • Fixed issues which could cause enemies to have missing or broken textures
  • Fixed enemy above head healthbars being inappropriate scales
  • Fixed a bug that caused Majasa’s death animation to play twice
  • Fixed a bug that caused Resurrecting enemies to revive immediately
  • Fixed a bug that caused Bell Brother Bartholomew’s bell swing attack to do no damage​

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  • Fixed a bug where the self-inflicted bleeds from Bleeding Heart received penetration from zone level similar to enemy attacks
  • Fixed the affixes from Death Rattle stacking
  • Fixed a bug that would cause bosses who were teleporting to drop double the loot
  • One of the requirements for adding a tier of a crafted experimental affix (must have a T7 prefix) was not working
  • The combined affix tiers used for deciding which experimental gloves affix to add used the internal 0-6 tiers rather than the displayed 1-7 tiers, making it less intuitive and causing t1 affixes to have no affect on it.
  • Fixed the Glyph of Insight drop rate being lower than intended (it depends on combined tiers and was also using 0-6 rather than 1-7)
  • Fixed being able to get shards of experimental affixes, which cannot normally exist and display incorrectly, by using Runes of Removal to remove all regular affixes and then using a Rune of Shattering to get an experimental affix as its one guaranteed affix shard.
  • Fixed a bug where Paranoia Helmet unique won’t allow using Lunge freely in Online
  • Fixed the Death Screen always saying that Calamity killed you if you had it equipped

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  • Fixed erroneous reflection probe in The Armoury
  • Fixed an issue with unlocking the waypoint in the Keepers Kamp
  • Fixed a bug that let players skip the wave fight in the Keeper’s Vault
  • Fixed a number of issues with missing or broken textures on different elements of the zones
  • Fixed issues where quests would not correctly advance in Yulia’s Haven
  • Fixed a bug that would cause the player to transition to the Ice Caverns from the Ice Caverns
  • Fixed a bug where your movement speed rate would reset on transition and not be updated automatically
  • Fixed the minimap in Yulia’s Haven
  • Fixed the incorrect respawn position in the Frozen Roots
  • Fixed the respawn point for the Sturiax fight
  • Fixed a bug in The Lower District that resulted in invisible colliders blocking projectiles
  • Fixed the missing bridge to the chest in The Northern Stream

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i’ve read everything, LGTM


This will be huge!


woo! can’t wait!


Linux part where? :cry:


lgtm, merge approved :+1:




Crazy patch notes!!!


I expect they fix online coop, the only thing that really matters…

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thx for your awesome work… cant wait for patch :wink:


Looking forward to using my controller from the couch

looks very nice, wish you all a good start :slight_smile:


so did they fix the actual p2p connection issue that forced players to have to use a paid vpn to even connect? it dont say

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Now I know what to play :wink:

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Did they fixed the blurry font?

I would like to know why the Shadow Daggers Dmg nerf comes before the offical release. You guys doing a great job but I hope 110% will not hit to hard on that

Lit! :fire: :fire:

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