Last Epoch 1.0 Patch Notes

Now I know what to play :wink:

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Did they fixed the blurry font?

I would like to know why the Shadow Daggers Dmg nerf comes before the offical release. You guys doing a great job but I hope 110% will not hit to hard on that

Lit! :fire: :fire:

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So uh. Is “full offline” mode actually offline? Will I still need an internet connection to actually play the game?

Looks amazing, can’t wait to jump in. I hope the servers are ready cause I sure am haha

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Keen to see how the new lighting looks

Awesome, hope there wont be nerfs during cycles, at least until there’s some rly broken shit.

yo guys… holy… u deserve all of my love <3 BIG W THANKS EHG

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Full offline mode is as the name implies, full offline. It does not require a connection at any point, and also does not have any features which would require internet connectivity such as leaderboards, or chat.


The hype is going up

What a strange long trip it’s been. I remember the earliest days of Last Epoch, as rough as they were. I never thought the game would get to this stage but I’m honestly glad that the game has made it this far. I’m excited for the future of Last Epoch.


I am so excited!! Ive already been dreaming about builds in my sleep

Can’t wait to throw in more hours! Good work team!

Looks good!

excellent work.
In this short term, approximately 1 year. They made big changes and improvements to the game, unlike other companies focused on their ideas and not on listening to their community.

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good job

Have I missed the improvements to loading times in MP or are they still messed up? So far everything sounds good.

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any tl;dr about buffs/nerfs ? :smiley: