Last Epoch 1.0 launches Feb 21st, 2024!

We do not officially support the Steam Deck platform. However, I have seen several reddit posts where people have got it working pretty easily. We aren’t prepared to officially start supporting any more platforms for 1.0.

Controller Support is already there.

Performance wise you need to tweak the settings a bit, but generally speaking LE runs without much trouble on Steam Deck

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thank you very much for following. Excuse me, could you share the configuration ?
Thanks so much

Sorry I do not currently have LE installed on my SteamDeck anymore, sicne I don’t really use it.

I did tested it a few patches ago just to see if it would be possible, in case I wanna paly LE on some trip where I have my SteamDeck.

I think I pretty much used the default configuration and adjusted the resolution and some texture quality settings.

Well, in best case scenario i also would appreciate some sort of Character-Customization with both Genders. That’s especially one thing which i geniune like about D4, the way they introduced Character Costumization, still having some sort of Class / Character-Fantasy where each Class (& Gender) have a distinctive look & armors (even different body types based on class) but still allow to personalize your Character to a dagree to make it your own Character (and they still have sort of a personality… Character Customization and Background / Lore / Personality isn’t exclusive to each other… look at bioware games).

That being said i also absolutely understand why EHG and LE won’t have it (on release) - and even if it wouldn’t limited by ressources and stuff, but rather their Vision / aiming for, it’s not like i would drama about it.

What is rather way more important to me is, if we get at the release in February the promised proper (real) offline-mode? Because that’s what will be deciding factor if the game will be a disappointment and will gather dust in my Library, or if it’s something which i could potentially play for a long time (i mean obviously it also factors in how good and fun the game is in long term…), 'cause Online-Only i can only tolerate rather rarely. It needs to be a geniune exception (like in case of D4 'cause the Series is one of my fond childhood memories and one of my favorite game series of all time) → and even that i still dilike/hate it and kills a lot of longlivety (i saw it with d3 - playtime on pc is rather low for a D Game, and it was once it dropped on console with offline-mode that i fully embraced it).

Anyway i’m still looking forward to the Release.

That is still planned to come with 1.0

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Thanks than i’m geniunly looking forward it. I’m still somewhat cautious about the “planned” bit, but atleast it’s something =D

I just helped resolve a merge conflict to finish setting up the UI for it.


That’s great, can’t wait for the Release then. =)

Anybody that writes a game off because a character, who was never intended to be a blank canvas, isn’t the right gender is just ridiculous and the community is better off without them.

Got a small question about the “Cycles”, is it going to be an online only feature or offline will get those as well?

As per Judd Cobler, EHG CEO and LE Game Director, yes you will be able to play Cycle content in the offline mode, albeit with some minor differences between online and offline being possible.

So at " 1.0 " the Final Boss will be Majasa - Devourer of Time, right ?
What about Fire Rahyeh,
the Immortal Emperor,
Orobyss and maybe the Monolith timelines related to them ?
Even with the 2 new masteries, there is a serious lack of content or more specifically “activities” , beyond grinding corruption, which is just a number adjustment of enemy values with no other significant mechanics involved.
A bit sad.

Actually, mono corruption is being reworked for 1.0, meaning that corruption will be more significant for difficulty and drops, rather than echo mods.

Of the campaign, yes. There’s still monos & dungeons, plus theyve got another 2-3 chapters of the story to add.


Do we know what may happen with our current corruption levels? Should we bother raising \ lowering it with the patch ~6 weeks out for better loots etc? Hate to invest too much time on that aspect just to have it reset. It will also be a real bummer (tedious) to get corruption back up to 200 for the 5th blessing slot.

I know much will be changing, just curious where we should draw the line in the sand on progression till then.


As far as I’m aware, our corruption values won’t change. The difficulty of the echoes will though. So you might have been breezing through a monolith only to now have a really hard time or even the reverse, where you now breeze through monos you were having trouble with.
I seem to remember Mike saying that they intend 300 corruption to be hard content. But what they are doing is basically making corruption matter more than the echo mods, as opposed to how it is now, where having corruption 200 or 300 doesn’t make much difference as long as you avoid certain echo mods.

But I’m pretty sure your current levels will stay as they are now. I don’t think there’s any confirmation for this, but it’s what makes sense. If you’re running corruption 500+ you might have to spend some time lowering it though :grin:


Likewise, just because something is a problem “for you” does not mean it is a real problem. Weird how that works!


I am so hyped to see the faction stuff tomorrow. It’s quite literally going to make or break the game for me, and I’m hoping it falls into “make”.

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Great. Thank you, for the information!

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