Last Epoch 1.0.1 Patch Notes

у меня точно такая же проблема, вот только я заперт в конце времен, не могу перейти в другие локации, не могу принять пати, могу лишь там разговаривать с нпц и бегать как призрак, 3 часа как написал пост мне даже ничего утешительного не ответили

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Has anyone encountered the problem of network connection interruption when challenging Julra?

Well… my controller key binds are no longer there and I can not change them. Controller does not seem to be working at the moment for me at least.

Edit: I got it working by plugging in a different controller and plugging the first one back in. Weird bug.

Hey guys, thanks you’ve done a nice work! But I just wanna know when you gonna update the Chinese localization? It really sucks for the moment, I even can’t understand the descripition in Chinese! Soooooooo many players in China are waiting for it, hope you won’t lose the market here!

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awesome work

Nothing about fixing the binding of left mouse in the hotbar for both move + attack? And nothing about the use of the shift key for keeping your character still

So true. We really need Text scaling.

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I think that is fixed isn’t it? Click the little feet icons on hotbar and it should give the other options.

Nvm, just tested this and it is a little buggy i believe. Sometimes it did the attack, but most the time just moved my character.

Hopefully it was fixed that “gamepad B” closes the death ui.
I will check it out later ^^

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Hey there. Need your help please
The patch looks to have an awful effect on my laptop. I got full laptop shutdowns and bsod after that 4 times. Has never happened before, even while I was playing Last Epoch. Started exactly after that patch

This is probably the most dumb take I have read on these forums. You think you’re onto something, but you have no idea what you’re actually talking about.

Obviously they saw the problem BEFORE recording. Stop trolling here.

Have you guys work on performance fixes where I would freeze and disconnect midgame, or sometimes my character just freezes and then dies. This happens way to frequently, I just want to know if you guys are aware of this and has planned to work on it?

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Anyone tried this as well so far? I’m sitting on 250%+ increased bleed duration but no bleed stack lasts for 12.5 sec. Just want to double check before writing a bug report ^^.

I guess you didn’t realize that i was replying to someone elses comment by giving him an example on why factions need to work that way or else what i said would be a thing

Any reason that the Australian servers are messed up also? no way points, cant see character or anything. offline mode doesnt work for me either

First time in the Council Chamber on an alt, accepted quest for Erza’s Library, turned in quests, deposited shards, and disconnected with a Lost Connection message trying to enter Ezra’s Library/Lost Archives from the council chamber.

Realized I need to patch from today’s hotfix, so I restarted Steam, patched and relaunched game, all characters are missing including offline characters. Closed game, verified files, relaunched again and they came back. That’s 25+ characters with stashes in every game mode.

Your patch is messing with characters and storage in a very bad way to give people a micro anxiety attack.

Please, PLEASE look into the error that is going underlooked- the game is constantly re-enabling all my graphics properties to the highest WITHOUT even showing it. Grass disabled one map, the very next it’s enabled on High. Same with every other setting.

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After the update, the game began to crash when entering it, the computer began to freeze, and various errors began to appear

When nerf Warlock and Falconer?


Regarding optimization… Doth the game by any chance have a built-in “predelayed frames” option? There was a hidden setting in TESO that caused a drop in FPS after a few hours of play. This setting consumes CPU resources and requires very powerful processors. One genius came up with a mod that openeth these hidden game settings, by default TESO hath 10! of these predelayed frames. This is madness. After I installed the mod and disabled this option in the settings, TESO began to fly consistently at 60 fps all day. Dear developers, if the game hath such a thing, allow players to disable it. In addition, there is no triple buffering in the game settings, which supposedly improveth game performance when vertical synchronization is enabled. People have/force to enable it in the video driver settings.

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