Lagon is too difficult + no WP at encounter

Agreed. BTW the Monolith Quest Echo bosses are also a challenge… Quite a few of them require some effort - just like Lagon.

and… Glancing blow is probably gonna get nerfed… Lol… its a really good stat at high levels…

It’s explicitly supposed to be a gear tax, if they reduced it’s effectiveness people would be less likely to use it. And the game is balanced around people having it.

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I killed Lagon for the first time with my own build yesterday and the boss isn’t really challenging. It was a blind run for me and I had absolutely no clue what he can throw at me, but still it was nothing like e.g. Kitava fight where you are guaranteed to die on your first especially when you are still new to the game and you have a trash build.
Then I did 11 echoes straight and killed Abomination on my first try…
I’m not writing this to brag but rather to show that you must be doing something wrong if you struggle to kill him this hard.

Personally, I only have issues with the arena section of the battle. Lagon himself was easy to deal with as the only thing that isn’t telegraphed waaaaaaay in advance is the claw strike, which never does enough to kill me, and by the time the stun is over he’s still winding up for the next attack making it fairly easy to dodge.

The problem with the arena is it’s kind of a bullet hell right now. There’s so many attacks flying every which way and so many adds coming in to attack you that getting a chance to attack the tentacles is a nightmare unless you’re a summoner, and even then the huge number of different damage sources tends to shred through minions quite quickly.

If the arena can be toned down a bit, that would make the fight a lot more fair to those of us who don’t have reflexes like a lightning infused cat.

Most of those attacks in the arena phase do shit for damage. I think of that phase more of a gear check then anything else. just dont get hit by every single wave and have remotely decent gear (which is especially easy now that T5 can drop in campaign)

Well, yes and no. Really depends on the type of build you’re using. Ranged, Melee, Pets? I’ve leveled a character of each mastery and fought Lagon on each mastery. I’ve never died on a ranged character, or any character with teleport or Transplant. There are several threads about the Lagon fight and noting that there are actually mechanical issues within the game on that fight, ESPECIALLY for melee characters. Weird anomalies that happen with Lagon’s hit box.

And weirdly enough, I have never died to Kitava. I know others talk about that being a tough fight, and it is, but it has always seemed challenging but not buggy so I feel learning the fight is achievable. Lagon isn’t…yet.

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Funny thing is, I’ve not had much problem with mage or sentinel melee, as they both have decent “range” to some of their melee attacks. Only one that I’ve struggled somewhat with is the primalist. There’s only so much range that the AoE for swipe can be increased to :neutral_face:

This is why that was possible and avoided the issue that a full on melee character runs into. There seems to be this little “lip”, of sorts, between Lagon and the floor. When you move up to him, and therefore into this lip, you get stuck and you can’t Dodge or back out. And often the character stops responding, skills “seem” to stop working for several seconds. This doesn’t happen on any other fight within the game.

Huh, interesting, I didn’t encounter this problem. Bug maybe?

There have been previous posts with the Lagon encounter having issues for minions & certain skills like Lunge, Shield Rush & Warpath. It’s certainly not perfect & could do with a couple of “passes” by the devs to smooth out the issues.

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Lagon is fine and both gear checks and skill checks are fine as well…

except for one thing that kind of invalidates all that. His hit box is messed up in a big way. It’s perfectly fine that you’re expected to dodge stuff on the ground but when, without any kind of visual indicator, the ground on which you can move isn’t really the ground on which you can move. Well, that’s pretty stupid.

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Yeah, bugs will always **** even the best fights.

Roger that - a waypoint at Lagon is DEFINITLY needed and helpful! Beating the architect took me an hour - just to find out, that with my actual gear i do have not the slightest chance to beat Lagon…

My Beastmaster can’t make it through the arena phase. Splashes and lightning everywhere, can’t spam potions fast enough.

What’s your build, sounds like you need more leech/hp regen/sustain. Ideally you wouldn’t need to use potions because you can leech/regen back to full in a “reasonable” amount of time.

lagon you have to run away from his atk in a circle on ground and look where his head goes to prepare to run for his moving beam; even with tanky build, the 2 other atk, hand smash and lightning bolt, you should be able to take the hit.In monolith he will hve tons of buffs so you can t take those hits, is easy. Play a bit FFXIV bosses hard modes thats 10-40min of fight avoiding one shots every where lol

Billysielu isn’t having a problem with Lagon himself, he’s having issues with the middle phase where you have to kill the tentacles.

Is there an easy way to share a build? Or should I just video it?

Video &/or upload pics of the skill trees & passives, etc to somewhere like I’d probably include the character screen as well.

Build: - YouTube

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