Just give us a legit hard mode... the cursed veteran's boots are dumb

Seriously, they take up a major armor slot which is really lame. Just give us a legit hard mode if that’s something you want in the game. Why hide it and make it terrible? Also where the hell are the steam achievements? This is 2024. I know this is an indie team but come on.

I’d love an ARPG that is hard. I think that’s what made the “Souls games” so popular. I don’t mind having to AoE down a load a mobs every now and then but I’m a firm believer that having a horde of mobs swarm you less regularly would make it more impactful as it would take you by surprise. It would ofc mean a lot less screen clutter a lot more often, if you play those builds ofc. I think gaming is in a strange state at the moment and we’re going to see big shifts in genres and the way games are played. PoE2 and No Rest for the Wicked are 2 such games ARPGs that will be a bit more tactical in gameplay. We also don’t know what to expect from the seasons in Last Epoch. There may be some exciting new things here also. I’d like weapon abilities if possible, so that you could perhaps feel like you’re merging classes to a lesser degree. Maybe even have a more 3D style area within the game like they do in Lost Ark? We will have to wait and see. :hugs:

No rest for the wicked is an awful game. The art style makes scenes hard to view and the fixed camera angle (perspective) makes multiple target combat confusing and unreliable at best. It is still in early access but I was generally disappointed in how hard it is to manage that game’s systems.


It has the same effect as the old masochist mode but it’s harder because you can’t use boots.

Would you rather steam achievements or actual content you can play?


@toxicsara What is the max corruption you have reached? Have you solo’d tier 4 Julra?

People bring up the least relevant things imaginable :thinking:

I won’t take anyone’s right away to define their priorities, but this is at least the third time this week that I wonder about those. The other were story conclusion and visual character face editor.

Maybe I should demand dyable shoe laces :wink:

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Its just different player archetypes.

The majority of diablo players for instance really enjoy that stuff. its what makes diablo so brand name and played by quote unquote “normal” people. Plenty of people just boot up an arpg play one character to max level and go “I beat the game”

or hunt the achievements then are done with the game. Which is fine, those players do add value to cater towards, its just more sales.

As for the topic at hand, I do kinda feel like it was weird that they said “masochist mode does not fit with the game, its unbalanced and was put in on a whim, we would like to rework it perhaps before bringing it back” then they brought it back, not really reworked, and instead now it takes up a boot.

I really do feel for the people who want a hard mode, they kinda had it, then got shafted, then got memed on with its reintroduction.

Personally would love to see the boot replaced with maybe a consumable item that grants you the debuff, that can still be toggled off in the settings just like character found etc.