Julra T4 entire fight needs to be revisited and readjusted. Period!

So, first of all if we want to talk about ‘difficulty’ then we need to discern between the different types of that.
Thinking a single one is the ‘superior’ version to all the others generally leads to a bad awakening for a dev, unless it’s specifically tailored to a pretty niche amount of players on the market. For example ‘Super Meatboy’ is one such game, great execution, tight controls, no RNG. It’s 100% about dexterity by using your control scheme as perfectly as possible.

So, what is ‘difficulty’ hence split up into?

  • Memorization through the numerical amount of mechanics during a fight.

In terms of the Julra fight she’s the hardest boss there. She has the most variety in mechanics provided in the game as much as I know. Puddles which need to position them, timeline switches because of her insta-kill explosion, invulnerable totems which you need to kill before switching timelines unless you can handle them becoming dangerous, a moving arena-reduction skill with her lasers and her personal attacks.

  • Simultaneous numerical amount of mechanics to handle

This is how many mechanics are there at the same time. A boss which goes and changes between singular attacks one after another is generally easier then a boss which uses several at the same time. Julra here… once again… is one of the more taxing bosses, but the dungeon bosses in general focus very much on that aspect. You have permanent puddles, the lasers, totems and her personal attacks at the same time during the fight. That’s 4 things to handle at once.

  • RNG factor

This is non-fixed patterns for example, for Julra those are few. We don’t have her chose her skills always in the same way. Sometimes you get totems first, sometimes her wave, sometimes she sets up the lasers first. RNG based difficulty is generally higher the more simultaneous skills are in effect at any given time since the decision making can’t be fixed and memorized but has to be situational.

  • Reactionary difficulty

This is the part which depends solely on the player. In a competitive FPS it would be the reaction time plainly spoken. How quick does the player make a reaction as well as how ‘optimal’ is that reaction regarding to the situation?
This is not needed a lot of Julra, she’s a very mechanical fight and as long as you deal with her mechanics in the optimal way she poses very little of that.
The biggest reactionary things we see are actively dodging her personal attacks, the majority of her abilities are arena limiters meant to remove your mobility.

Your whole argumentation for ‘being good’ is the reactionary difficulty. That’s quite limiting… and also not the primary factor of most diablo-clones. Usually only needed for specific boss fights. Examples of where this is needed are for example Uber Elder in PoE as the RNG nature of Elder & Shaper working together demands you to react swiftly rather the memorizing the fight.

You’re not taking into consideration the memory aspect or the aspect of simultaneous ability usage at all. You’re declaring it as ‘a given’ from your standpoint. Which no, it isn’t for the majority of people.

Also your proclaimed problem relates solely to one game mechanic for her overall fight, one mechanic which - once again - can be entirely skipped so Julra uses it exactly ‘0’ times during the fight. Hence by that design death through the puddle is in 100% of cases a mistake from the player given the optimal amount of knowledge is there, hence knowing the way to ‘sidestep’ this mechanic.

So, which type of difficulty are you speaking there exactly? Because I spoke about the design aspect of Julra, which makes her the most complex boss mechanically, not reactionary. As mentioned before, I think reactionary the most taxing bosses in the game are Cremorus and The Mountain Beneath. Both of them have a more ‘frantic’ pacing then Julra but far less actual mechanics.

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I never said that is the only way. Those are your words, not mine :wink:

Just moving out is one of the options. You can also tank it, use a movement skill, an immunity skill, a DR skill, and probably do other build-specific things. Hell, you can even completely prevent her from casting that puddle if you want :smiley:

I never said that you should only go kill her when you have enough gear to survive the puddle. Again, those are your words, not mine :wink:

You play however YOU want, I don’t care. But don’t go crying on the forum after you die many times because YOU decided to go in unprepared :person_shrugging: :sweat_smile:

I didn’t assume anything, you said it yourself. In case you need a refresher:

“puddle ticks 2 times + gets me killed” = you didn’t have enough EHP to survive 2 DoT ticks.

And since you also came up with that 150k ward bullshit…here, an example of how little EHP you need to survive two DoT ticks:

It’s a perfect showcase, given how he dies at the end due to his low EHP :slight_smile:

Coming back two months later on a different character and saying you killed it with less EHP doesn’t invalidate the fact that your problem two months ago was the lack of EHP.

Now listen.
I don’t know why you made up that bullshit about 150k ward.
I’m not sure why are you making up assumptions about my character build which you’ve never seen.
I don’t know why you feel the need to compare yourself to me.
And I don’t know why you think I owe you a hardcore race to Julra or anything of the sort.
It’s all very silly :slight_smile:

In case you forgot, this whole topic spawned PRECISELY because you couldn’t “kill her ez peasy”, and it took you TWO MONTHS, a SECOND CHARACTER, plus a MULTITUDE OF HELPFUL REPLIES in this topic in order to get a kill.

So no, I’m certainly not going to entertain your silly proposal. And given your attitude, I’m not going to spend any more time on you either.


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I’m still curious as to what one’s political affiliation has to do with anything in an aRPG. You appear to be getting quite worked up because people don’t agree with you (reasonably politely for the internet). For all you know they could be to the right of you (don’t know, really doesn’t matter, not everything needs to devovle into how the other person is a dirty commie/nazi/insert-political-pejorative-here).

You have at least started quoting other people when you talk about what they said rather than quoting yourself, which is nice.

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That death has nothing to do with low eHP though. He jumped into the most Lethal mechanic this fight throws at the player (together with the big room implosion). Exactly where the lasers intersect. Literally 99% of build would die like this in 1 second.

I also donvt know what that has to do with XinARPG’s complaints.

The void laser and void puddle are entirely different mechanics that are vastly differently dangerous.

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Clearly, who assumed what is more important to you. So, feel free to prove it :wink:

Edit: Oh I get it now, you’re talking about the video. Yes, that death has nothing to do with XinARPG’s issue. It is only a showcase for why having EHP is important.

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Well, to be fair, if ‘No one’ says something it’s kinda hard to follow I would imagine :wink:

But, if we’re talking about ‘helpful replies’ then there have been plenty.

The solutions were:
Avoid the puddle mechanic entirely.
Build more EHP to survive more then 2 ticks and hence make desync a non-issue.
Switch the build to kill her with another character instead (which you did in the end).

So yes, he’s fairly sure it happened because… well… it’s hard to deny that now given that everyone can see the thread as a whole.

Which is the main point here why people verbally slap you left and right to be fair.
If people give you viable solutions and instead of providing proper argumentation as to why you’re not using those but instead trying to enforce your specific narrow way of handling the situation.

Well… that’s obviously on your part then. There’s 2 reasons why it happens. The first is personal flavor, which immediately removes the argument as it’s a personal challenge and hence as a challenge there’s no reason to complain… because it is a specific challenge. Or… simply being whiney and demanding things to be changed to adhere to your one specific type of play-style.

You’re following the second way it seems, which is not a good picture you’re painting of yourself simply said.

That would assume he was calling you ‘casual’ which didn’t happen. It was a example. Hence given you’ve got the DPS you’re not the ‘casual’ and outright excluded from that argument made.

Removing hence the first quote it leaves the other 3 viable though.
Yes, you went to T4 Julra and got your butt kicked.
Yes, you and your build were the problem. (As you’ve proven with another build that you’re able to kill her, no matter the reason)
And yes, if your other build couldn’t handle that it means you need to ‘git gud’. Given that - once more, it needs to be repeated so often since you ignore it every single time - Julra’s puddle is a 100% avoidable mechanic.

You worded it in a way to depict it as ‘If it’s not accepted then the presented stance is not worthy of taking into consideration’. So yeah, it’s on your side there fault-wise.

Because the shittiest player on planet Earth can say ‘git gud’ and be right about the comment.
Can that person do it personally? Nah.
Is the argument only viable because it comes from someone which has already done it successfully? Nah.

It’s the same line of thinking that you’re not allowed to say something tastes like shit if you’re not a cook personally.
You can make a reasonable argument about things you don’t have the personal skill to do, knowledge about a topic and the execution of said topic are 2 different things.


But that was my point that example was a bad example for “good eHP”

Jumping into that Void Laser in the middle will kill the most tanky builds within 1 second.

A lot of Boss fights have mechanics that are not supposed to be tankable.

E.g. Lagon Eyebeam or this Void Laser

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I didn’t post the video as an example of “good EHP”.
I posted the video as an example of “how little EHP you need to NOT die in 2 ticks of the DoT from the puddle”.

The death at the end of the video is a good example of what happens, when you ignore EHP in your build. Hence why I said “it is only a showcase for why having EHP is important”.

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Heavy’s point, however, was that the death at the end would have happened even with a tanky build. Regardless of how much ehp you need to survive everything else.


I don’t think that’s true.

But I’m also pretty sure nobody tested it (except Healing Hand paladins, they tested it and survived :slight_smile: ), because it’s so easy to walk out of the laser.

Maybe someone will test how long they can stand in the laser beams with a “normal” tanky build next season. I’d estimate 2-3 seconds of survival should be long enough to react to a mistake like the guy in the video did.

From personal experience with my Wraithlord Arbor build that has 20k+ ward… the laser screws you over if you misplace yourself.

So… I would say that reasonable enough testing :stuck_out_tongue: What more is needed? That’s a ton of EHP.

As for how long? Around 1 1/2 seconds for most builds, while you panic as you’ve misplayed, so it’s surprisingly dangerous, clearly a limiting mechanic, as intended.

It is true, as Heavy said, some mechanics are intended to one shot all but the most broken of builds.

In the middle, where the lasers intersect no build, however tanky they are will survive longer than 1, maximum 2 seconds.

Only touching one laser might be able to tank 3 or 4 seconds.

The problem why I pointed your video out was, that that was a very obvious player mistake that was so grave, that no eHP in the world should save you.

Having a tanky build and increasing the margin for errors is good.
But grossly negligent mistakes like that should not be possible even with the most tanky build.

He stands in the middle at 1:04. Couldn’t find any other example.

Guess we disagree on that point :slight_smile: I think if LE was some hardcore unforgiving game, then you would be right, it would be okay to punish the player for a mistake like that.

But I don’t think Last Epoch is that kind of game, and I don’t see any issues with allowing the player to recover from a grave mistake. Outside of EHP, we can already do that thanks to immunity from certain movement skills.

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Allow me to explain. In current year American politics, the rhetoric/defense mechanism of a certain side of the fence when faced with any disagreement is to paint oneself as a victim (despite being a victim of nothing) by claiming persecution from the other side of the fence.


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