Jabbafunk's 0.8.4 PURE LIGHTNING BLAST - Sorcery Supremacy

Figured out that spark charges actually do help with ailment stacking. I’ve been trying to weigh in between cast speed vs more armor shred % chance.

What are your thoughts on Arcane ascendance - Power oberload & Unstable energy nodes vs going Slow breathing > Shocking expanse > Mark of thunder?

Not sure if you tried that out already but I feel the increase in cast speed and damage is pretty noticeable not to mention my ward ramps up even faster

The cast speed increase is fairly useless because you’re limited to 16 casts to begin with. Not worth at all since it only gives 1% per second.

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…I completely forgot about the limited casts thing, I was mainly finding the benefit for stuff like when I enter a boss fight and they haven’t registered you yet, I pop arcane, throw down static orb, after a few seconds use the boss to get my ward real quick and on those the beacons/gate echoes where i stand there

but yea…I forgot how limited the casts were, thanks, I don’t know if they changed mark of thunder over the past year but I’ve been a bit hesistant to spec into it since no one could really find it useful before and it conventienly doesn’t have a alt info to give

HUGE update today, with the conversation against Prism Wraps and solution to Twisted Heart leech problems.

What level of corruption are you aiming to farm? When you get higher and enemies life a little longer it is far more easy to keep leech up running. It is also the area where TH gets better and better. If you kill fast in a few hits more damage is potential always better. Same is true for bosses as you argumented.

Found another small mistake:

Static Orb’s Allied Ground, 2 x Static Touch and Arcane Current : up to 145% shock effectiveness.
1.45 x 40 = 58% effective lightning resistance shred vs bosses at 20 stacks.

You are using the wrong base for the multiplication. It is

(1. + ‘shock effectiveness’) x 40% in your case (1. + 1.45) x 40% = 98%

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I think in my argument is that leech rate is a problem on its own, I know that with Prism Wraps you can definitely leech back to full, but I think due to the nature of Lightning Blast you can easily overcast without a target and ultimately lose health.

it also gets worse vs dodge monsters where you’re not healing but also losing health and not able to leech.

Thank you for the math correction.

Did you mean 2LP strong mind, not 3LP?

No, 3.

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Gotcha, thanks, planner is showing 2 so I was curious as I have a 2LP one.

yep I just made a correction on the personal note part. It’s the planner that’s at fault, even though I’ve imported my save file.

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For the offhand you mention using

Unread Scroll

  • Critical Strike Multiplier
  • Cast speed
  • Resistances/Health
  • Chance to Apply Frailty On Hit

I am currently in my 50’s and leveling up my mage. I am going to jump into monoliths. That always works best for me in the 50s it seems. But anyhow, I came across a Coral Aegis 1LP unique from Lagon on another character that has 420% chance to shock attackers, 78% stun duration, and 12 health gain on stun. It also has 42% lightning resist and 30% less lightning damage on block, although the chance to block is only 23% and block effectiveness is 417. Because of the shock effects, what do you think of using the shield instead of an Unread Scroll?

Your build is my first in this game and i love it :)) . The game is awsome phenomenal

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