It's your own fault for gamers leaving the game

I wouldn’t say they don’t care about what happens in the game. But they might not care enough to go bitch about things on the forums, or to take up arms to defend the honor of EHG. I generally don’t give a shit what happens, but I love seeing people get their panties in a twist on the forums. So if the opposite can happen, I’m such the other can as well (people who care, but don’t regular the forums).

Some people just aren’t as informed as others (read as: forum media-dwellers). But might still take an interest in changes, if present to them. I would argue most people don’t vote because they are just lazy – I know that’s why I don’t vote most of the time. I just don’t want to be assed with having to drive to a polling center, or register/fill-out a mail-in ballot. But if someone came up to me and said “hey, you voting for the Douche, or the Turd Sammich?”, I would let my voice be heard!!! (and cast a write-in vote for Snoopy, like I always do).

Signed, Your Friendly Neighborhood Bigot

I cannot, but I can point to how the game feels now - in that I have been getting noticeably fewer uniques than I used to, even when playing CoF

Are u juicing ur prophecies?

Im dropping tons of unquiqes left and right

I started when i was 8, i am now 25. I played about 14-15 hours on some days when i was little. So yes somewhere around that.

70k hours is around 12h every single day for 16 years. So either you never left the house since you were 8 and all you did was play games, or your number is most likely below 50k, at most.


Gamers have never been what I would refer to as “stalwart bastions of honesty” lol. I’m always reminded of that pic from boycott Modern Warfare 2 I think it was, where most of the people in that channel were playing the game on release. Is what it is.

At the end of the day we have no idea who’s posting. Are they a teenager, adult, stateside, overseas, on the moon? All we have to go on is some text on a screen and a username. I like the idea of forums, but I in practice, nobody actually cares what is posted here. I do enjoy the conversation though.


To paraphrase my mom:

“Son, I don’t mind that you try lying to me. But please – don’t insult me with stupid lies.”


Correct I basically never left the house in 16-20 years. Some days I would play 18 hours in a row and just sleep (mostly weekends). On a school day I would come from school and play from 3ish to 2-3am. As an adult I cut that down to around 14 when not working and 8 when working

Never had a gf, never moved out’. Classic 25 year old

As a “classic 25 year old” myself, I was about 2 years into a marriage & about 2 years off having our firstborn appear. While I did game quite a bit during school and uni, both were full time (uni was 9-4/5 most days with nuclear lab finishing at 6) & I did quite enjoy spending time with my gf.


As a “classic 25 year old”, I gamed quite a bit, too. Maybe 20 hours per week on average in my lifetime, with some excessive weeks or months here and there.

Aside from being busy with 50 to 60 hours of work per week (commuting and making oneself presentable included), part-time studying two hours in the evening, playing wargames and TTRPGs, doing household chores, reading books, meeting with friends or the occasional girlfriend or fling, and 4 to 5 hours sleep per day (never was good at sleeping).

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That’s a good one. Man I want this game to be good. It was the first game since Elden Ring where I could not wait to get home and log on to play some that night. That’s the reason I keep reading here occasionally. Looking forward to content drops. D3 did turn it around after all, no reason LE can’t do the same.

The item I’m interested in is “what number of players is sustainable” for EHG? I like to check steamcharts on various games each morning at the same time (part of being an engineer I suppose) and it looks like it’s finally normalizing. Each morning my time it’s at about 3-3.5k players. Not sure about prime time. How many is “good enough” to keep content coming?

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The peaks are more important than the cycle-end stable line. As long as people flock in at cycle start (as we see in PoE) and enough of them consume MTX, it should be enough for the game to sustain itself until cycle end.
Also, servers aren’t LE’s, they’re rented. So at lower player counts they have less servers running, so costs should go down as well. It’s a dynamic service.

I expect that the players required for that would be higher in LE than in PoE because LE still needs to optimize their code so they can reduce the number of servers needed.

However, LE did have a big boost of purchases with 1.0, which might have given them a financial buffer (I don’t actually know, I’m guessing), which would be why they can still focus on endgame content and MTX is still a lower priority.

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Sounds more like a stock market broker, not an engineer ^^

PoE makes the vast majority of money in the first couple of days of a new league. As long as people return and buy stuff, they will have a good incentive to continue development and keep the service up.

If they can attract enough people to have fun for 3 weeks every cycle, the game will be fine from an economic perspective, I guess.

I personally have a very traumatic experience with that term :sweat_smile:

Every single of my top 3 most played games was shut down :smiley:

Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning
Marvel Heroes

If not for Marvel Heroes I would probably not be here, that game sparked my interested and desire for loot based role playing games with tons of buildmaking.

Quick! Start hating LE right now. It’s the only way to save it!! :laughing:

Seriously though, I think currently LE has all the conditions to stay alive and even to stay relevant and maybe become a serious contender to the others.
They have a good solid base, they have plenty of people that believe in the game and they have a very healthy attitude towards the community and the game development.

That’s not to say the game can’t fail still. It obviously has some glaring issues right now, especially balance, but nothing that can’t be fixed. So if they continue following the same path, I expect it will be around for plenty of years yet.

Whether it’s differences will be enough to make it rise to the top or just stay with a little more niche playerbase (in regards to PoE/D4, which are the great contenders right now) remains to be seen.

At this point I feel like the only ones that can make the game fail are the devs, if they stray from everything they’ve done so far, which doesn’t seem likely.

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Part of what we do is study trends for product sales, but you’re correct, the two methods are indeed similar. Stock markets scare me. It’s always fascinated me when games come out, you can see other game numbers dip while people flock to this new game, then it normalizes a few weeks later. The top 10 are still the top 10, and gaming life moves on. It’s rad :).

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I actually laughed out loud.


Thats impressive and also crazy. No way i am having kids. Never raise more devils then you can put down. My parents already raised one to many. I just live for my own fun, all else can be damned.

Three hurrahs for us few gen Z who find ARPGs fun over fortnite

You dont do yourself a favour if you play season games longer than 2 months per season.

Even if you’re really enjoying it?

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