It's your own fault for gamers leaving the game

And yet, if you look at steamcharts, PoE only started to really grow with the legacy league in 2017. Until then it was pretty much stable even though the only competition at the time was D3.
Also, you say that it stagnated since Ultimatum, yet Scourge had more players than Ultimatum and Crucible was their most succesful league yet, based on player numbers alone.

Yes, this is also a very familiar take seen over and over on PoE forums. Everyone that didn’t like something in the game said exactly the same thing. And, wouldn’t you know it, a lot of them were also complaining about the RNG in loot and crafting (that’s even worse than LE’s). GGG didn’t listen to them and the game somehow managed to survive.

I live in Portugal. Back then things were only available quite a few years after release. It wasn’t until the 00’s that we sort of caught up, mostly because of the internet.
We used to have a joke saying that the 70s only arrived in Portugal in the 80s :stuck_out_tongue:


But I think he does have somewhat of a point - Path of Exile is right now a game very unwelcoming to new players, with a playerbase that appears to be made mostly of the same returning customers, as opposed to constantly receiving new people (no idea where’s the link to the interview in which GGG says something along these lines).

I think PoE 2 is their attempt to reach new players (which is good)… And to make the game they want to make, as opposed to what the original PoE has become. I’m just not sure if that is going to work.

Portugal é BEM legal.


PoE was never welcoming of new players. Especially casuals. It was never their target. I don’t know how player friendly PoE2 will be. My guess is that if it’s too player friendly many of their playerbase won’t bother to move.

GGG is mostly trying to go out with a bang, doing crazy, ridiculous things. Which is understandable, really. And yet, the last 4 leagues have all had more players than any other league in the past, Ultimatum included.
So what I think he meant is that the game stagnated to him. Because there are constantly more players these days and they even tend to stick around longer.

Now, simply having more players doesn’t have to be a good thing. Maybe GGG changed things that he liked in PoE and he feels cheated. Which is ironic, because that’s exactly what he’s demanding LE do to us.



Give LE more time. They just officially opened the game a few months ago. I still enjoy playing LE even if it’s only me playing it. I’m a casual gamer and I like playing ARPG and MMO’s and so far, even after D4’s latest update and it’s the rave right now, I still went back to this game and so far, I’m still enjoying it more than D4. It’s not LE’s fault that people are flocking and playing other games now. Most are just easily influenced by streamers that’s why streamers are making a living out of what they do. People go where the crowd is. Maybe ask LE to also bribe or pay certain streamers to promote their game like what other companies are doing. Don’t forget that no game is perfect.

There was barely any end game content to keep people playing longer during this cycle. Some of us have been playing for years, so we get bored even quicker. Also its normal in seasonal games to have a huge drop off until next season.

Hopefully next cycle adds more then just pinnacle bosses.


I had a 40MB Harddrive for my Atari ST 1040 ^^.

Yeah because EHG descided (or had to) release the game in a state where only bones are left and no meat was on it. This is just a skeletal struscture I’d call a EA version if I was in any position in the company.
The game isn’t bad and has some neat systems and there is a big enough fanbase to keep them afloat. When there is more content people will play more.

Look at D4 for example. This season will be the shortest of all seasons because there is nothing new and we have the tools to run through all content. Somone with enough time, skill and brain will run D4 down in 1-2 days. Sameish goes for LE there is to little stuff that is far to time consuming to keep average Andy in the game.

They could be new player friendly and add systems over time untill it becomes a harder game again. They simply didn’t want to because it’s work to make PoE appealing to new players and on top of it they have a lot of players who write guides or create videos about it. GGG does their thing and you either like it or not. I hope things will get better with PoE 2 but We’ll see.

They took my money so… no! I get it kickstarter announcments about games don’t magicly release them in the state they were intended and announced because stuff changes over time. EHG did what they thing was a good thing and took peoples money so people have every right to call them out because it seems today players need to riot when they want things to change.

What a nice TL:DR :slight_smile: .

Anyone who didn’t load their first games from tape drive, are just young whipper-snappers.

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I’m a little timid on the upcoming patches. EHG are already polling on if they should delay pinnacle bosses on legacy characters. Stop polling, just make a decision and run your game. It’s your game, run it how you see fit. By introducing a poll, you have just pissed off the lesser half of the poll results. If they actually delay pinnacle bosses for Legacy chars, then they hare already given me a reason to not come back before the patch is even released. Makes no sense.

Game’s good, I just think they need a loot 2.0 and some class balance. I have Unique items coming out of my ears. Tabs and tabs of them, but nothing useful for my character save one ring, which I bought a better version of with MG.

The games smooth as butter for me on my rig and looks great. Just need some loot fixes. They can keep the story though, it’s unfollow-able and makes zero sense. They must have hired some Destiny 2 writers… too soon?

Good discussion. See you all in game when 1.1 drops.

If they hadn’t done the poll, they would piss them off anyway. Whichever the result/decision, you know a bunch of people would be pissed off.

If the issue doesn’t affect game design or game identity, like this one doesn’t, there’s no harm in knowing where the community stands.
Otherwise the forums wouldn’t have a “Feedback and Suggestions” category.


I understand that viewpoint, I’ve just always believed “customers don’t know what they want until you give it to them.” By allowing me to participate in a poll, you’re letting me see up front that my opinion doesn’t matter. Most folks don’t actually know what they want in a game, or what would imbalance things, they’re not devs. I don’t believe people are offended in the same way if you just say “we’re doing xyz this patch. We hope you enjoy our game.”

I always respected SonyEQs stance back in the Everquest days where they’d just respond to feedback with “No, it doesn’t meet our vision. -tm”

Good to see you’re still fighting the good fight on the forums. Thought I’d check in as it’s been a while. Will see what 1.1 brings. For all the flack it gets, LE was in my opinion, one of the best ARPGs to release in a long long while. Hope they stick with it.

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It always matters. You just won’t see your opinion happen if you’re in the minority. In this case, it’s simply about giving cycle players time to explore the new content rather than seeing it being destroyed on youtube 1h after 1.1 launches.

This only happens because for now EHG is still releasing new content to cycles and legacy simultaneously. If they were to implement pinnacle bosses for 1.1 cycle only and legacy players would have to wait for 1.2 to get it, there would be no need for a poll.

But are you? I mean, yeah, of those who are active on the forums, and care to click the link to take the poll. If you want to do a proper poll, then make it part of the login… and something you must complete, before you can enter the game. Just like the EULA. Then we get to see the actual stance of entire playerbase, not just the small % of squeaky wheels, that like to be vocal on the forums.

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Here’s the thing, EHG have always been very communicative with the community and listened to feedback. These polls are the same thing but enabling them to get some specific feedback on specific things. Nothing has changed, EHG is just being EHG.


The devs shared that there was a poll happening in several different media, including steam community. If people don’t pay attention or want to vote, that’s just how voting works.
For any given thing most people won’t bother to vote and if you force them to vote they will use their vote either randomly or jokingly (just look at Brazil elections and all their joke candidates).
There’s a reason why all over the world (where there isn’t a dictatorship) the majority of voters abstain.

If you want a voice in something, vote in it. Players that don’t read the forums/discord/reddit/steam community don’t really care anyway.

That isn’t true, at least for national votes. France (72%), Germany (77%), USA (66%), Spain (66%), Australia (>90%) are examples I just googled. The majority (>50%) does vote. Even the EU votes in 2019 had barely above 50%.

That depends on which type of national vote it is. For example, in 2017’s legislatives vote in France, abstention was 51% for the first round and 57% for the second round.

It highly depends on the organization of the country as well, but usually you have votes to elect a president, votes to elect the government, votes to elect local officials (I suppose similar to mayors in the US), votes for european legislatives.
Usually the abstention raises in the order I listed. The first two tend to have lower than 50% abstention, though not always, the last two tend to have much higher abstention.

So, while it isn’t as clear cut as I said, which is my fault for not being more precise but also the world’s fault for having such complicated systems in place (j/k :wink:), what I meant is that all of those elections have an impact on you as a citizen. Some more, some less. But overall the abstention rate is higher than 50% for those as a whole.

Of course, this is a generalization and there are always cases that don’t fit. For example, in Switzerland, abstention rate is close to 60% even on the imporant elections. But we’re getting sidetracked.

As it applies to LE: most people don’t care to follow the news about the game. Because most people don’t really care to have a say in how a game is made. They just want the game presented to them as is and then they decide whether they like it or not.

It’s the same reason why early access games have so much less players involved. LE as it is today is already the product of the feedback and decisions of a small amount of players, compared to the total number that arrived with 1.0.

So LE polls would be more akin to voting on a comptroller (for the US people) or for a local association of some kind. The majority isn’t even aware an election is occuring and even if they did, they wouldn’t care.

I loaded my friends games frome a tape drive but that alreadyy felt dated back then :smiley: .

This is a pretty silly take, and the cynicism is both over the top and inappropriate. “Mattering” is not a binary condition. If the only outcome in which you feel your opinion “matters” is that you get exactly what you claimed you wanted, that’s just being entitled.

Polls like these are not political elections and should not be taken as a “most votes gets what it wants”. It’s only one piece of what they use in their decision-making, not the be-all-end-all.

Don’t forget that if they hadn’t done a poll we would have a game without trading, and that would suck.

I think holding that belief in sincerity requires your head be firmly stuck in the sand. Forum players are going to have a fit no matter what. If instead they don’t ask, it’s “They don’t listen! They don’t care! They’re disconnected! They don’t actually play the game!”

That is the wierdest conclusion to take from voting.

Are we sure this isn’t Oceana?

When did they do a poll about trading (MG/CoF)?'Cause that would have to have been years ago, which sounds vaguely familiar, but I can’t be arsed to do any searching so I’ll get someone else to do it for me. That’s how forums work isn’t it?

I don’t remember, but they talked about having done it in the original announcement about factions, and that it was an almost 50/50 split between players who wanted trade and players who didn’t.