Item tooltip permanently destroyed - toggle tooltip bug

Generally, you should include:
What went wrong?
Dropped an item from my inventory and toggled tooltips.
as the item hit the ground I toggled tooltips back on.
The tooltip does not appear. There is no way to get the tooltip back. The item cannot be picked up. Disabling loot filters or toggling toolstips does nothing.

These are the same item. It happens to also be my weapon smh.


I was able to reproduce this internally. This bug is under investigation. Thank you for the report.

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Is there any workaround? I’d love to pick my weapon back up lol.

Looks like the bug happens when you hide tooltips then drop an item. Unfortunately, the only work around I think of not hide tooltips till we can address the problem.

I just posted about this with a video clip. “Alt” is both my Hide/Show Items key, AND the combo key to alt-tabbing, which explains the disabling tooltips explanation. THANK YOU. I will comply until a solution is availble.

It also happens to freshly-dropped items, such as off mobs in echoes. Has happened many times to me. I haven’t been toggling and show/hide when this happens.

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