Item Gifting Development Update from our Principal Game Designer

Well finally its time for LE to be “PoE without the crappy trade system that ruins your time invested”


Gee it’s almost like I noted exactly that.


or instead of having silly trade rules just have 1 mode with open trade and 1 without trade


as long as your characters cannot migrate between the leagues and drop rates are adjusted for each mode, this is the best solution.


Yes I agree 100%

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I am pretty confident saying at least 80% of people who play ARPGs feels like this.
You kill a super hard boss and get the 1% drop? HOLY FUCK bob look at this! “JESUS can I try using it?” etc. The item being valuable to other people is what drives a majority of its value. It’s like art in real life, some old/ objectively speaking (not great for art lol) shitty art is worth millions. And some art that is photo realistic is worth nothing.

ARPGs without trade can never make up the imaginary value items have when trade is involved. It will only ever be “according to math this makes my build x% stronger”. Which isn’t bad but it’s not nearly as cool as everyone in your friend group being jealous wishing they had one too.

To some extent it doesn’t even matter if you could only trade one item per day or something super limiting. It doesn’t matter that you would never sell or trade it. What matters is you have something super cool and you COULD sell it to someone that wants it.


I had a feeling this is the system we’d get and I’m not opposed to it fundamentally. For me it’s the rest of everything coming down the pipeline that makes me wonder where this ultimately fits outside of some lucky situations and getting through the campaign/initial cycle experience.

A scenario in my head is something like this:
I’m solo grinding Heorot for a high frostbite blessing roll while playing a non-marksman. A 2LP+ Reign of Winter drops, my buddy is playing a bow mage and could use it. It now sits in my stash as a trophy and has no value. A month or two later we start a new cycle (season/ladder/league) and the bow was never used.

Making legendaries is the chase for me currently, and even getting 2 LP on some uniques is really difficult and I’m not sure I have the stomach to attempt that grind cycle after cycle. Maybe some iterating upon drop rates for certain things needs to be looked at moving forward now these systems are being set. As I still feel some areas need more TLC before 1.0. For example, Ornate and Huge idols are pretty underwhelming for me after the idol stash adjustment however long ago that was. I almost actively avoid using them because of how awkward they fit now.


But then EHG would need to design all their current and future games systems and ways of loot acquisition around two modes.

That is a lot of work and it does split the community.

I am rather glad they went for servers.
There is a buttload full of extremely bad performing p2p games out there.
And better performance p2p must be a rare thing in my personal experience.

As I explained in the CT thread I think a AH/Bazaar system would be ok if you restrict it a lot, because even if you can target farm certain items it’s just luck and there are times where the thing just doesn’t drop and that becomes the worst experience in the game.

I also strongly feel like not taking advantage of the loot filter to let other people know what you are looking for is going to hurt build diversity and random co-op. In practice right now you have to be in voice chat and have a general idea of what items the rest of the party could be looking for (which can scale to be a lot), so pretty much forget about gifting anything else than some exalted, uniques, some sets and +skills.


What a shame. As someone who’s able to play games all day, I can’t help my friends who have limited time to play games.

Suggestion: A Private small group of 3-5 players that’s locked in for the “cycle” i think you call it instead of leagues, where we can freely trade within that group for the cycle but it’s locked so people can’t leave/join at any time, once you’ve joined a group for that cycle you’re locked in. This way it’s more of a group SSF.

I can see that with random groups, but as soo nas you play with your friends, there should be enough communication between you, to knwo what others would potentially want.

But I would defintiely like to see and options for non-instanced loot (every party member sees all items on the ground).

if it makes everyone happy and is the best solution then yes this needs to be done anything else is silly

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I’d unironically play way more PoE if SSF had their “smart loot” or the community fever dream known as Loot 2.0. But we know GGG would never do such a thing.

Sounds good so far!

I hope everyone who reacted negatively on instinct gives this version of trade a chance, rather than digging their heels in just because other games (let’s be real, PoE) do it this way.

Like you mentioned, the game should be about engaging with the content and your own accomplishments, not grinding a defacto currency then sitting afk in town buying things from others.

There’s always room later on to make desireable items easier to chase, whether it’s bad luck protection/guaranteed drops, or new systems that could let players lock in a desired item and do activities to progress towards obtaining it.

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I like playing solo and I like how loot feels in LE. I do still think something like the following would feel nice:

Items bind on trade. Exalted drop bound. Idols bind on equip. Gold is untradable.

That’d be good for me. Still need to play to get exalts and legendaries. Can trade uniques and idols for other uniques and idols (or T20 items)


Even if they do it, that would probably take away a majority of other cool content and features, because balancing around that will take a lot of ressources.

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To be honest, for many players the opposite is true. When I see a guy on reddit blasting 900 corruption with good items, but items that are clearly not cheated, I go “wow this guy is really cool, he is dedicated”

if there is trade, I immediately go “well that guy must have farmed a lot of money” but then you question, rmt? did he just get funneled gear by an entire guild to make a cool montage? Did this guy even farm any of this gear himself?

There is a reason in PoE no one takes any accomplishment seriously in trade leagues. “First level 100 in trade!” = “First guy to market flip to the EXP hacks”

First level 100 in SSF is a chad to who grinded a hell of a lot.


Exactly, and limit the amount of possible number of trades of given unique. Make them bind to account on trade and done.


What do you mean? There is nothing to give a chance you can log in right now and “give it a chance”. You can’t give trading a chance when they are literally not adding it to the game lol.

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