Item Gifting Development Update from our Principal Game Designer

I still do not have a Bastion after tons of farming. Looks like I may never get one either. This will probably kill the game off for me entirely. Rare drops and really rare drops are honestly annoying in video games. I am so glad Blizzard got away from that garbage in D3 and D4 did not feel like anything was really / extremely rare at end game (I hope this is not changed).


Yeah, that’s what I would like personally. Just make items tradeable only once or twice and exclude exalted items from trade completely so there is still reason to farm for upgrades/legendaries ingredients


Even if it means having D3 launch levels of item drops?

I think that’s what happens when you get to try out your initial thoughts or discuss them with a wider audience for more feedback. Just because you think X would be a really good idea to do something doesn’t mean that’s how it pans out

Like D3? That’s a global title that doesn’t have global trade.

Which is why they called it gifting not trade.

If there were unrestricted trading between friends then all that would happen is that everybody adds everybody else to their friends list and you’ve got global unrestricted trade that then needs to have the drop rates balanced around. This has been argued round for years.

So, not SSF then?


D2 and POE are the juggernauts of the genre. For excellent reasons. D4 is releasing next year with a much less restrictive system than LE’s proposed gift system.

The MP ladder only benefits people playing with others. there are no benefits to ever play solo in the MP ladder as anything you find is untradeable.


I don’t quite understand everyone saying that PoE system sucks and this would lead to a better experience, cause PoE has a literally SSF option at character creation (or even private leagues) that it can be opt in if the player doesn’t desire to engage in trading and currency farming.
How could losing the option to choose how I want experience the game the better way to go?


This is very disappointing news…

I’d rather not have a trade or bring back bazaar vision because that system did sound awful yet the new system is worse.


Just make trade possible only if somone is in your friend list for longer period of time before trading will be possible. Week, two I don’t know but option for that should be avaiable at some point


Because a large part of PoE is balanced around the ability to trade things. Heck almost everything in PoE istradeable.

Yes the SSF option exists, but its a very different experience then comapred to LE.


Yeah so why not go play them then? The rest of us will play LE’s ideology of games.

Why would LE succeed as “PoE-lite”, its defining its own niche. it will gain more success that way then if it just becomes poe0.5


POE’s SSF is a joke, because they don’t adjust anything for it – and if you think they aren’t explicitly balancing drop rates and costs for the presence of trade you haven’t read half of GGG’s design posts


I think literally every option possible was already suggsted in the past 2 years and was very likely heard by EHG.

I am 100% certain they discussed all of those options, but in the end all systems are exploitable. Every system. Even this currently proposed one.

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In D3, you can find everything for you build regardless of what class you play within a reasonable amount of time.


All ARPGs will be compared with POE so they can’t create a niche independent of comparisons with POE. Many people advertise LE as POE lite and it being POE lite was a selling point for people like me who see POE as overly bloated.

D3 is garbage, its literally being DESTROYED by a relaunch of D2. You couldn’t have any better of a comparison lol. Old game, everything is a decade outdated, literally no upsides except nostalgia and trading. And it immediately dumps on D3 by orders of magnitude. I wouldn’t even say D3 is a successful ARPG. The diablo IP is a successful IP and D3 fed off its success while lowering everyone opinion of the IP and blizzard.

LE doesn’t have a decade old fan favorite IP to leech off, they need to stand on their own feet and draw their playerbase in. If they were interested in making a big game (which they don’t have to be they can do what they want) they should steal as much from poe as they possibly can and then pull back and add other modes like ssf to make everyone happy.

Like I said before they can do what they want, I hope whatever they choose goes well for them, I just won’t be playing it. But even if I’m not interested i’m just glad the ARPG genre is getting more competition.


it doesn’t have to be called SSF they just need 1 mode with open trade and 1 with no trade instead of having silly rules its very dumb


Honestly, this is rather disappointing.
Given the amount of talk that has been around trade I was expecting something more innovative.
This solution is rather… unimaginative.


PoE is almost 100% balanced around trading because the majority of their player base play that way, and because you can bring everything you’ve obtained in SSF in its parent league, so it would be exploitable. This doesn’t need to be the case for LE too, but I think it’s undeniable that having both option in the game could lead to more players enjoying LE.

My view is that it’s successes was due to the blizzard/Diablo brand name. I’m not so sure the merits of D3 nor the choice not to have global trade were it’s determinant for success.

And yet in Trasochi’s post, he said accelerating this gifting system was in response to the disappointment of not having a trade system. Clearly in EHG’s eyes, this is their idea of a trade system.


Exactly, but btw when its playerbase was biggest it did have global trade (AH) and taking it out the game has gotten ever smaller lol.

All the people that heavily question this decision, I would highly encourage you to think about it, why you would like to have trade.

And when you come ot the conclusion, that you feel like you will not be able to create or buidl the characters, you want. Then why not give feedback about that? Loot, drop rates, item acqusition in general.

I know there are people who simply like finding stuff that is “valueable”, even though they can’t use it, that will definitely not be a thing.

But I really hope EHG will keep strong on this one and stay true to their vision.
Whiel still listening to feedback regarding drop rates and the Solo/Coop experience.