Item Gifting Development Update from our Principal Game Designer

600 hours for 30 euros? Definitely didn’t get your money’s worth at all


Considering I payed to be a beta tester and a supporter for the game’s release, while being lied as the Kick Starter promised a multiplayer economy, then no, I definitely did not get my money’s worth.

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You didn’t test anything. You just played the game. Testers report bugs.

While it’s a pity that you feel bad enough to want a refund, plans changing after 3-4(?) years worth of development doesn’t make the original statement a lie. It would only be a lie if they never intended to add trade back when they made the original statement. So put your non-entitled big boy pants on and be disappointed that the devs haven’t been able to deliver on their original view (and it is totally reasonable to be disappointed) rather than throwing your toys out the pram because you only enjoyed the game for six hundred hours.

PS, sorry for the relative lack of sympathy. Its 0.05 EUR per hour, are there any other forms of entertainment that cheap? Apart from sunsets.


Why am I not surprised you are white knighting still. You are one of the biggest YAS QUEEN on this forum since the start of the game xD .


Just because i dont #### on the devs doesn’t mean I’m the “biggest YAS QUEEN”. Personally I’d say thats Heavy, he’s quite a bit more positive than I am.

But i am kinda sorry for being a teensy bit of a dick.


Are you, though? I figured you enjoyed it

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The two are not mutually exclusive.

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Afaik if you bought it through EHG’s website you can contact the support and issue a refund. If you bought it elsewhere… bad luck.

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And if I recall correctly that is more to do with steams ToS

No Mans Sky was refundable as well so it’s not the Steam ToS that much it’s just Steam don’t want to because there is not enough fuzz about the topic. Everyone could say “You refunden NMS because they didn’t deliver so refund game XYZ that isn’t delivering!” but Steam won’t because it’s a case to case descission.



Non-native speakers do come up with some amusing things. Though it wouldn’t surprise me if Macknum uses both German and English keyboards/windows keyboard language thing (as the s and z keys are swapped) which was annoying as #### when my esteemed Austrian employer’s IT department decided to use a German keyboard setup for some software that we had to remote in to from the UK and signing in had an s in our email addresses.

And that was far too long a sentence, but i can’t be arsed to fix it.

Is it too late for a refund after 600h

600h. Wish I have enjoyed the game so much. Just to give you some perspective when it comes to hours played: possibly the ARPG I’ve played the less. It’s really sad the game will “sunk on devs limited vision”, cause what I played (and yes I got far into the endgame with corruption etc [VK dev orb though]), I’ve enjoyed but not enough to accept terrible performance for no reason whatsoever considering the models and assets the game has, which in my opinion are worse than most of the games on this short list. 600 hours, man, your 30 euro was well paid :rofl:

Nope today I learned it’s fuss and not fuzz ^^. I have a realy hard time… back in the day I was a A student when it came to english… today my grammer is crap and I can’t put the words in the wrong places when I write a sentence :D. Lucky me most english speakers aren’t as germans and yell (quote) “Sprich deutsch du H*rensohn!” (/quote) if you do something wrong ^^.

Emphasis was meant to be on the “not enough” part of the statement :upside_down_face:

Don’t worry. I have a fairly high tolerance for non-native speakers not having flawless English, it’s the purported native speakers that I have issues with.

It’s about time investment over a promise, which was not delivered. “Massive end-game content and replayability, trading, PvP, Cycles(seasons), Ladders, and Achievements” . If the game didn’t advertised a trading system, I would have never bought it, as I hate SSF (I have never seen Orion’s Eye or Revenous Void and I only got Salt the Wouds after 150h of griding 300+ corruption). Anyway, apperantly Steam could be doing refunds, since they have a policy over undelivered Kick Starter projects. Also Marvel Heroes rip :frowning: .

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Awww, good point, I shall start complaining about not having achievements, it is WAAAYYY more important to me than trade. :rage: Maybe I should ask a refund or something…

More seriously, one thing I am totally convinced of is that LE WILL get achievements someday.
And some kind of trade system.
We don’t know what system yet, and it won’t be in 0.9, maybe not even 1.0, but it WILL come.

Just stop panicking, go play something else for a while, and come back more relaxed…

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He seems relaxed but to me as a non native speaker you sound pretty pissed and to me it looks like nagging instead of constructive responses :man_shrugging: .