Item Enchanting! This is why temporal sanctum is a bad idea!

This is me deleted your bad designed game after failed to enchant a single item just because “lost connnection” problem. Probably 10 times in a row! I really apraciate the guy who designed enchanting in this game and im sorry about that i maybe said too many bad words about his mother and sister after getting 10th disconnect. Bravo! You succeded something.

The disconnects are a built-in feature to filter out toxic players. Bye :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


No! This is not even close to toxicity. But nevermind, keep being a fanboy. And thanks to you, you made it clear that this game have no room to improve, just because fanboys like you. Keep playing this shit and waste hours just for enchanting one item. Good luck!

Rages out all over the forum



You have proven with your post that you have little patience and cannot differentiate between a technical problem in a game and the game itself. You’ve also included potentially real people who have nothing to do with your disconnects. This is childish and toxic.
So instead of contacting tech support or customer service, just create an entry under “General”.
Clever is different.

But there is a good side to this. You can go out now, gain experience, get older and more mature outside the game, and eventually you might manage to stay on topic instead of generalizing everything and just blaming strangers (whether they exist or not) for a problem.

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  1. This is not a technical problem. I never get disconnected while im actually could get in a dungeon or area or monolith. I never get disconnects in another games. I only get disconnected while im in a loading screen. The most important endgame mechanism is enchanting. So if im not able to use that? Is that a game problem or technical problem ? There is 2 loading screens on dungeon and your game cannot succed to pass that 10 in a row and if this makes me unpatient, yeah fair.

  2. Im 34 years old. and i have limited time to play games. As far as i know this game is full relased right ? not in beta or alpha right? I paid for this game right ? So the strangers that i have included should do their duty. 3 moths passed, there is tons of topic in this forum and reddit about getting disconnected on loading screens. And no one cares. Steam does not return your money, game devs doesnt fix their game and if being pissed for that makes me toxic or rude or childish yes im. I know my rights, im not a fanboy, im a consumer if that makes sense! I work for 9 hours a day, and i paid money for the game which is promoted as a full relase and i still cant play the shit after three months makes this game defective. their first priority should be to fix connection issues. If you cant solve it, at least put that enchanting tool to towns or somewhere else. Thats quality of life. Im playing games to have some fun. Not to get pissed. and there should be someone responsible for that.

(post deleted by author)

Constant Disconnections During Loading Screens this is why i included strangers. Can u see any response or solve in this topic. Tech support or something like that ? Btw how many copies did they sold ? Cant they hire another stranger dev to solve the issue ha ? And u my friend do you want me to say bad words againts your family too ? If not f off. You are not the one that i want to argue or reach my voice. If you are not that the stranger dev of this game.

You act like a 12-14 year old. Just the idea that you’re 34 is amusing.
Okay, little person, just to be clear: You were talking about moms and sisters who have absolutely nothing to do with EHG, and that’s childish and toxic.

The fact that you’re threatening me and think it’s going to do anything says everything there is to know about your character. But that doesn’t bother me. Carry on.

EHG doesn’t have to respond in any way.
So you couldn’t share your experience in the existing post? Your post is now so relevant that everything will change now?

It’s up to you how much time you have available to play. If your work doesn’t allow enough time, then be mad at work. You don’t watch a movie that’s 1:50 hours long when you only have 40 minutes and then complain about how long it is.

You don’t even want a solution to the problem. The game has already been deleted, so why wait for a response from EHG? That makes no sense.

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You should be brain retarded or you act like that! Are you egh dev lawyer ? If not why are you defending them here ? Maybe this way i can take their attention. Thats my idea!
How about you? Dont you have any work? You should be lifeless if you can find time for this forum and defend the devs and egh. Go get some life child and don’t meddle in other people’s business
Anyways good luck with this shit game. And im really sory for your father, you will not be succesfull. Its pretty obvious that you will be loser. Not gonna enter this forum again. Unlike you, I have work to do.

More like 14 years old. I refuse to believe a 34 year old can be this immature.

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I’m not sure i’m consciously defending EHG. i think it’s more of a side effect.
If someone spits in your face, you certainly don’t ask how you can help them. But that’s what you expect from EHG. In your mind, you bully them until they listen to you.

I don’t know why you’re so obsessed with work and what that has to do with the game, but i can tell you that i don’t work every saturday, and even when i’m at work for 9 or 10 hours, i still have a 30-45 minute break. yes, i have the time to write something on a forum even though i work. I know, unbelievable.

yes, i’m sure i’ll have good luck with the game.

Picking the father was only partly a good decision. On one hand it’s good because he’s dead and it could hurt me, but on the other hand it’s bad because he’s dead. His cold ash can’t care about anything. It’s ash. It doesn’t bother me either. But it’s nice that you feel sorry for him. See, it’s not that hard to be nice, even if it’s for nothing in this case.
I also think that “being successful” is subjective and everyone defines it differently.

Anyway, have fun with your work.

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What are you going to filter? the game is already dead, less than 2 months and the retention is worse than the worst PoP leagues. So you leave the other 15 players who still suffer here sad…I gave up man, you talk about a real problem with the game and are treated as “toxic” this game will have the same fate as Newworld or Wolcen

It’s a shame because the game has good ideas, it just lacks polish, the enchantment itself, it could be easily solved by damaging an orb to be used in the forge, including removing it from a stupid artificial barrier. The game has a lot of potential but it doesn’t seem to develop anything, the enchantment is like that, the craft is like that you craft it but not much since t7 is not possible to be crafted or reached. the trade is not a trade because you have to farm reputation (as we have already seen how this goes wrong in an ARPG with F4) you have to have tokens and you cannot trade everything… and even with that the game suffers from dupes, nothing It’s designed to be FUN, everything is a barrier to please failed lil strimer and pseudo hardcore nolifes.

you and the devc ignore and offend 90% of the players in the hope that the 10% are whales but sooner or later even those abandon ship and leave just an empty shell. So YES, enchantment is a problem, disconnections are frustrating, are we going to solve this or are we going to offend the players who still care to come here on the forum to talk about it?

As someone who has a very very short fuse [occasionally with good reason], i can some what understand your frustration with DCs on online as i myself lost close to 20 keys to rubberbanding into hits, and questionable network code. With that said i dont know if this was the most productive way of venting.

Hope your anger has passed, i know for myself it takes 3-4 days to cool from something most people would calm down from in mins. I know how that rage can boil inside with no end. Good luck. I would advise others to not antagonize op at this point. Think best thing is to just lock this thread