It is impossible to sell goods to other characters from the "Fortuna" faction, although the items do not have faction tags. (Невозможно продать товар другим пресонажем из фракции "Фортуна", хоты предметы не имеют тегов фракции.)

Help me solve the problem. I can’t figure out if this is a bug or if it should be like this.
The problem is as follows: I mine (craft) items that are not tied to a faction - on one character who is in the “Fortuna” faction. At the same time, there are no restrictions on the item and the items do not belong to a faction.
Then I try to sell these goods on the “market” using another character who is in the “Trade” faction. And the game gives an error: “you cannot sell goods that are prohibited for sale.”
Is this how it should be?
Is there any way to fix this if it is a bug?

Is this how it should be?

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