Hi there! Yesterday ay 4 AM I was so sleepy and I played in LE on Hardcore,I return to menu and I really accidentally click on “Delete character”… I’m so stupid… Is it possible to return him?
Account name: MarcyMay
Character name: ScarletWitch (51 lvl Acolyte)
Log’s files added : Player.log (9.4 KB) Player-prev.log (486.0 KB)
All savegames & character files are local to your system… so if you deleted a character the local file will have been removed and there is no way to get your character back unless you previously made a backup of the savegames yourself…
If you were using Steam Cloud saves, then you may be able to Login to Steam via a web browser and see if there is any copy of a a file in your Remote Storage on Steam… But if you sync’d Steam after deleting the char, its highly likely that Steam also removed the file…
You can look in the folder and see if there is still a _temp version of the savegame and rename it, but its unlikely…
Nothing is on a server right now so EHG cannot do anything to get your character back… This will change when the Multiplayer / Online play is added to the game but for now the only copy of your files are on your local machine by default (steam excluded)
For reference, Last Epoch config & saves files are in the following folder on Windows.
C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\LocalLow\Eleventh Hour Games