Most people here are going to tell you “your build is wrong, you can’t do that” but I’m not going to tell you that because I do a very similar build and ANY build can work, if you do it right.
I use permanent mostly-melee, all-physical minions. I have a lvl 100 offline and a lvl ~75ish in core or standard or whatever they’re calling it, and now I’m also in act 9 at lvl 55 and going strong.
My lvl 100 and ~75 use Skeletons, Bone Curse, Golems, Wraiths, and Abomination. Like I said, physical melee. So no mages at all. They aren’t physical OR melee. No Dread Shade. It mainly just increases necrotic damage, which I don’t do, so no need for it. Like you, I like only clicking the curse, so that’s all I do.
Bone Curse is INSANE if you spec into the right nodes in the tree. 100% armor shred gives your enemies a very negative armor very quickly, and there’s a buff you can do as well giving your minions 50% MORE physical damage, multiplicative with all other sources. This is insane! I also get my 3 vanguards from this tree and an execute at 12% health (yes, this works on bosses too). And a short 1 second slow on enemies (and my own minions) but that’s mostly irrelevant.
You are going to have to tell me the way you have your abomination tree set up. I hope you summon as many skeletons and mages as you can before summoning him too. But only using 2 skeletons you are greatly limiting THEIR output, and THEIR ability to shred armor via Bone Curse.
There’s a node in the skeleton tree where you get half as many skeletons but they are bigger and stronger. So if you have 9, you get 5 (it rounds up). And if you get the +1 skeletal mage from the tree you can summon 5 skeletons and 4 mages so your abomination consumes 9 minions and you still get strong skeletons to use.
Trust me, this build works…you just have to do it the right way. So please show me what your abomination passives are and we’ll work on it.
My build on my 100 and ~75 has in total 14 PERMANENT minions, which is THE MOST you can have if you have an abomination, other than bone minions (from Transplant) which are super squishy and irrelevant. The 14 minions are: the Abomination, 3 Vanguards (from Bone Curse or passive tree even), 2 Wraiths, 2 Bone Golems, 1 Revenant (from the Acolyte passive tree but also needs Lich passive trees and certain uniques to be permanent, so ask if you’re curious but this reply is already long enough), 1 skeleton warrior, and 4 skeleton archers, the only non-melee.
But since skeleton rogues were buffed in patch 1.0, I swapped to them instead of archers. So now 100% melee. But I also got rid of bone golems because OMG I can’t stand the SOUND the make they are so ANNOYING. Also they do very little damage. They are mainly useful for buffing other minions but Transplant can do that to so for now I’m using Transplant instead but I’m not sure. Transplant buffs attack damage and golems buff armor. Meh.
I tried using the quieter golems that use blood magic or whatever but they heal you which is bad for the low-health build…
Anyway, so those 14 minions would be reduced by 2 because no golems so that’s 12 but I also don’t have the permanent revenant yet so only 11: Abomination, 2 Wraiths, 3 Vanguards, 1 Warrior, and 4 Rogues. I could do 2 Rogues and 2 Archers to have more variety for the Abomination but not sure if worth. Probably? Meh.
Anyway that’s my build, sorry my post is so long! Let me see your level 17 abomination tree and I’ll tell you what I think. But also let me know if you are consuming as MANY minions as you can (which SHOULD be 9 skeletons by now, since you are specced into them + your mages). But the bigger skeletons are a way to take advantage of only having 5 skeletons, and also make sure you don’t accidentally kill off your abomination. Abomination only loses 4 that way, but meh.
EDIT: Oh also, wraiths are very very strong, the permanent ones can get quite the buff. They might do more damage than the abomination. Them and the abomination are certainly the main 3 minions. But the others are very useful for picking off trash mobs, soaking up damage, and stacking them armor shred stacks!
Permanent wraiths are very strong, don’t let anybody tell you otherwise. Non-permanent wraiths require a lot of mana and a lot of button-mashing.
EDIT 2: Also you should make sure to get +minion melee damage and +minion spell damage on a 2handed weapon. There’s an affix that gives both of those, then you can get a 2nd affix that buffs melee and bow or spell and bow. I obviously use melee and bow which I suggest you do as that buffs abomination and physical melee wraiths if you plan to use those. So if you want those 2 specific suffixes, you will need a 2-handed axe. There’s a base type that also increases minion damage, and at lvl 64, there’s an even STRONGER base type but I don’t have that one yet as I’m only lvl 55. These suffixes and maybe even the axe base types are NEW so I don’t have experiences with them yet.
Also the permanent revenant, if you chose to get it and once you do, is also extremely stronger, maybe even stronger than a single wraith on its own.
But it basically requires a unique called Exsanguinous which is a super rare drop (I don’t have one yet) and 21 points in the Lich tree to make it permanent, but it’s totally worth it. This also unlocks nodes in the Lich tree which gives +2 INT! That’s 8% minion damage, 8% minion health, and lots of ward retention per point and you can put 8 points into it so I actually have 29 points in the Lich tree on my higher level older characters. 
EDIT 3: You can also use a 2-handed sword and something else like spear or staff or something but ONLY the axe has the good base types for it.