Is anybody else feeling underwhelmed by the 1.1 cycle annoucnment?

If you think you need a second set of gear to use two attack spells, your knowledge of the game is severely lacking :slight_smile:

Oh look, your Lightning Blast is the weak Spark Charge variant. Yet you still got to 1000+ corruption. Much non-viable. Such wow. :rofl:

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Brainrrotting, all my gear was on spark charges and lightning blast + skills/damage/crit.

It was not fun to play, like using a fork to dig a trench. The skill is clearly broken and poorly designed.

You have no game knowledge at all if you have question that.

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This is so funny :rofl: you pushed it to 1000+ corruption, you showed us the video proof yourself, so the skill is clearly fine. So what are you trying to prove here exactly? :smiley:

If you didn’t like it, you should’ve stopped sooner.

I don’t need ANY game knowledge to read what you posted in here and see how silly it is :slight_smile:

It is a RANGED CHAIN LIGHTNING SKILL that does not chain on a single target unless you take a specfic node sacrificing half of the chains, half of the dps, and making mana unsustainable.

It is a RANGED CHAIN LIGHTNING SKILL that buffs you if you use it in MELEE range, and a massive buff at that only works when you hit ground or someone nearby, so it has to chain to you.

It is a skill that has such a poor damage scaling that most DPS source are the spark charges that scale of INT with flat +dmg.

I had +26 or +28 points in lightning blast, and still could not get most nodes I would want to get.

It is a skill that grants you lightning AEGIS, a massive buff and boost to DPS for all lighning skills, that for some reason breaks as soon as you take dmg, so good luck spamming it in melee range.

There are so many incredible bad game design flaws.

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Just because I did it does not make the build viable. I can do many things, nobody here can.

I am sorry but this message makes you look like a troll, and I cannot take your posts seriously. You are clearly here to have fun laughing not any serious discussion. Which is the second skill for boss killing on a lightning blast spec?

300c you could do on any build half naked, it did not even require scaling, it does not mean the build is viable

the fact that this guy made a build guide of it, shows just how atrocious most build guides are, and how widespread dunning kruger syndrome is


Yeah if I’m being honest these patch notes really didn’t move the needle for me.

I’m actually really surprised how some specs got very little changes. Void knight passives got like 2 changes. I was really expecting a massive wide amount of changes to every spec, considering EHG’s bad stance on no mid season buffs/nerfs. If your spec didn’t receive any meaningful changes don’t expect anything until next season which is really sad.

Also the number one gripe I’ve seen with le is how bad the monolith system is. And it doesn’t seem like anything meaningful was changed for it. We don’t know how plentiful the new glyphs will be for alts. So it could be a case your alt can skip maybe a few timelines. We will see. But other than that no meaningful changes to it.

The only new content is the “boss” system. Which we’ve heard from d4 devs that Lilith was only attempted by a very small minority of players because they said that the majority of players don’t care to fight pinnacle bosses, they are there for the killing of massive wave of enemies. So a lot of people might not attempt the boss. Which in turn really means no new content for the majority of players.

I’m just really shocked at how hyped this game initially was that the devs really didn’t add much to the game.

If Le keeps drip feeding content in with no seasonal mechanics I don’t think this games future is bright.

I’m expecting about a 100k-125k peak player count for the new season. Which is a bad sign if that happens.


To be fair, the moment the post owner made this post was 5 days ago. At that time he only saw 1 of the “Pre patch post”. The full 1.1 patch note just release not long ago.

You are just expecting too much from EHG which is a small/medium team not as big as GGG (Let’s forget Blizzards because D4 is shit). This is not POE, in fact POE didn’t actually bring a lot of content every season (sometimes yes, sometimes no). The amount of content POE has today is accumulated by years of development with tons of seasons update.

I don’t know how can you call this a small patch when there is new Pinnacle Boss followed by 10 Harbringers (You can call Harbringers mini boss or whatever but they are still Bosses), Boss Ward System, Nemesis System, New Unique Items, Update to CoF and MG factions, bunch of Skills and Passives Balancing is a “small update” (I know not every class receive a lot of balance update but you can see EHG is still looking across the board to update those outdated Skills and Passives).

You mentioned about Void Knight, but I can tell you Void Knight is fine when compared to Forge Guard, Shaman and mayb Sorcerer as well. FG and Shaman are the 2 classes that feel really underwhelmed and outdated when playing with. That’s why you can see FG and Shaman receive more update to their Skills and Passives than other classes. I play this game since 0.7 open beta I know what I am talking.

This is just a season update, you can see their roadmap about 1.2 1.3 1.4. There will be more coming in future. Just chill and enjoy whatever we have.

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The nature of your argument with others lies in the fact that different players have different perceptions and needs of the game.
I’m not going to say you’re wrong - actually my personal preferences are somewhere in between yours and theirs - but you shouldn’t be expecting support for your views on this forum. Due to survivor bias, the vast majority of players who speak on this forum are those who support the current version of the game, don’t care about tier lists, and don’t care about using META builds all the time. the vast majority of players who have the same opinion as you have been AFK for months and don’t post on the official forums.


So PoE about 4-5 years ago then (somewhere around Betrayal through Metamorph)? Is PoE a daed gaem?

They’re adding stuff they consider “core content” first then they’ll start doing “proper” seasons with league mechanics & stuff which I don’t think is entirely unreasonable, but IMO, as long as they keep adding more stuff I’m not too fussed whether it’s in the form of league-only stuff or something everyone can access immediately (ish, pinnacle bosses notwithstanding).

It’s not.

First of all I’m glad to see that a few major tweaks actually represent what a lot of players are thinking - item factions, corruption levels, ward, etc. But these updates are really just patches, and as far as new content goes, we have new bosses, new enemies and new unique items - I wouldn’t say there’s too little content, but it’s clearly not enough if the goal is to bring online numbers back to their peak values.
Maybe there is some appeal for players like me who have only tried three CLASSES and played for more than 200 hours, but I can’t find a reason to bring back players who have tried many builds and have gotten tired of the previous versions.
Also I’ve been expecting an update on the game’s graphics and optimization (well I don’t actually expect it because of technical issues that I don’t think can be solved) because in a game like this where you need to farm over and over again, the graphical performance and combat feedback is actually important in determining the threshold of how much you can get bored doing the same thing over and over again. This is why the designers of D4 have been acting like retards, but there are still a lot of people who will stick around to play the new season. I’ll think my RTX4080 is broken when my game regularly drops below 60 fps in my echo, not to mention the inconsistency in the movement and direction of the character’s walk, causing it to look like a space step at times.
Anyway I’ll be starting the new season at the first opportunity, but a few friends who used to play at the same time as me are apathetic about it.
Yes EHG is a small team, but just because it is a small team, their work needs to strike while the iron is hot, and once the heat is off it’s very difficult to get it back up, as countless examples can attest to. It would have been great if the season had been launched a little over two months ago; as it is now I can only be highly skeptical of the 100,000+ online numbers predicted by many in another thread.


It does.

Sorry, I’m not interested in your opinions about how the content of my posts makes me look in your eyes :slight_smile:

Meteor for Sorcerers, Surge for Spellblades, Runic Invocation for Runemasters, Static Orb and Glacier for Mage in general. I’m not sure if Volcanic/Frozen Orb can work aswell.

Can’t take anything you say seriously after that.

The forgotten knights, harbingers, and the boss are all part of the pinnacle boss “system” they advertised. The only other new thing considered content would be the nemesis system which are just exiled mages 2.0. Which you randomly run into in the world.

Other than those that’s the only new “content.”

New uniques, class changes, updated factions aren’t new content for players to take part in.

Content is considered monoliths, dungeons, arenas, bosses, etc. something new to do.


It does though. If it can do all content, it’s viable.
It’s not competitive, which is clearly ALL you care about. It can’t do 2k+ corruption, which is clearly ALL you care about.
But it’s viable for everyone else.

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300 corruption appears to be what EHG uses to measure whether a build has been successful or not (source). Therefore, if you think any build can do 300 corruption, it means any build is “viable” per the developers’ point of view.

It’s not nice to pick on people who are on the autism disorder spectrum… You need patience and understanding with that population.

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Yes, but that’s not a small thing. It’s like complaining that they only reworked monos when they changed from the old version to the current implementation.

No, they aren’t (just exiled mages 2.0).

I would agree with that & that’s, IMO, one of the reasons why the player count dropped off as quickly as it did in 1.0.

Yes, you really do.

When you can’t defend your point of view logically you came up with this kind of lame reply

And that’s my major concern with this game. Is the bad stand on no mid season changes. Mid season patches is how you retain players and/or have an influx of players coming back.

I don’t like how if your spec didn’t receive any meaningful changes you will have to wait another season for changes, hopefully.

I am disapointed by the massive amount of nerfs. It is a poor way to do things. I would prefer massive buffs to weak specs then nerfing EVERYTHING (hyperbole)

Completely agree. D4 Bad