Is anybody else feeling underwhelmed by the 1.1 cycle annoucnment?

Does it matter? Are you limited in any way by it? Do you get to play less content because of that?
Personally, I probably won’t really start playing until a few days into the cycle anyway and I can tell you that streamers doing stuff and getting to level 100 before I even pick up the game has absolutely 0 impact on my enjoyment of the game.

The cycle start (as well as when they release patches) has to do with giving the devs enough time to fix problems that come up with the patch before the weekend. If they released the patch on friday, they would have to work all weekend long to fix stuff.
This way, they have 3 days to fix problems and have a chance of not having to work on the weekend.
It’s also why Blizzard started doing that. It has nothing to do with the players.

Unless you’re a speedrunner and want to be the first to 100/pinnacle boss/whatever (and LE doesn’t have a way to track this, so you can’t even really know), not being able to play for 2-3 days makes no difference.
If they released on a friday you’d play for 2 days, then you’d stop playing on monday anyway, while the streamers would continue doing stuff.


I’m sorry this affects you so much. But would you think you’d have any chance to compete with people that can play all day every day?

I agree with @DJSamhein regarding the benefits on EHG’s side to have a full workforce ready to deal with anything - should benefit us players as well.

I probably won’t be able to start before thursday given work and the euro semifinals. So one might accuse EHG of going for the lowest possible player count at launch so the servers don’t bust again :smiley: (irony)


Heaven forbid that a dev studio choises to release a big thing when they’ll have people in work for the next few days to deal with the inevitable random crap that affects the game. Since we know that you couldn’t care less about the health (mental or physical) of the people that make the games you enjoy, perhaps you shpuld suck it up & move to a different timezone?

I have a job, it works fine for me.

So was everybody, they didn’t do it just to piss you off.


You don’t understand what I am talking about. I played runemaster, my first build was like C-B quality, it cleared mobs up to 1k corruption, but was slow at bossing. I respecced in another build and my dps increased 10 times, I still cleared mobs just a bit faster, but bosses died rapidly.

So here is a thing, Sorcerer/Runemage/Swordmage, have about 20 abilities combined, out of them there were like 2 A+ builds, 3-4 B builds, some C builds, and a whole lot like half of the abilities being worthless. You can’t make a build out of a skill that has no scaling, no uniques for it, no base dmg, nothing. I have not even seen a single sorcerer doing well.

Nobody wants to play D tier build that does no dmg and has no surviveability, when you can play B-A-S tier.

The problem is if you get same top gear quality on D tier build you will still be at the bottom.

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Good thing this isn’t a competition, thus I can enjoy my time “at the bottom” with my “D tier” build and be happy :wink:


I will never understand why you or anyone insists on trying unreasonably hard to compete with the sweatlords and streamers like you ever had any chance of competing with them to begin with. They could literally mail you a button that doesn’t release the patch until you press it at the most convenient time for yourself and you would still have zero chance of keeping up with those players. If you have any other commitments that encroach on your time, you will always be a one legged man trying to enter an ass kicking contest.


You mean to say nobody competitive. I don’t have an issue with playing weaker builds. In fact, I usually avoid the broken S+ tier builds altogether.

Mostly that’s because I just want to have fun with a skill, even if it does x1000 less damage and corruption that the S+ builds.
But it’s also because you can take any single damage skill in the game and be able to do all content with it, as long as you build properly.
Many might have a hard time reaching 300c, but they can reach empowered monos.

Since I don’t care about reaching the high number and only care about how fun it is to play with that build, every build is viable for me.


my 9 husbands and 72 children agree

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now that I’ve read the last couple update blogs I’m very excited. they’re making a ton of changes that should turn out well.

I’m sorry that you have this strong degree of difficulty in understanding simple concepts.

The original narrative of Path of Exile was a journey of vengeance, in which the main characters were exiled to suffer horrible deaths, and against the odds they become powerful enough to defeat the Templar who exiled them in the top of his fortress.

If you cannot tell the difference between someone who took the main characters away from their lives to send them to suffer in a living nightmare, and “some random army guy” + “who happened to be a leader/judge at the time”, you need more help than I can offer.

I’m pretty sure I never contested that :slight_smile:

For example, if a Village Elder sends you to a prison, you may hold a grudge against this Village Elder, but it won’t suddenly raise the Village Elder in status. He’ll still be a Village Elder. Apply the same example to Dominus.

Projecting your own faults at others won’t help you win an argument.

If you don’t have anything better to say, we can end this poe lore off-topic and go back to the original issue, where you expect bosses that arrived after 9 years of work in POE to be implemented to LE in 5 months.


It is called min-maxxing, yes I performed well in end game content and bosses, but I had 0.01% percentile gear. I had perfect rolls on all blessings.

I worked more on getting that gear, than it takes to level up from lvl 1 to 100, for 5 characters.

That is something that the game should reward via build scaling. My best t4 Julra kill was about 6.6 seconds.

I did not abuse bugs, nor did I have immortal 50k+ ward build.

If every build gonna be weak and have no scaling potential, then people will be bored playing this game.

There is no need to run calculations, test things, theorycraft, min-max, upgrade your character, you can just get whatever, and go play t100 corruption with everyone else.

That kind of beats the purpose of ARPG.

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No, killing bosses in seconds is not called min-maxing. It is called overpowered.

All builds can min-max - the overpowered ones as well as the viable ones - but not all builds can perform endgame bosskills in seconds.

Again, good news for you. Most if not all builds already have scaling potential.

Because you arbitrarily decided which builds are “good” and which are “not good”, YOU stopped calculating, testing, theorycrafting and minmaxing those “not good” builds. So, this is more of a YOU problem.

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I’m pretty pumped for this update. Been outta the game for a while, playin’ other things.
Between balance changes, the addition of the Evade, channeling rework, pinnacle content, new faction, QoL stuff and new items, there is quite a bit to this next update.

I think a lot of people fail to grasp that this game isn’t quite as large on the back end as other ARPGs and it’s going to take some time to finish off the base-level of the game with all of the additions and tweaks to core systems that are going to be necessary before we get into heavy and more spectacular things on a regular basis with these updates.

The evade in particular I think is being slept on a little bit here. Giving everyone a movement skill (albeit not a particularly fantastic one off the jump) is huge. Now for classes with less good movement skills, or if you are really ballsy, you can forgo a movement/defensive skill in favor of Evade and get a 5th skill added to your build that improves your DPS. Big. Very big. Risky. But big.


I would consider it, if you had not proved my point by saying…

Where have I said that?

There are many places where you can get the help you need. You can look it up on Google, and you can ask for help if you can’t find the right places.

Lightning blast is a terrible build, it did not get fixed in 1.1. at all. Lightning blast does no single target/boss dmg at all, the only way to make it do that damage is to spend all points going one side to make the lightning blast be able to chain off the boss, this makes the build non-viable, as it eats a lot of mana, at the same time it stops clearing packs of mobs.

Here is an example of non-viable builds. You don’t need a PhD to see that.

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Maybe you should study some more:

For example. A viable lightning blast build that does bosses at 300c.

EDIT: Maybe you just don’t have the knowledge to make it work, but that doesn’t mean it can’t.


Are you like literally crazy? He is doing in that video 1000-2000 dmg per hit.

Edit. Maybe I should lay off the public forums, you are literally frying my brains off into a muddle of rot.

This is my lightning blast video, I have removed it from public access and deleted the build as well, because it is trash tier.

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That’s funny, because there are builds using Lightning Blast all over the place. What’s even funnier, almost no build uses Convergence which is THE bosskilling version for the spell. Most people play the weak Spark Charge variant for some weird reason.

You also don’t need a PhD to know that you can always nuke the boss with a second attack spell of your choice and keep Lightning Blast on group clear mode :wink:

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Yeah and second set of gear for the second attack spell, and switch in the middle of the dungeon as well.

Instead of fixing clearly not working game mechanics for the spell that does not scale with bosses.

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