Is anybody else feeling underwhelmed by the 1.1 cycle annoucnment?

Need to see patchnotes, actuall list of all new items, actuall balance changes to existing items, and actual changes to classes/skills. It is hard to estimate for now, your all playing a guessing game. Classes could change dramatically. There were only a few viable builds in 1.0

This is just false. There were lots and lots of viable builds. There were, however, only a few broken ones.
If you’re a competitive player, you would feel like only those were worth playing. However, there were literally dozens that were viable and fun to play.
There were even a bunch of off-meta builds (including health builds without ward) that did 2k+.

I wouldn’t expect many builds to achieve 1k+ in 1.1, though.


As you said it has a lot to do with expectations. I´m happy with a restart , some new uniques and better balance.
For me the game still needs some polish to the fundamentals , so I understand they have to mix some new stuff while improving the existing things, so not really expecting too much.

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Not really, no. Path of Exile was released with only three acts, but those had a self contained storyline with beginning, middle and end (in fact, originally, the game credits were shown after killing Dominus).

Later they expanded the storyline, but the game had released with a full campaign.

If Last Epoch had done the same thing, instead of stopping in a cliffhanger and leaving multiple open plot points, I think people wouldn’t talk so often about the campaign feeling unfinished.


You seem to live in a very small world.
I mean the term viable is already very subjective, but you seem to have it narrowed down so much, that you restrict yourself quite a lot by viewing things in such a narrow perspective.

What is “viable” for you? 4 digits corruption numbers? I have to disappoint you, builds that are doing that are not “viable”, they are outliers that are not meant to be that strong.


There are LOADS of viable builds in this game, it’s awesome. If your definition of viable is “able to push a bit of corruption.” There are very few builds that aren’t able to do that, even. I love the possibilities.


So killing Dominus - basically some random army guy who practiced forbidden magic, who just so happened to be a leader/judge character at the time the story begins - and rolling credits means the storyline is complete and finished. Got it.

The vanished civilizations of Wraeclast without any explanation for their disappearance, Piety who magically survived her death by our hands, or for example the “reverie device” in Act 2 with a cryptic message from (surprise, surprise) the next final boss that wasn’t in the game at that point yet, those were definitely not open plot points. :slight_smile:

I’m not sure what channels you’re reading, but people aren’t talking about the story that much at all.


I find it interesting that so many people feel this way. I wouldn’t have guessed this. To me, 9 chapters of an unfinished story are simply more than running 3 chapters 3 times. I never thought of an end as that relevant. After all, we’re supposed to stay in that world quite a while beyond that “end”.

Sanchez, I know you had a build that can kill bosses in seconds, but the broad audience calls those builds “overpowered”, not “viable”.
Viable are builds that can clear all content. Which nearly all builds can do.

  1. five 100lvl chars
  2. legacy online
  3. different chars, play style etc
  4. 100lvl c300 as OK point. Only one is really successful and killing t4 Julra within 30-40sec (if no buggy oneshots)
    600+ hours, MG only, no guides(and even letools release builds as I like to try out something weird) and preferably no OP skills like healing hands, wrathlord, frostclaw
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Nah, i’m quite happy with what we get and to be honest, it was even more then what i expected. Like i really thought pinacle boss would be just there and you jump in, but they build a whole Faction and the Harbinger-Concept around it. And esp. the Faction System makes me excited for the future, because while i remember they mentioned it beforehand that we might get new faction, i never fully could grasp in what direction… would it be another choice for a different playstyle like CoF and MG? And as we see, no, they really can add it for more stuff, by such expand endgame and replaybility and also fits perfect with the season themes. I only hope and i might stand alone on this, we won’t see every pure seasonal (exclusive) stuff, because if it’s one thing which i just don’t like about seasons is, when they offer new features and stuff, and get taken away once the season is done… and esp. factions would be frustrating.

Than there is also the Nemesis System, i dunno what i did expect, but i certainly didn’t expect this. I thought maybe a more free-roaming sideboss like Butcher in Diablo 4 maybe, but not with a whole reward-system around it with some choices like empower him or to replace an special item with one of your uniques etc.

And even Evade was done more then expected because as far as my understanding goes each class, even transformation will have their own evade animations and that Uniques / Items exist who alter them like crab summonig…

And that’s only one part of the whole Update we’ve seen so far. From my understanding we also get another post about QoL Features which are teased (and the blessing change will be such a blast, because not gonna lie here and being geniune, that killed a bit of my mood last cycle to hunt for them because they get replaced. For me this feature is like the aspects feature of Diablo 4 before they added the abbility to add them to the codex if you destory them… cool idea but just needs a bit tweaking) plus balancing will also be a major thing.

So again no, i’m not underwhelmed about it, but rather the opposite: Positive Surprised. And as @Sol77 pointed out as well → Especially after release the first updates which includes Seasons should focus on polishing and tweaking the existing stuff up and expand on them, instead of going totally wild. Because if the Foundation isn’t quite there where it should be, you won’t keep people with the entirely new stuff as well. I mean look at Diablo 4 as example: OVerall the perception was that Season 2 was quite one of the better ones vs 1 and 3, because they had some cool stuff like the vampire mechanic and some other additions… still people weren’t that invested because the second half / endgame still have had issues especially with the itemization. And now compare it with Season 4 which did polish/rework some neccesary foundational stuff like itemization and people are way more positive and engaged with the game. Give the Game another 1 or 2 Years and than i can see how last epoch might drop some wilder stuff.

Underwhelmed? No I’m super excited … Can’t wait for this update. Really looking forward to all the new stuff.

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Isn’t it exhausting how some people use the word “viable” as a synonym for “Top 5 Best Biggest Numbers”?


I wouldn’t say 1.1 is necessarily underwhelming. I feel like it’s pretty clear that there’s at least a year’s worth (maybe even two) of content that this game is still lacking. Not in that what we have is bad, but that they’ve made a lot of the systems they want to exist very clear, and I think they’re still in the process of improving and introducing those base systems. So even though there’s only one pinnacle boss, a pinnacle boss exists at all now, and they’ll have some kind of framework to build new ones off of. The Nemesis system serves to expand the random encounters to make monos less boring. The introduction of the Forgotten Knights faction showed us that factions aren’t just for item collection, and have their own framework that can now be used to add more factions in future cycles.

Even though the game has been released, LE still needs some love, and I feel like until EHG gets all of the core systems they want to see implemented into live, we’ll be getting the occasional update that feels like it adds nothing. I’m very easy to please, and this is probably one of my favorite games of all time, so I’m biased to give them a lot of leeway, but I think that as their team grows and core systems get expanded upon, we’ll start to see more and more impactful updates

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Absolutely, IMO, running a small campaign multiple timmes to get to end game just makes me detest the story that much faster.



I’m sorry you didn’t understand the game’s storyline. As is mentioned multiple times in PoE, Dominus was the Templar responsible for sending our characters into exile, so he was far, far more than “some random army guy”.

Piety did not survive her death at the time (she simply died). Malachai was a character in the lore like any other, so the message from him was no different from the message from Chavronne in Act 1. And the destruction of the Vaal and of the Eternal Empire are clearly described in acts 2 and 3.

I suggest learning a bit more about Path of Exile’s lore if you think those topics were “open plot points” by the time PoE was released.

Maybe you should brush up on what a Templar is. Because he absolutely is “some random army guy” + “who happened to be a leader/judge at the time”.

So you’re saying her later revival was a retcon. That is possible.

No, Malachai was an important historical character, definitely not “like any other”. And when there’s not enough info about important characters, that’s what we call open plot points.

Vaal Cataclysm isn’t properly explained to this day. And it certainly wasn’t at 1.0.0 release. Looks like you’re the one who needs to learn a bit more about Path of Exile’s lore.

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Not really

I am looking forward to Last Epoch 1.1 more than any D4 season or recent Path of Exile leagues.

I am not sure if i am going to play or not.

this company releases cycles at the worst possible time, I think its 3am on a Wednesday morning, I wont get to login until 6pm+ after work, at this point the streamers and co are deep into maps and probably fighting Harb boss while idiots such as myself are still in the fkn campaign at level 5

I took a day off work last time to just sit on a login screen at 4am for 8 fkn hours on/off and would genuinely rather be at work at that point

Your cycle start (which basically seems fixed by Steams ‘patch day’ and you are too cheap to move it) basically says “fuck you idiot with a job and not streaming our game”

It seems fairly apparent at this point EHG/Blizzard/TI - basically every aRPG except Path of Exile releases mid week and dont give a fuck about any player who has a schedule. Even Fromsoft had the decency to release Shadow of the Erdtree on a Friday