Inifinite load screen into Sanctum Cloisters (Temporal Sanctum f2)

being nitpicky here (and also bumping the thread for visibility to the team here) but its EHG that runs last epoch. problem still persists, its fine tho that settlers of kalguur content reveal today was FIRE! imma be league start practicing instead of throwing my face at keys that brick. what you guys thinking of league starting? im thinking hexblast miner again, or locus PS mines. maybe try out the new ascendancy that replaced raider, i think itll be super strong. im glad that GGG (the company for poe) listens to the community and gave us a currency trade marketplace. they are really on top of gamebreaking bugs that PAYING customers have issues with. good company there.

Same here… although, game tells me “connection lost”. Lost 3 keys too…

propably going some melee build since they buffed all melee, propably cyclone or cleave

Same for me. Literally havent been able to run the dungeon once to completion. Hoping for a fix soon, this is causing a progression wall for me.

melee looks great bro, im super excited , i just wish lightning strike was buffed as much as the other melee skills. you still crashing in dungeons bro? i am…

Same here,pls fix this

i gave up on this game better take some break before poe so it feel better playing another arpg, playing dungeonborne and looking trough league starters for now, league starter meta got crazy shake up

Same issue here over the course of several days. Truly frustrating.

Also Stuck on Loading Screen. Losing Keys to this is really annoying. Please fix asap.

This and because of other game breaking bugs is the reason I didn’t give the game a positive Review.

This things are super annoying and unbelievable they’re happening. Especially because lots of this bugs are here since EA!

Same for me btw, I can’t target farm my Unique because can’t do this dungeon!

what yall playing in settlers of kalguur? XD

I dont even know whats special about this transition… game is heavy loading and takes longer than usual, even when it works out. Sometimes u are just stuck in loading screen (u can press ESC though and see the overlay but loading screen is still there) or once i even had a crash at this stage…
And yes this dungeon unfortunatley is essential for the gear progress

I actually just had it happen on Lightless Arbor level 2. So it doesn’t seem limited to Temporal Sanctum (which is obviously the most important given they’ve tied gear to it).

remember all those who are playing poe, if your build doesn’t have endurance charges it is glass cannon or troll build

“Hey there guys, we are aware of the problem you guys are experiencing and are working towards a fix, please hold tight, we know its annoying, and it is for us too.”

see how easy it woulda been? but im practicing lightning strike instead…

Same problem here. I have a 12,5% success rate. Of the 7 crashes i had 6 ‘infinte’ load screen. And once where all enemies disappear and the time shift mechanic no longer works. I believe this last encounter may be me losing connection to the servers.

Just repplying hoping it increases visibility to the devs.

Just lost 5 keys in a row to this trash, if they continue to ignore the game breaking bugs they will continue to lose players in their droves.

Make that 6 in a row now, just lost another. They need to gift everyone 20+ keys, this is garbage that’s gating my endgame build potential.

7 in a row, complete farce

Same here lost 5 keys