Idle disconnect timer outside of town (online mode)


I’m disconnected in about 1 to 1.5 mins when idle outside of town. Unfortunately, my life sucks huge pig gonads because I’m pretty much on-call most of the time since I work from home. This means having to stop and check my phone when an incoming notification happens. It might be an email or text which might require about 2 to 3 mins of my attention. This could happen once or twice an evening or several times an hour depending on what is happening with my employer’s clients. It is really annoying to pick up my phone and be done in a little over 2 mins and find my session disconnected. Could you guys please increase the idle disconnect timer to 5 mins? The folks I would party with online, understand my job situation and they are in similar circumstances, but with mine being the most volatile. So, there are several of us who can’t enjoy playing Last Epoch together without very annoying disconnects. 5 mins is enough time to check my phone and a quick trip to the rest room or get a drink of water. These are simple but important things that should be allowed for without the need to TP to town. Keep in mind, there are points in the leveling process where TP’ing to town is not available, and this is outside the starting zone. Please consider increasing the idle disconnect timer.

There must be something happening on your side, because as far as I know the idle timer is 15 minutes. I’ve had plenty of times where I was playing and stopped for 10 minutes (alt-tab out of the window) and I don’t get disconnected.

Do you get the messages saying you’ll be disconnected in x minutes? When you get close to the end of the timer LE warns you with periodic messages (“You will be disconnected in 2 minutes”, or something like that).

No I’m not doing anything strange or odd. I’m in the Fortress Walls area (low level). I cleared out 1-3 packs and just stop moving. No alt-tabbing. I stopped just before 9:19am EST and somewhere between 9:21 and 9:22am it says “You lost connection to the game server”. I had green latency the entire time. Is there a game setting I need to enable? This issue only happens in Last Epoch. No other online game disconnects me like this with consistency.

I don’t think there’s any setting. But what you’re describing also isn’t an idle disconnect timer. The timer exists, but has a much longer time and it has warnings at several intervals.
Your situation seems to be “simply” random disconnects. It’s not easy to debug what might be causing them. It could even be something in your ISP side of things that is disconnecting what it sees as an idle connection (even though I don’t really think it is, since LE’s server continues sending information, but it’s just an example).

So when that happens, try to use the in-game bug report tool. That tool gathers a bunch of information about the game state and is more helpful for devs to figure out what might be happening.
You could also edit your first post and move this to Bug Reports, since your issue seems to be a bug (even if the cause isn’t too clear yet).

Network issues are notoriously hard to debug, even more so than hardware ones. But hopefully using the in-game bug report it will have useful info for the devs.

Thank you. I will edit the first post as you suggested.

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I spoke to my friends and passed the information along. They are experiencing the same issue. Idle outside of town just beyond the 1st waypoint being tagged, mobs cleared, go idle and randomly disconnected in under 2 mins. We are spread across the US in NYC, NJ, D.C., Texas, Chicago, Arizona, California, Washington state, N. Carolina, and a few other states in the middle and south west.

They should all also use the in-game bug report. It’s not a normal thing to happen.
As I’ve mentioned, I’ve done that multiple times and for a longer time, both in campaign zones, echoes or several other places and this didn’t happen.

Maybe you all have the same provider, or they go through the same router. Or maybe it’s something with LE’s server. Whatever the cause, the best way to try to find a fix is the in-game bug report.

Thank you again. I tested again several hours later. I was able to go a full 5.5 mins idle without disconnecting. This supports your idea of random disconnects, which sounds like a much bigger issue. The latency meter gives no indication of communication issues.

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Yes, like I said, using the in-game but report tool is your best option. It gathers a bunch of data from the game state and should help the devs better.
Also maybe include which ISP you have and if you’re using a VPN in the report. Anything that might seem significant should help the devs track it down.

Thank you and will do. I posted a bug report when the disconnect happened the last time.

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