I was waiting for the game

I was waiting for the game, I thought this is my only and constant one.
But after playing for a hundred hours I began to notice some things:
Lootfilter - excellent. But what is “excellent”? What difference does it make if there are many or few things, I will filter out if I don’t see 75% in the rift because… mobs die far behind me, and it doesn’t matter whether from the echo of the void knight or from the blades of the rogue.
There is no need to talk about gold and craft materials.
The loot filter is 100% useful only on the drop after the rift.
In order to see the fact that things have dropped, you need to run, walk slowly, forward/backward/sideways. Not my gameplay.
Maybe the loot filter can show drops on the minimap? No. Only unique and useless keys.
Maybe it can tell you by the sound? No. The hidden one has sound too.
Maybe you can hide legendaries with LP 0 and 1? No.
Over the many years of development noone has asked these questions? They asked.
Will this be done? No. Because 20% of effort brings 80% of profit.
Why was the ladder removed from Legacy?
The ladder itself with waves - sitting for many hours in a row to get to the top is unhealthy idea. You can always start from the last completed wave. Nobody asked about this in previous years? They asked.

Why did the developers sensibly decide that identifying things and repairing them is a rudiment, and clicking to a drop is not? Mystery.

There is little specificity in the topic about the pickup. There is a categorical refusal to auto-pickup. And the obvious thing is to make the automatic pickup of gold and crafting materials, automatic in a large radius, and show things from the loot filter on the minimap. You only need one additional checkbox in each filter - show/not on the minimap. Ideally the same color as in the rule.
The chance of getting an item through a hard filter is about 0, and missing it in the rift couse running is excellent.

Those who don’t like it turn everything off in the settings and run around like they are now, clicing at everything.
Has anyone talked about this before? They talked. Will it be? No. Because 20% of effort brings 80% of profit.

Is this my only game? No. The game is not at all for me even at the basic gameplay level.
There is no dynamics, or there is no drop.

Last Epoch is a great game, it brought several things at the concept level, but others will develop it. These are realities.
At first I got excited and created a topic about Ladder, but then I realized that a remote indie-studio has no chance of bringing the game to mind.

I remembered Wolsen, all this is sad. There is hunger in the industry, this can be seeng from the release pik online, I will hope for the best. But big experience says - don’t hope.
I was 20+ at the time of Dablo 1’s release.

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I am sorry to hear that this game didn’t fulfill your expectation, and the changes you hope to see don’t get implemented right away.

I know this is going to be main game for a very long time. Bought another supporter pack last night because I am satisfied with the way they handled the bug-fix nerf. A lot of games out there have great potentials like LE but the way EHG treats this game and community makes me think this is going to be one of the few games that can actually realize its full potential.

I was 12 when I started playing D2, and was still playing it when I was 20. I am 40 now and I have been looking for aRPG to be my main game for years but couldn’t find one. GD was close (and I think GD does a lot more things better than LE still, but their core mechanism is different, so nothing can be done about that). I am glad I found LE. I wish you luck and hope you find your ideal aRPG soon.

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Personally I thought I was done with ARPG for the forseeable future. I bought Last Epoch at some point last year because I just wanted something, anything, to scratch that itch. Well, turns out it does that and a full body massage.

Now we just need some happy ending… :wink:

Which I think we’ll get, lol

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I rather not go into any details. There are children here. :sweat_smile:

Unfotunately I have to inform you, this is not how that works.
I don’t understand why people always think that just giving people options will make all sides happy.

There are game design decisions that should be equal for everybody and just giving people options who prefer one way over the other will not help with a lot of issues that will come up.

Especially in a very meta driven gaming landscape. People not choosing certain options will feel like they are at a disadvantage, when there is the other option.

This does not onyl apply to auto pick up, but to so many more things including mastery respecs most notibly.

Others are moving already

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Thats the thing, options play better than not having it, at least for the way this game is panning out. This is a MMO and more features and should focus on well favoring for one, instead, its not and more and more is heard from players wanting the solo, co-op features.

Both directions is different and to try to satisfy boths directions will just cause problems for all of eternity. There will never a fix to please both sides but as this is a MMO, I am definitely on the side to promote actual massive multiplayer features and mechanics that favor it vs ones that favor solo self exploration and just basic co-op play which should be left with offline.

Somehow, this irritated me. Some quick maths later, I knew what it was.

2024-28 = 1996.
With a bit of jiggle room, 1997.

I’m impressed that you played D2 in 1997. That’s quite some early access you got :wink:
I guess you meant D1?

How do you get the idea that this is a MMO?

LE is not a MMO and does not even try to be. The only thing they wanted to convey with Shared Towns is a World that is alive. That doesn’t make it aa MMO. Quite the opposite. The devs try to active avoid a lot of things that make MMO’s MMO’s.

For example they will never add content that forces you to be in a group. The entire game is and will always be soloable. That is literally the polar opposite of a MMO.

And this is not just what I think, but what the devs actively trying to do. I really don’t know how anyone would think this is close to an MMO.

No it’s not.

Oh yes must have been D1 then. It’s been so long I always got the mixed up. Because I remember back then people would use trainers and cast firewall in town to burn whoever enters their game. Good old day.

First and most immportantly, MMO is just massive multiplayer online. You must be mistaken for MMORPG. This is a MMO-ARPG.

They could’ve left the game at single player/co-op mode instead we got full online multiplayer. The idea is to take over as and upgrade to a MMOARPG, like Diablo/PoE/etc. not to leave it at the prelaunch state, Grim Dawn, etc. (Those are great games)

The problem is a lot of the stuff is still working around original single co-op mode while also trying to work around multiplayer. Nothing wrong with that but totally different directions on how to handle a game imo.

Trying to please both sides of audiences (Self exploration/co-op vs Multiplayer) will cause endless problems. It’s a good idea but to get it to a point where it will work, good luck with that.

For example, lets talk about one of the biggest mechanics of a game. Trading. It just simply works better for a MMO than if you don’t have it or if you were to compare it with having the feature in offline/co-op. Just doesn’t work the same and it will be pointless.

Sure, it’s subjective but there are most definitely more people that are use to, know should be expected and enjoy such features catered to multiplayer as oppose to the other. to the other audience.

Players that choose to opt out or have trouble using the system are even “lucky” to have a thing such as CoF to aid them, which I think, works very well but the bad part is, it collides with the MG and overall health of the game in a MMO perspective pov.

If you mess with one side of the audience, the other gets impacted and vice versa but coming as a MMORPG, one would assume more players would be on the side favoring multiplayer or else this shift would’ve been not worth it.

Again, this is a mmo, it was really meant for end game to be done and obtained through interaction with the community. Otherwise, that’s what single player and online co-op is for. Why both with so much more trouble managing a MMO server?

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This is an MMO.

The merchants guild makes this an mmo.
Leaderboards make this an mmo.
Being in town with being able to see other players makes this an mmo.

The definition of an mmo is an online game that can be played by a large numbers of players simultaneously.

Outside of the waiting rooms (towns), how many players are in each zone, simultaneously? Unless you are voluntarily co-op playing with a group, the answer is ‘none’. Why? because LE is a single player game, with co-op functionality. The towns are nothing more than a waiting room, where players spend time between zones, or waiting to co-op.

ffs, Tetris has a leaderboard. I’m fairly certain that it’s not a multi-player game. And having an AH means I can interact with items, not the players themselves, so hardly a qualification for multi-player as well.

Sure, you can argue with that but the MMO simply just means everyone coming into a server rather than solo/coop.

Yeah, it would be cool to have 8 ppl parties and all that shabang but then it will most likely start losing the arpg aspect and shift to just rpg. Trading is probably the one of and if not, the most, “MMO” feature/aspect that makes the game feel deserving…

I hope you aren’t also one of those that are anti trading because then you are saying this game is solo/co-op game when it clearly isn’t (they could’ve left it at that state and have far less problems), and B) trading is one of the most important for an MMO.

Sounds like you have complaints/feedbacks or suggestions, there are subforums for that.

I would love to see suggestions for improvements to give us a better MMO experience, you should post about it rather than argue about it.

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Yes I know what is stands for and no I have not mistaken it for a MMORPG.

LE is no MMOARPG nor does try to be one.

There is literally no “massive” in LE. It is a singleplayer or coop experience with shared town hubs. That is about it and there will very likely never be more, with the exception of Clans/Guilds at some point.

Trading is not the biggest mechanic of the game. It is an aid that compliments the core game: Killing Monsters; Finding Items.

You opinion or perception of how the game should be is very biased I think.

LE does not want trade to be default way of acquiring gear and choosing any type of self-found to be a “opt out” mode.

Going out and finding your own gear is and always was a core aspect of this game and still is. if you choose to opt-in to trade, that is an option that you have, but don#t need to use.

No its not and never even tried to be one.

The things you named are the ONLY things in LE that players can do simultaneously.

However, they cannot actually play the game simultaneously. Once you step outside those specific mentions, the most you can play with is 4 person.

What do you mean? The moment they went to having a sever hosting the same thousands of players was went they moved to be a mmoarpg. That is what basically the definition of it. Whether or not they meet the standards to be considered one is a different and questionable argument.

What? Trading is one of the core mechanics of a MMO.

Finding your own gear is always and will be a core aspect of an arpg but for a the MMO aspect, trading is a much bigger core component.

Yes, LE does not way to default the way of trading and they do that with further assisted with CoF. No game defaults on trading hence being able to solo hunt or else the game will strictly force you to party just to even hunt.

I dont even know what you mean by this. Yes, going out and finding your own gear is and will always be a core aspect… Finding your own gear is a must, can you trade without hunting? What are you trading for and what are you trading with? In this case, how are you using the MG if you don’t up your faction levels or have favor? Isn’t that obvious? On the other hand, trade is optional and makes a MMO work better in many ways.

Did I say it was the biggest mechanic? I said it’s one of the biggest mechanics and for the MMO aspect. Not in the ARPG aspect. Yes , it aids just like CoF but the point is CoF is shifted towards a solo audience where as trading is shifted towards a multiplayer experience which this game is, an MMO. The more players it has, the more well trading works. What is even the point of trading? What do you do with those items? You use it to help progress you. Whether its too easy or broken or whatever you want to say, that’s a different story.

Again, the moment they stepped in the realm of hosting a sever managing thousands of players is the moment they became a MMO.

It doesn’t matter if it’s just 1 mechanic or 1000 mechanics that revolves around it to be considered as a MMO.

The moment they stepped into a server holding thousands and thousands of players was the moment they shifted from solo/co-op to mmo.

Its like saying someone born with male genitals isn’t a man if they act like a woman.