I was pro LE but

That’s a rather easy thing to see O.o. Every hit skill has a lucky hit chance and lucky hits have a chance to procc stuff. This is simply a disguised procc coeficient.
If you mouseover a skill/passive that can overpower or allows overpower to be procced it tells you that overpower is an attack boosteb by HP and fortify ammount.

Everything might look strange but moving the mouse over something that is strange and having an explenation lifts every struggle.

Affixes in LE are understandable as soon as you cann tell flat from percentage but you have a shit ton of possible affixes on each item what makes getting a good item realy unlikely. I mean if there is any math overloard who can calculate how high the chance is to get the base you want with the max roll you want and 4 affixes you want with good (95%+) rolls. In D4 I often get my +crit chance, + crit dmg, + attack speed items and I have far more regular gear upgrades even when I minmaxed a toon to the brim during the serverslam while droprates only get better.

With the ammount of stuff you need to look at things get more complicated only for the reason that you’ve to keep track of more and having this % increase, that % increase, that flat damage and this % increase works as well with another % increase on top… fml. I don’ want a +dmg and that’s it game but some stuff in LE coule be streamlined to make it less of an slotmachine copared to other games.

Finaly if a game has explenatory tooltips people don’t care to read while they are easiely understandable it’s on the people from my point of view ^^. LE confused me in the beginning and I understand it pretty much after looking into it and asking some stuff. Yet again the ammount of people who don’t understand how lucky hit works in D4 let me lose hope in humanity once more :smiley: .


That’s kind of my problem with it.

I refunded my 100$ from D4 how the heck does a beta go backwards, first beta I was so hyped had a lot of fun. 2nd beta felt like garbage refunded in less than 4 hours of server slam and seeing what Blizzard did with Overwatch 2… never buying another Blizzard product again!!!

I got what a lucky hit does of course I just mean that was not intuitively easy to understand for me. I had not seen similar visual stats in other aRPG (proc coeff. is not visual it is working in ‘background’). Besides , lucky hit and overpower was not explained in the tooltip or the stat panel. That could have changed since I last played though.

Found the Necro player crying about the OP class going through balance iterations.


Sorry mate i wasn’t aiming at you it should’ve been a general statement because A LOT of people don’t get or is unwilling to get it ^^.

Lucky hit and Overpower was explained in the tooltips of the skills with Lucky Hits and Overpower mechanics.

yea and? you do you play that 5 to 6 builds for your class built around legendries but you won’t cause you’ll play the Meta cause you have to to stay inline with everyone else. Funny how you think that was balance when nothing was wrong with the minions hp, the problem with necro being op was the build with blood mist but the nerfed minions hp good job.

imo a bit of disgn flaw. It should be explained in a tooltip. When I drop a weapon why should I search in my skill tree for the explanation what a stat does?

But you don’t, or at least normally. If you do then it’s something that was missed. If a weapon has a stat all you have to do is press Alt while hovering over it and it will tell you what it does.

We are talking D4 not LE bro


Ok, missed that part. :sunglasses:

You see at the skill what the skill does. Just like you see in LE what tags a skill has. If people refuse to look very closely at the information given… well noone could help such people outside of telling them to open their eyes.

What does a skill have to do with a weapon i just dropped at lvl 5? Why I even have to open my skill tree when I drop an item and search smth there? Besides, the explanation about lucky hits could be in a skill I won’t open until lvl 15. Or you mean I have to read every skill description even before I started doing my first quest in d4?

Fisr this one: You don’t have weapons with Overpower and Lucky Hit mechanics in the skill pool before you look at your skills. Skills offer tooltips on the mechanics so you NEVER drop a weapon you have no clue about if you read the descriptions provided by the game.

Skills do damage with weapons… sooo… everything?

You don’t you get skillpoints with the first level up and you most likely use them and you most likely don’t use them randomly and look at the skills you use the points for? At least everyone I know does this.

Again if you don’t read the skills tooltips it’s a you problem not a games problem. It’s like in LE how often have I explained to press alt when hovering over a tooltip to se the extended version or that there are easy to identify skilltags that make it obvious with what the skills scale.
If people don’t read and comprehend and look for the information the game provides it’s on the people who messed up and not on the game at least in my oppinion as someone who found everything needed to understand every mechanic inside the game without using 3rd party informations or even tabing out of the game. I’m a donky and if I can do it everyone can do it who is able to read.

Right at the moment you spawn in the game you started your first quest that’s why I think not many people did this the first time enetering the game. Well I did it because I followed every bit of information and datamines for years but I don’t think a lot of other people are as cray cray as I am.
Then again after ~3 Minutes in the game you get your first level up and you spend the point into a basic skill. EVERY basic skill for every class comes with Lucky Hit and the explenation of it. That’s the earliest weapons with Lucky Hit releated stats can drop for more then one obvious reason :smiley: . Same again with core skills and Overpower mechanics. You are confronted with said mechanic at the stage you pick core skills, again if someone blindly picked one without reading hte toolip to understand what the skill they’ve picked even does… it’s on them.

After all there is only ONE thing that might have happened and that’s the options I changed because I enabled the optimised tooltips in the options (already asked why they aren’t on by default) but they should only work on item tooltips and not skill tooltips.

All in all I see no reason why I should blindly pick a skill EVER and I see no reason why I should ignore the tooltips but that’s just me and to everyone their own :man_shrugging: .

it IS a game problem as I see it as a bad design. You might think otherwise that is normal

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Yeah but if it’s there in the ui you frequently use to choose the tools you want to play with… Wehere else should it be? The char stats are hidden in a very terrible UI on the charscreen and then you need to mouse over in there to get the infos.

Having the same infos in the UI where you choose what skill you pick and where everything is explained about the skill… don’t know seems legit.

Imagine you pick a skill in LE and you need to go to the char screen and look up the info about the skill and the skills modifications there and then go back and skill stuff… sorry that makes 0 sense to me and I realy don’t get your viewpoint.

What do you think? Lets agree to disagree on this topic and let other people have a piece of the discussion as well? I think we’ll just move in cycles on this one :slight_smile: .

there was no ‘lucky hit’ explanation in Mage skilltree btw. Besides, nobody prevented d4 from implementing easy descriptions like pressing ALT does in LE. Easy and comfy. That is why I call it a design flaw. UI has to be intuitive and easy to see what stats do at a first sight.


To be fair on this, pretty much no ARPG does a perfect job of making their mechanics clear and easy to understand. I have probably 5 questions a day I have to look up playing LE, like I have for almost every other one of these games.

But just because knowledge deficit is a problem sometimes in LE doesn’t mean that D4 couldn’t have improved on it. Despite what people are saying here, Blizzard has had a LONG time to think of ways to fix some of the issues with the UI and the way players can tell what they’re doing in the game. It’s not like it’s a new issue or anything.

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It’s ok to enjoy other games, you’re not cheating on someone.

I feel like I’m cheating on you when I’m playing an ARPG that isn’t LE :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I do agree with you . All our discusson with Macknum was about his words : ‘in D4 everything was understandable instantly and on the simple side of geame mechanics’ to which I couldn’t agree so I had to give some examples I didn’t like while playing D4. That doesn’t mean D4 is a bad game I liked many other things in it but the UI is far from being perfect there

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