I was pro LE but

LE is my final game. When it’s run its course I’m done. I’ve been winding down my current LE playtime already and already refunded my D4 pass back in February when I decided I was moving on from computer gaming.

As others have said. Play what you like. Not a contest. Everything else is irrelevant.

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I hope you will continue to PC game, unless you have some serious adventure to go on in life that needs your singular attention. The new releases right now aren’t that exciting to me, but I can’t imagine that will last for long. Still plenty of fun to have and friends to make on the PC. It’ll be that little bit less interesting without you there, Caius.

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And I used LE as a palate cleanser when I was done playing the server slam. I enjoy my class in this game more than D4 @ lvl cap 20. When D4 goes live I will be playing both.

I tried d4, 25 five class and kill the boss the first time, and lv20 the secome time with killing boss. It runs smoothly, acting, animations are great.

even that I like LE better, but fixing bugs is a critical issue, such as lagon, boss door wont open, died with no reason in Titan’s hollow (safe zoom between lightless floor 1 and 2) those are taking forever to get done. If the game wont get bugs fix soon, it will be a doubt after 1.0 releases, I m losing fate these days for farming lightless unique. It s killing my passion.

As I typing this now, already 3 times wont get in the boss room, 4 times died in Titan’s hollow, 4 times finished with 2 unique dropped. I aware that some of players have or have not met these problems, so it may not be that easy to take every situation clarify, but still it takes too long.

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I’m going to play it for the story, that is really the only thing they do really well. Other than that I agree with you. And OMG I hate the camera in D4… as do a lot of other people, I hope they fix it.

Ive said it prior but LE missed the boat with me. ive been here way too long and the game still has no chance of being finished in near future. I need new classes asap which wont come until D4/PoE2 and the game is regressing big time with silly bugs that shouldnt exist

While in the meantime PoE is still smashing out 4 leagues a year with PoE2 coming very soon now D4 is actually here. D4 of course and Torchlight Infinite devs are keeping up with PoE in content, ive been really impressed with Torchlight devs/content, they just smash it out and dont say anything

D4 has the exact opposite pacing of PoE/TI - slower and they hit the resource generation way better than LE which is just frustrating to play. plus there is impactful gear that actually massively change skills

I feel like this game has become some side project and the devs dont really care about releasing/finishing this game and trying to prolong open beta as long as humanly possible


As someone who hasn’t really played D2/3/4(early access) I didn’t get the hype. Was the server slam/early access that good? I hear differing opinions such as Sorc too OP, Necro OP but overnerfed, Barb/Druid feel bad in comparison, not much variety, etc. Also wasn’t all the content released uptil now just early game(lvl 25-20)? How do we know endgame won’t be boring grind?

Its skills and graphics looks good from what I’ve seen(Werebear looks sooo ugly tho) but imma wait for release and the reviews particularly bout endgame before even thinking of buying.

It’s the same thing with Last Epoch - if you look up what builds people are speccing into it’s literally just one or two for each “type”. Want a lightning mage build? It’s these skills. Want a totem druid? It’s these. Want a zooming rogue? These.

Last Epoch doesn’t even have that. The only “open” world is during the campaign after which you never have the freedom to roam around and just randomly kill mobs. Not even talking about world events where you can earn some rewards.

Show me one nonlinear Last Epoch echo. Literally every single map is a tunnel fest, just made into a zigzag to artificially prolong the traversal time.

I don’t know about others but I’d rather have the choice of grinding 150 well designed dungeons than the same 15-20 echo maps without any ways of adjusting the difficulty or the loot drops. In D4 nightmare and torment modes you’ll get getting loot that is either unique (I mean truly unique unlike LE “unique” items) or much more powerful, which again is something you can’t even do in LE.

You can’t compare D4 world bosses with monoliths. It’s not even a remotely similar concept. Also, there are a ton of other bosses you can solo. I don’t see what the problem with having world bosses even is.

These are all obviously very subjective views. Stats in Last Epoch are a complete mess - +X spell damage, +X% spell damage, X% increased spell damage, +X% lightning damage, X% increased lightning damage, etc. all affect the same thing. Good lucky trying to itemise all that into a decent build.

UI had no issues yet you make it sound like designers working for a company that has decades of experience and has probably invested millions of dollars into UX research can only design “console” UIs (whatever that even means).

All in all it’s pretty obvious that you didn’t like the game, however, I’m not sure why you’re even playing something like Last Epoch then because it’s got all the same flaws you found in Diablo 4 plus many others. I’m in no way criticising you but you have a very strong cognitive bias.

I’m not sure even if you could find similar flaws in LE if it would invalidate what he’s saying about D4. If you were to steel man his argument, you’d have to assume what he’s saying is that these problems are either greater or more frequent than in other games he enjoys more. And he hasn’t even really said that LE is totally superior in any of these aspects; you’d have to assume at least in some of these cases, in Moraed’s mind, LE is the same or worse.

In either case, I don’t think the point of his post was comparison. I think it was to point out how he doesn’t get why people are in love with D4 when it’s the same or worse in most regards, in his opinion, as / than other games people are less excited about.

That’s why I had a different way of explaining why people were excited about it in my response.

I have to disagree. Stats in LE look much more logical to me than the d4 mess of stats . You call uniques in d4 ‘unique’ but all I see there are the same thing like LE skill tree nodes. They just change the skill. So D4 just put those modifiers from the skill tree to items . Nothing unique here rly

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Well and even worse is, if it eventually gets to the point where it’s D3 all over again, all of those numbers are just going to roll up into a DPS value, which is what happens to a lot of the stats in these games. That’s what I find frustrating, is that at the end game it all stops mattering and you just put on the thing that has the highest number on it.

'preciate it! I’m still around, I mean LE hasn’t even launched yet so I’m sure I’ve got a while, but I’m just not going to branch out with newer games and what not. My time and need to pull some of it back for other more important things are taking more precedent.


You’ll only get keys to 15-20 different nightmare dungeons each season because Blizz don’t want only certain dungeons to be grinded. Just as information ^^.

Hmm D4 has only a fraction of affixes compared to LE do you mind to give an example? I’m not the brightest candle on the cake but in D4 everything was understandable instantly and on the simple side of geame mechanics.
In LE I sometimes thought they overdid it for the sake of streamlining things later on.

Most likely there will be even higher numbers sooner or later. Diablo was always an IP about getting bigger in any way possible and I think you cant get this out of the modern gamer. If I take a look at LE for example and the artifical damage reduction added on things to keep contet viable and to avoid boss oneshots? Well that was always a cheap bandaid choice of a mechanic to me and leaves a bitter taste in my moth even today because you don’t get stronger you only get downgraded so it looks like you don’t do hundrets of thousands of damage.


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No way am I buying yet another game with artificial time gating. Please. Experience and drop rates and everything else they do to pad these games is already bad enough. Good grief.

Uh, replying upwards is a little awkward here but I mean, the dungeons being gated by season, to where you can only play certain ones a certain amount of the time. I don’t like the idea of locking people out of content or dragging out how it is released. ARPG content is already stretched pretty thin; to then make people wait to play all of it seems a little ridiculous.

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I played all the betas, its hard to say as lvl 20-25 is very low in the scope. in the first beta we had 25 cap and buffed drops so we had decked out legendaries and steamrolled Tier2 but the game is heavily gated by long cooldowns which cost nothing and generators/spenders for most setups which is a lot like LE

Second beta they removed the drops and capped at 20, nerfed 80% of skills (yes) and wanted us to kill the World boss to see if we could I guess; for an MTX

The truth is, the game is slow paced, you need to use skills correctly, you actually take a lot of damage, the bosses you get one life and arent pushovers but dont have variable damage reduction (at this point) so you actually feel like you do damage, you need to manage your HP by skills/potions the bosses can kill you with burst damage and attrition (you dont naturally regen hp at all, recovery is actually really scarce in the beta)

The best part if you care is the feel of the combat, all the SFX and fluidity of your movements - you can move/attack at the same time, every class gets a free dash and the game just feels really good to play but its much slower than say PoE where you can kill 500 monsters in 10 seconds

Yeah EHG put it into the tree so you have barely anything to grind, and XP is meaningless past 85ish

So technically bad design as nothing to farm for really.

See Scorpion Beastmaster = has zero uniques that even help the build, all the power is from Swipe/Scorp tree which needs nothing, therefore you stop playing at 93 as theres not much to do

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Im in China so D3 (and I assume D4) are so bad to play havign to use a VPN and getting terrible latency, unplayable.

BUT… Grim Dawn Season 5 is starting in a couple days and I will let that pull me away from LE for a bit while I wait for LE 1.0 haha.

Grim Dawn seasons are fun and I like to support the community’s efforts.

I don’t think that’s the reason at all. There are already dungeons in the starting zone that have a looooot of elites in it and that are done rather fast. I think Blizz wants to make sure people play all kind of dungeons instead of the same ones again and again. All of this is “late game” only starting with aquiering keys on world tier 3.

On top of it it’s random what key you get for what dungeon in the endgame for the nightmare dungeons that are active. From my point of view Blizz will simply make it harderfor the players to farm awesome dungeons that offer the most possible loot while making everything random.

It’s a bit of a shame but if I were a developer I would be sad if people play only 1-3 dungeons when 150 are implemented because I was so incompetent to make a few dungeons desireable while the others are trash tier if I compare them.

D4 runs smooth like butter and feels very good and impactfull to play. When you wrap your head arround the system in place and how they interact with each other you’ll find out that D4 most likely offers the most char progression of any Hack and Slays out there in a freshly released state.
While most poeple only played the first zone D4 might be the best hack and slay out there if the following zones are made equaly well.
The loot drops are meaningfull and outside of an exploit the droprates are pretty good. You don’t get showerd in gear like in D3 and you don’t get tons of useless crapp like in PoE or LE.

I think D4 is a nice middle ground and if all promises are kept (what people can highly daoubt because it’s Blizzaard kek) there is a lot of stuff to do and a lot of freedom in activities. So if you want to play only helltides you can do so and leave all other endgame activities aside if you dislike them and you’re still able to beat the endgame.

other ARPGs only offer one or two dumped down endgame modes that get boring pretty fast and D4 seems to offer more stuff you can do without missing a lot by not doing other stuff. I think it would be nice to play it all because the diversity of places where I’m able to rightclick enemys gives my brain the illusion of change.

Hands down the best feature is the Butcher. First Beta while I played my Sorc I laughed hard when he poped up and tried to kill me. The second time I facetanked it with my barb and did so in the second Beta as well. All of the sudden there have been some Blizzard Nerfs that changed a lot of stuff for the server slam. I loved the feeling of almost drowning in salty tears of people who tried the old meta builds who were unable to read patchnotes and to adept.
At that time i met the butcher again… let’s refrase it… the butcher meet me… with his cleaver… between my eyes.

It’s realy fun to have such a random monster pop up and ruin your day if you are unskilled or undergeared or just lazy af. That’s only one of the little things that makes D4 stand out to me outside of the best combat design and feel on the market and the game running so smooth it’s a bit unbeliveable. ALL server problems have been resolved from the last Beta to the Server Slam event. That was rather nice.

Then again Blizz did Blizz things ala “We don’t write ingame patch notes it’s only a beta. We’ll write indepth patchnotes once the game is released” while sneaking in a lot of stealth nerfs most people have been unaware of. Stuff like that is a big nono. On top of it the balancing is all over the place because Blizz is to stupid to scale stuff accordingly. Make the starting dmg numbers of OP casses lower and increase the sclaing so they end up in the same point and everyone is equaly strong/weak but no, there are classes that make 30%+ more dmg then other classes because… reasons?

Not everything is gold and will take a lot of time to become awesome but I think D4 is a LOT of fun and on the best way to become the best H&S on the market if you are no diehard fan of another H&S.

BTW the event that was happening on server slam was funny because a lot of people were unable to get the cosmetic item out of sheer idocity and go craycray about D4. Sooo every information you look up on the internet should be double checked because a lot of salty people are arround atm.


D4 community is toxic as fk in a different way, I didnt even read the patch notes about any nerf at all as I didnt care plus I didnt remember anything about the first beta regarding how much damage something did so I wouldnt of known, yet non stop complaints on forums ie Druid sucks/too weak etc. I posted a kill on a Druid on T2 which was respectable and got mega toxic PMs on reddit/youtube about how strong their Rogue/Necro is, lol

I fought Ashava 3 times on Australian servers all up, first at 3am in the morning and first kill had 2 minutes left with 6 of us and my teammates died repeatedly, it was mainly me pumping damage into them for 13 mins straight with like 97% uptime of damage deathless because I farmed the lvl 30 zone for gear to ensure me and my group had the best chances of winning and had 1800 armor/600 attack power

Which made me remember other games where you have to hope other people arent complete fools that cost you fights/runs

I had no expectations and still enjoyed the beta but imo PoE is still going to be and is vastly superior and this insult from D4 will force them to release PoE2 soon

Went from 1-2 aRPGs to 4 now, great time for aRPG gaming as the devs now need to compete with each other instead of GGG getting a free ride

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Never had this issue and I’m knee deep into trash topics for the lulz. I’m talking about th US forums btw. You get muted there for the mildest stuff ala “That’s a silly thing to do…” if someone talks about the most stupid braindead bs you can imagine ^^.
Then again therea re only a ton of püassive agressive people who say gaslight and strawman in every third post. It’s funny if you like deranged stuff.

I fought Ashava twice. One time to say “Heeeeell no Blizz is incompetent and still low level griefers ruin the day!” and a second time to kill her. I intentionaly kept my fresh lvl 20 state on all the toons so I could compare numbers give or take 5% difference here and there.

Compare apples to apples :slight_smile: . When PoE was in the beta state before launch it was a clownfiesta of a game with no content. D4 delivers a lot more if they keep their word and didn’t only made over the top PR.

Then again if the seasons are intresting and not overlapping I’ll play every Hack and Slay out there… I somethimes even play 40k Martyr and that’s a pretty low entry level… almost so low that you need a spade to reach the level of it.

I can’t just give 100% exact examples from the top of my head as I only played 2nd beta (with 25lvl limit) and that was rather long ago. But I can remember ‘Lucky hit : 10% blah blah…’. I didn’t get what it was at first. Intuitively I thought it was a critical hit which is not true. Another example ‘overpower dmg’ (if my memory doesnt fail me). Couldn’t get what it meant either.
On the other hand affixes in LE are more easier to understand for me they are divied into 2 groups - prefixes / suffixes and are mostly alike the stats in PoE / D3 / Grim Dawn. What is hard to understand in ‘%increased attack speed’ ? Or ‘+20 melee damage’? That is kinda subjective of course i can only speak ffrom my gaming experience.