I think you are rushing 1.0

and anyone reinstalling the game, no way they can track if you previously had it installed (unless theres some major privacy violations happening right now as well).

Yeah for this topic, I would feel alot better if 0.9.2 wasnt still as bugged as it is.

You cant use half the projectile skills against the first major boss of chapter(2?) the void guy before you pick mastery. And a bunch of passives/skills are bugged.

its been 2 weeks since 0.9.2 dropped and barely any bugs have been fixed. imagine you launch 1.0, and 2weeks out, half of marksmen skills dont work and half the time you try and boot the game it gives you a unity error. like I just cant with the bugs this patch.

They need to beef up the bug squashing speed.


Yeah I think this is the main concern from people, the amount of new things coming with 1.0 is kind of a terrifying prospect when we look at the patches from 0.9 onwards, especially when it could go beyond ‘just’ class/mastery stuff not working as intended, and includes the entire faction/trade stuff. Spooky.

Yeah, that’s what “worries” me, since they’ve said that they won’t charge for that but short of either having developers submit self-billing invoices (totally reasonable on an honour system or something) or some potentially dodgy system that you allude to they may not be able to do that.

In my experience, the honour system is pretty common in software licensing. Some larger companies would also require an audit tool to be run (looking at you, Big O).

Unreal takes a 5% royalty after your game makes US$1m in revenue, but I doubt game companies are just opening their books to them :slight_smile:

Who knows, maybe it’s a condition of the license that they supply audited financial statements.

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I feel exactly the same way. In my opinion they also released the multiplayer way too early. Even at this point in time, there are still errors that existed at the start of the MP. I’m not telling EHG how to do their job…but maybe they should restructure the management a little. Rushing the 1.0 release won’t solve the problems. The existing problems should first be dealt with.


When I check last patchnotes and bug/translation reports then I think that 1.0 is year away at least.

I 100% agree!

The patch notes should contain hundreds of bug fixes (and I am not exaggerating), but they only contain a few game breaking bugs.

I don’t have a good understanding of game development (not my industry), but it doesn’t seem like a very good idea to wait until the very end of development to fix the all of the bugs.

99.999% of the time I would agree, but this unity bullshit is a literal game changer. I want 1.0 to be as polished as humanly possible, but who knows now.

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As software developer, It depends heavily on how it is programmed. The usual red flag is when they fix and add new features and they break some more. And its happening. The bugs are too many and in a very wide range from little issues to absolutely game-breaking.

Unity is not a big concern with their monetization, would be with a F2P monetization scheme but this is a “box price” product. And they will probably pull back that non-sense at some point.

As it is looking now, I also very skeptical on a 1.0 release in a few months. There’s only one 1.0 release we all know that. Nobody wants another Wolcen.


It seems like most bugs/problems started when online and multiplayer were introduced not long ago.

There is a contradiction here?

Moving on.
We don’t know how they are working on the development or how they are organized and still debate how they “should” do things.
In the last dev stream, Mike said there are 80 people actively working on the game.
We don’t know nothing and still debate about it, maybe it’s wrong?
I know that we’re somewhat frightened about a failure with the release of 1.0 but we can’t do or say anything that in some way will help them.
How about waiting december and see what they are capable of?

I guess that is the problem many people here. We can’t wait for december 1.0 release cause we know there will be more bugs than fixes. That’s why I said they maybe need to change the way they doing things, like setting priorities on fixing.

Given that we don’t know nothing, how can you say there will be bugs?
I think you’re understimating them.

Just take a look at the release of the multiplayer. To this day, bugs/problems still remain.

This doesn’t mean that the time they ignored/not fixed those bug was used to do something else, like, for example the guilds machanics?
But as you see, yesterday was deployed a patch fixing bugs.

“Fixed the Hide/Show Quests function on the world map.” Like okay,…But what about movement skill issuses ? Dungeons bugs ? Loading screen time ? Thats all things dating back to MP-release.

What i’m trying to say is sit back and relax. You can debate all you want, but it’s pointless imho.


I am relaxed ^^ I appreciate this conversation pretty much. And hearing other peoples opinion on it. It’s not like im bullshitting on the game. I still play and like it.