I can't bind move to right click?

It’s saying that “right mouse button is already in use cannot be replaced”. I unbound right mouse for everything and it still says that message when I try and bind move to it.

I can’t even use third party program to switch my mouse buttons. It keeps hitting nothing then moving. This is literally the first time in 20 years and 20k hours+ in MOBAs, RTS and ARPGs where I had this problem. Even POE I can force move with RMB

Edit: I found a fix that someone made with the games registry:

  • This fix doesn’t really work for me as the interact button becomes really buggy if you have force move bound to RMB

Why hasn’t this been fixed with such old forum posts on it?.. I want to bind right click to move/interact because it’s what I’m used to and not being able to makes me want to not play because it’s like why wouldn’t you allow that.

Cause they don’t think it’s an issue to fix because they think using a 3rd party program to swap LMB and RMB will fix it but it causes a lot of other issues with attacking every click and the game not registering your clicks. They hard coded left click for some reason. I gave up on it. They won’t fix it. Just wait for Path of Exile 2.

I have like 30k hours playing games with RMB to move, not going to fight that muscle memory just for this game. It’s like trying to shoot with inverted controls.

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