How does the forged weapons/armour mechanic work?

Thanks guys for the great answers! Awesome job testing, @yles9056!

So just to get this straight; let’s say my forged weapon only does base physical damage. A weapon with “+10% increased physical” vs one with “10% increased minion damage”, they would be identical in terms of how much damage the forged weapon deals, correct? And also the increased minion damage one doesn’t buff other minions I control, correct?

Yes, that’s correct, but there are different minion affies like “minion melee damage” which would buff all melee dmg, not just physical.

So comparing physical dmg with minion damage/minion melee damage does make a difference, if your weapon has non-physical melee damage on it.

But generaly %inc modifiers are all additive and it doesn’t make a differenc,e depending on what exact stats they impact.

It still buffs other minions you have, the Forged Weapon or Manifest Armour does not “steal” thsoe affixes, they just also apply to them.

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Thanks for the reply, Heavy!

Right. But it doesn’t “double dip” per say, right? I have the affix and so does the forged weapon, but that doesn’t cause it to count twice, right?

No. The Forged Weapons get the benefit of the minion damage from your weapons, but as they aren’t their own minions, they can’t benefit from the minion damage on “their own” weapons.

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Ok, thanks Llama! I have another post dealing with a similar matter (minions and buffs). You and Heavy seem to know a lot about this kinda stuff, so I thought I’d link it. I’d really appreciate you guys checking it out. Sigil of Hope + Ring of Shields interaction

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Do set bonuses apply to forged weapons? For example, the Ruby Fang set gives: +1% melee poison chance per 14% uncapped fire res. Would my forged weapons get this, and would it look at the minion’s fire res or mine? What about manifest armour, if I give it both weapon and shield (both parts of the set), then would it apply? Thanks!

I’d be surprised if they did since the set bonus isn’t an affix on the weapon.

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Yeah you’re probably right. But if anyone knows for sure, please let me know!

Also, if anyone knows how affixes that are based on your stats work with forge guard minions, please let me know. examples: the previous ruby fang example for forged weapons, or thornshell’s “Increased Flat Damage Reflected to Attackers per Attunement” for ring of shields.


Who votes that @stebobibo creates a “How things Work” FAQ thread here on the forum… ?

He/she/they must have a huge list of question/answers by now…



haha, so true, and good idea! :sweat_smile:

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That would depend on how much stats the minions have not to be confused with how much bonus they get from your stats.

Does anyone know how the crystal sword interacts with forged weapons? It has “increased melee elemental damage” and “increased elemental melee attack speed”. I’ve read this post on crystal swords: crystal sword and it seems like the increased damage is always active, but to get the attack speed you have to use an elemental attack. But do forged weapons use elemental attacks?

Side note, I find it weird how the writing of “melee elemental” and “elemental melee” are reversed like that. Is that on purpose?

Forged Weapons would only benefit from the Increased Melee Elemetal Damage, if you have any kind of elemental damage type on your weapon or giving your minions any kind of flat melee elemental damage.

They would not gain attack speed though, because they only us a basic melee attack, which only has a melee and physical attack. (You can find this information ingame, by pressing alt on any skill, that refers to Forged Weapons)

Not sure what you are talking about, everywhere in the game it’s refered to Melee Elemental/Physical/[insert any damage type]

Thanks once again, Heavy! A

These tooltips can be kinda misleading though. Because, yes, it does say only melee and physical on those tooltips. But for the tootip on your action bar it includes fire (when you have the added fire node).

Wrong on this one. It certainly does say:“increased elemental melee attack speed”, and not “melee elemental”. Here’s a screenshot:

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The Minion get’s the Fire tag yeah, but I don’t think the melee attack it uses will get a fire tag.
Flat Added damage does usually not modify tags, there are only a few exceptions of this, which specifically state it.

I could swear this was different on previous patches lul.
Dammitt’s Lastepochtools also has it correctly

As much as I like Heavy being wrong, the second implicit is “increased melee elemental damage”. Not sure how he is wrong? Even having read his post several times…

The third implicit is “elemental melee attack speed”. So that is a bit odd that it’s swapped compared to the damage line. Dammitt’s site does he the attack speed line reading wrong though, compared to the game.

I think it is probably just how the descriptors work.
There is Elemental Damage of the Melee type. “Melee” is narrowing the type of “Elemental Damage” the stat is referencing.
There is no such thing as elemental attack speed. It’s “Melee Attack Speed”, of the “Elemental” type. “Elemental” is narrowing the type of “Melee Attack” the stat is referencing.

Sounds a bit convoluted, but it makes sense.

We were talking about the inconsistency of the ordering of the words melee and elemental. It almost always has melee first, but in this case it says “elemental melee” attack speed. It’s the third implicit, not the second. Which you acknowlege in your next paragraph, so not sure what you’re confused about.