As is written. How and what site/host should I use to upload videos here?
I have videos I need to show.
It´s very urgent, and I need to show it ASAP. It is an potential gamebreaking issue, and it needs attention ASAP. It is very important this being fixed for launch. Help!
You should also be more clear about what kind of issue this actually is. It may be something they’re already aware of and it’s not necessary for you to be in such a panic about it.
No, they are not aware I think. Since I have tried to explain it in words, and they did not understand what I meant.
Now I have Videos and can show ir.
I don’t understand why you’re trying to be so cagey and secretive. Just say what the issue is dude.
And if it’s really that urgent, you should be going to the Discord. They’re way more active there.
Definitely YouTube.
Geez, I´m not trying to be secretive at all. I´m just trying to get uploaded some Videos here so People can actually see forthemselves what´s it all about.
But wsome Keywords here is Runbberband effect. Invisible Enemies. Freezing. Casting Spells and they appear from somewhere else other then your actual location. Freezing. Loading Echoes and getting a White Window with the Last Epoch LOGO and a red Exclamation Mark and falling out of game.
Andc these are jsut some of the things.
And no, I do not have an Youtube Account, and am not geting one just for this one time to be able to post these Videos.
Fair enough. You can try zipping them & attaching them to a post or uploading them to google or some other site that does it.
Then I recommend going to Google and typing “video upload site”, and clicking links until you find one that fits your fancy.
Thank you. I will start searching for this, and see what I find.
Is it possible to use the UPLOAD button (Button #7 from left) to get up a Video and if so, how?
I am only able to upload Pics it seems like. Is this the case?
Those were literally the first 3 hits when I searched “free video upload online”. There are many more, just pick your favorite.
Ok, found Streamable. Extremely SLOOOWWW.!
Gemoo utterly unuseable. Only takes a set certain formats.
So does the forum.
Free online means it’s bound to be slow. It might go easier if you convert your video to webp so it’s smaller.
Ok, I have now Video ready in,
Ok, now what? How do I move it from there to here in a post?
Help me out here.
Just like you did the link for, you should place the link gave you for the uploaded video.
EDIT: seems like the forum is smart and just started replicating the link. In that case, on the toolbar when you’re writing here there’s a link button. Just place your link there in the post.
What link? Where do I find this link on veed site? I do not see any link on the site. I can see & pkay my Video though.
There should either be an option to tell you the link (share or similar) or the url in the browser changed to the url of your video.
Yeah, I can see your video now.