How can I help EHG resolve the crashes?

Myself and a very small (as far as I can tell) group of other people from what I have seen on Reddit and these forums are experiencing unexplainable crashes.

I’ve added my report here so I won’t post the full details again here. I’ve also posted to Reddit and there are other people who are confirming similar situations, albeit not many. I think the biggest thing here is that I was playing fine with zero problems before 0.9, and now I simply have not even been able to launch the game just knowing it’s going to crash my whole PC. And as many others are confirming with similar situations, LE is the only game causing these problems.

Us select few haven’t been able to even play this amazing new launch and I haven’t seen anything from EHG saying they are even aware of the issue. Note, that is not a jab at EHG, I am fully aware of how insanely busy they have been and will continue to be. I am simply saying that is the reason for me making this post. I want to ensure that I am doing everything I can to get whatever information I can over to EHG in hopes that they will be able to resolve the issue and I can actually play the game since I am dying to!

Since I am certain that it will crash again, is there any way I can get some kind of monitoring of the game to show EHG and help them potentially narrow down what may be causing the crash? Is there some obscure thing someone else has already discovered and found a solution to in order to resolve them and I just haven’t seen it? Anything at all to move this situation forward?

Thanks anyone for any information on how I can help get this situation resolved, or at least get the process started to do so.

you could test how the crash could be replicated or if it mostly or always is happening during certain circumstances. additionally you could zip the according subdirectories of
[…]\AppData\Local\Temp\Eleventh Hour Games\Last Epoch\Crashes,
your le_graphicsmanager.ini from
[…]\AppData\LocalLow\Eleventh Hour Games\Last Epoch
as well as your dxdiag and add all of this to your initial report. or make a new topic, i’d imagine one topic per issue is easier for the devs to track. good luck!


Great info here. There is no pattern to the crashes, each was under different and unique circumstances, but I did find the crash logs and all, so will definitely zip that next chance I get and hope it helps EHG lead to some clue. Thanks for that!

On Windows you can also check the Application and System logs for any relevant information. You can use Event Viewer for that.

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