How are you beatin' up the harbingers this cycle? (Cycle Starters)

Yea, melee range, using Mana Strike to generate mana/auras and casting VO until you run outta mana.

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I always chuckle when I see builds with that belt. Half the time the targets are already dead before the meteors even land, and half of that time they don’t hit the target :smiley:

You had fun with squirrels, so you could try Storm Crows Beastmaster. It uses Tempest as its main attack, the Low Life combo for Ward, stacks STR for high damage and armor, and convert STR to INT via the Cleaver to boost the crows.

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Another Question: Does the void conversion affect all the secondary damage effects like Shrapnel, Explosive Orb, Explovive ground, and Glyph of Fire? Or do I just ignore all that and focus on the more damage stuff in the tree?

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Affirm, it does. I did explosive ground personally.

Rogue cold (or normal) acid flask explosive traps. It was stupid broken before the patch and mostly avoided the nerfs (and got a few buffs too).

This was on my radar to redo. Bouncing betty Rogue I called it. I did it last league w/ fire flasks and crit. Super super super busted good lol

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Since you liked poison aura. There is a similar build for warlock built entirely around flame profane veil and its fire orbs. The build is a lot of fun, and takes almost no gear to run…

Bonus: ghost flame for big opportunity openers, flame whips for slow immobile bosses

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in cycle 1 i played all the classes (beastmaster the most) exept the mage so i want to start with a frostclaw nova sorcerer, than i want to dip into falconer as i had just little time to experiment with it. And if non of these two will satisfy me enogh i go back to my beloved beastmaster for this cycle too.

They cant, its a steam feature

works in every steam related game. you have to turn on ‘enable input’ under options but once its on… you get these options

click on the cogwheel to adjust auto fire/toggle etc

Not only can you do the same with AutoHotkey, you can even do the same in LE. You can make skills always autocast if you want already.

They can maybe change the way bind works to prevent that (though I doubt they’ll bother), but AutoHotkey is a thing. Also you can bind mouse keys with your mouse software to click multiple keys. I used to do that in PoE all the time to consume all 5 pots at once.

So there are plenty of ways to do that.

Yeah not on a controller

I was so lazy in D3 I had an autoclicker to move around, and I used AHK to macro sometimes all 4 skills continually, I used to push high tier greater rifts this way and all I would do is steer my character and use movement skills - then again this was on a mouse and i was all but done playing on mouse/kb for aRPGs. even used a 3rd party program for 6 years in Poe to emulate a controller…and still do i dont use their controller layout as it has less features

Its pretty much a given that human efficiency cant compete with macros at high levels while playing for hours at a time and not missing cooldowns etc

I will main Necromancer and then maybe try out Warlock.

I have avoided these due to how OP they were in C1.

I will start with Big Bonk 2H Erasing Strike using the new Event Horizon Unique.

Probably a Spreading Flames Meteor Sorc. It’s the only build I’ve tried which wasn’t nerfed, and in fact it was heavily buffed.

Might also try out a throwing damage / triggered Smite Forge Guard build, seems like it could be thing. Won’t be able to play until weekend after next anyway so I’ll likely see what the initial response is and see what the new uniques are like before making a final decision.

Dilation says “when you use a melee attack and hit an enemy” to generate the buff typically this is only direct use.

Murama’s hilt could help along with CB mana on hit and of course since Fissure and CB aren’t specc’d for damage(and your harvest proc rate is capped), can go for the mana cost redn. and recovery nodes.

Mana on Harvest chest affix would pretty much solve it but need muh Titan Heart.

Problem is the Dexterity requirement feels like a waste, no real synergy aside from maybe Mourningfrost but Harvest gets better flat from Int stacking anyway and Necrotic damage works better thanks to Fissure’s resist shred.

I have 3 characters planned,

  1. Paladin - Lightning Smite with HH & electrify
  2. Druid - Frostbite/Ignite Totems Spriggan
  3. Bladedancer - Lightning Chakram with Synchronized Strike & Umbral Blades

These are 3 I’ve played but never perfected, and they have really fun playstyles.

Falconer will the class I race to 100 to. After that? Probably primalist.

Wow can’t believe noone is starting with the new Dual wield Shield build!! I can’t wait! Also finally a Forge Guard build that isn’t a MEME.

The Monument of Protection Unique is gonna be awesome for new builds since it’s basically a 1 handed Shield Axe. Also you can now achieve 10k Block effectiveness that will scale Shield Bash massive amounts.

With the new Shield Bash nodes and Ring of Shields in Forge Guard you can have a D2 Smiter. Since you can achieve 50% faster attack speed now for Shield Bash based on Block chance.

The damage scaling should be pretty impressive as you Perma stun delete everything while being super Tanky with 2 Shields.

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My friend and I have been talking about it, although I’m not sure yet exactly how to build it or who is gonna end up playing it. Made a thread here to show our work so far and ask for advice: Help building dual shields build?

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I’ll look over the builds and add anything I see in that thread thanks for letting me know. I’m pumped to play this.

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