How are you beatin' up the harbingers this cycle? (Cycle Starters)

Personally, gonna try out the channel rework as a Rogue doing Channeled Flurry w/ auto-cast Multishot. Setting Multishot up for 3 max arrows and piercing. Ranged Smoke Bomb for Armor Shred. Shurikens for armor. Birbo for extra help with clear/execute on bosses. Gonna use the new Evade for movement, see how it goes.

I’m going to try what will probably be a very stupid build based around the new auto-Sacrifice unique.

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It’s only stupid if it doesn’t work. So let’s hope it works. Lol.

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Probably Surge Spellblade, played it beforte to 85 but hated managing the buffs but I found a solution, but im not playing cycle on release so Ill probably just see whats meta since the boss will be dead within 24 hours anyway

I found out on Steam controller settings last cycle you can put multiple buttons onto 1 key so this means builds that require constant pressing of multi-buttons can be easily played with low thought, example;

Played Upheaval BM who used Upheaval, Swipe on cooldown, Warcry, Frenzy totem all on X button, game would use them all on cooldown then spam Upheaval then repeat

Played Spellblade before with Surge/Flame Reave and Firebrand, you want to hit with Surge/Reave when you have maximum Firebrand and Momentum stacks but I got bored of pressing it/managing it

So I just bound Firebrand and Surge to X button, game uses Surge on cooldown apart from the first one used if not hit enemies recently will at always max charges without thought during combat. auto targeting takes care of the rest

The buffed Fire Aura/Firebrand will hopefully deal with weaker enemies

Surge got buffed as well as you now get a dedicated dodge

Gonna try to do a meme run. I been told fire aura ignite spellblade was weak and unusable. I want to see if i can put that to a test.

Gonna start with basic fire starters torch with 2LP, and basic hp, and endurance stacking for low to mid level monoliths.

Then i will aim for a higher lvl set up. This set up seems weak, but may be able to clear 300C. Gonna test it, if i ever manage to get usable gear.

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Not really a starter but I really wanna mess with the new Event Horizon unique hammer as it seems like it could be pretty OP, 150% more melee damage seems sick. Some ideas:

  1. Vengeance/Healing hands Forge guard: Vengeance + new FG can get pretty tanky, HH gets a lotta flat dmg. For clear, the stalwart consume node should give HH the increased AoE to clear otherwise just spam evade to lose the movement speed debuff. Against bosses, just facetank with the DR from Vengeance, Titan heart, Forge guard and build up the buff.

  2. Firebrand spellblade (+Surge/FlameReave): Ardent branding makes it so Firebrand no longer scales with attack speed. Flame Reave already has screenwide clear or could just focus on Firebrand with the new buffs.

  3. Auto cast Harvest Warlock: Chthonic Fissure procs chaos bolts which proc Harvest bypassing the attack speed penalty. Will still need to manually attack with Harvest too to build up the buff but the Fissure Harvest’s should get the more melee damage and be a nice damage boost.

  4. Locust Swarm Swarmblade Druid: Not too experienced with locust swarm and no idea how it will interact(snapshot) but it is melee damage so it definitely will affect the DoT. Either you will build up stacks, pop Locust swarm and then Evade keeping the snapshotted damage or you will pop a strong locust swarm and then just armblade slash the enemy building up the buff boosting its damage.

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I skipped the hype about HH in 1.0, so I’m gonna do a Smite / Divine Bolts / Healing Hands / Melee Judgement Paladin in 1.1.

I’d say it was weak, but usable. But now it got this:

Incinerating Aura no longer gives 3 base damage per second per point to Fire Aura. It now gives +1 intelligence per point, and has a threshold bonus which grants Fire Aura 1 spell damage per 2 points of intelligence. It still gives Fire Aura 15% increased area per point.

That’s a lot of base damage that previously didn’t exist :partying_face:


Probably Puncture SD, either DW (probably swords for glancing blow) or spear as a Falconer.

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idk at the moment. I always get kind of overwhelmed trying to find a build. At 1.0 I just stuck with legacy, but my stash is such a mess I might just go fresh for once rather than deal with that atrocity.

I’m kind of interested in using that new shield axe to do some kind of silly shield build, but not sure exactly how to build that and a friend might end up going for that anyway.

Aside from that, idk. I’ve only done a handful of builds in the grand scheme of things, so there are a lot of choices, which is overwhelming. Maybe someone could make some suggestions based on what I’ve played before and I liked?

The 3 most successful characters were: (lv 90-100)

  • An aura of decay lich that I took to 100 as my first character. This was a long time ago before it was nerfed. I like that kind of tanky/low button style, but in hindsight it was a very slow build, especially for bosses. More recently I respecced it to try out a fire DoT build. That was ok, but I didn’t end up playing it for long.

  • Squirrel beast master. Pretty fun flavor, nice having that passive damage to run around and clean stuff up for me. A bit of active punch to it since I’d use swipes for armor shred and stuff. Main problem ended up being it was garbo for bosses with big AoE damage like Jurla. Stopped in the 90s initially but later returned to take it to 100.

  • Melee proc healing hands paladin. Tanky, good damage, and I do like things that proc other things. Pretty fun, but I only ended up taking it to 95 before I got bored. Although maybe that’s just because I had been playing a decent amount already for 1.0.

Medium Success Characters (lv 80-90): These I kind of liked the idea of, but I stalled out on gearing around empowered monoliths and usually ended up too squishy to want to keep going.

  • Reign of Winter Marksman: Another build that’s based around procs. Fun, but too squishy. I also kind of feel like ranged builds are a bit awkward for me. The camera is close enough that I usually don’t get enough of a view ahead, so either I run head first into enemies or I have to shoot offscreen and see if I hit anything. I don’t think I’d never play a ranged build again, but I think it’d have to feel different than this. Like that fire DoT lich I played was ranged, but it was also tanking and could just throw out DoTs and run around while they were doing their work.

  • Spin 2 Win Forgeguard: I do like these kinds of effects, but for whatever reason I kind of stalled out on gearing this one. Also the build was based around bleed with Volatile Reversal and Abyssal Echos, which I think I didn’t really like. It was a bit too clunky and I’d rather have one where I can just keep spinning.

  • CoC Meteor Sorc: Another proc build. But I never really got the gear to a place where I wasn’t squishy and the meteor spawns were really inconsistent.

Complete Drops: These builds I kind of just ditched pretty early in leveling/endgame:

  • Fire Necromaner: I had gotten all excited about a 3 LP Dragonflame Edict I found, so I went to build this and… idk. It just felt really bad at early endgame. Mana was always a problem. Maybe I’d have done better if I was working with a more solid leveling build until I got there, but I just didn’t feel good enough about it to push all the way to the point where I could use the staff.

  • Unarmed Falconer: This one I just dropped while leveling. idk, I think I was just burnt out at that point. I guess I could maybe try for it again, but… I think I’d probably rather just try something new.

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That’s kinda wild controllers let you do that, and I’d have to imagine big papa EHG might do something about it. Keep it on the DL maybe we don’t lose that controller-player buff. lmao.

I did fire aura stacking w/ Lament of the Lost Refuge & Dark Shroud of Cinders. Super fun Volcanic orb build. Sorcerer. Mega damage. Good time. You can absolutely make fire auras work. Now, alongside ignite I’ve not tried. Best of luck with the meme, traveler!

I may steal your auto-cast Harvest Warlock idea. Sounds neat. Sounds like a lot of mana sapping though. Gonna need some heavy mana generation somewhere.

Which judgement variation are you gonna use for that? Lingering conc ground?

@WeAreViledNation What this guy said. Buffs!

Personally I’d go swords for sure for the glancing blow. Cappin’ that sh*t’s important, yo. The new threshold passive for SD damage on bosses seems pretty good if you are gonna make use of that for the Puncture SD.

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Depending on which buff you’re talking about, you don’t!

I was able to keep something vaguely along the same lines working with a combination of Harvest’s Spirit Shards, Spirit Plague’s Defilement, Chaos Bolts’ Devour the Damned, and the Soul Stealer passive.

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Just a sidenote: you know you can select the text in someone’s post and quote it? You don’t need to create a bunch of posts in a row replying individually, you can do it all in the same post,.

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I’m going back and forth on doing something dumb with (among other things) either Ghost Maker and leaning in on Ignites or Pact Severance and leaning in on direct damage. I’ll probably try both and see how they go.

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Just pick a skill or two and rock it man. That’s all I’ve ever done with this game and was relatively successful.

So far as suggestions, if you like low button playstyles, I talked about my Sorc in another reply here. Shroud of Cinders and Lament of the Lost Refuge. It’s just a VOlcanic orb one-skill-wonder build that you can play without those uniques and farm them up and swap to void damage down the road with it. Very fun, many much damage.

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I could do that, if I wasn’t incredibly dumb.

I think having a bunch of wraiths up might be fun. Though keeping them active during a boss fight if they don’t spawn adds might be a tad annoying.