Horrendous launch/server downtime compensation idea

I would like to bring up my idea again of giving players some premium currency again for compensation for this god awful launch. Its not launch day anymore, we are now on the weekend and the game is near unplayable. So before you apologists tell me stuff like “How dare you expect a game to work 1 week after its up” please stfu and consider one thing for me. People are currently refunding the game and the steam reviews are plummeting drastically. The future of this game is looking more and more grim, and I am saying that as someone that genuinely cares about this game and has already had a lot of fun playing it. The least that the devs can do is compensate with maybe like $10 of premium currency so everyone can choose some cosmetics from the MTX store (which clearly is working without a hiccup). This might delay or stop some people from refunding and it may help with retaining players that are going to be leaving since I really doubt the issues are going to be fixed this weekend as we are now on day 4. I did enjoy playing last night though, but please fix the game. And now let the simps and apologists rage post over my suggestion that would cost the devs 0$ and may even save them money effectively making them money.

Edit: It is now day 5, and the issues are persisting if not worse. Hopefully I don’t have to make another edit tomorrow. This already looks bad.


While I only have about 160 hours in this game. It has been by far the best ARPG to play for todays standards. I love PoE but, D2 was the only ARPG I’ve gone back to consistently. And is the only GAME I will play by Blizzard.

That said, I have to agree with you. While I never use cosmetics in games. I still bought the Deluxe Edition upgrade only to support EHG because I believe in this game that much. I feel a small gesture like this will help calm the masses.

I will always play this game on and off, like I do with D2.

I just want to point out that the servers are still absolute crap. I think giving out premium currency should definitely be considered. Its day 4 now. Likely gonna be day 5 tomorrow.

I’m not sure what you mean. I have been playing all day without any issues. Maybe once an hour or so I get a longer loading screen (usually around the time they warned they’re doing stuff to the servers), but other than that I don’t even get long loading times anymore.

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Post on same suggestion was already there. Next.

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Literally just got le-61 and now online play unavailable. Had this happen all morning too. Im glad you are having a completely different experience than what the majority of players are suffering from, but needless to say its not my 100mb down speed nor my $3000 computer’s fault this is happening. maybe read the 1.0 update thread to understand what the majority of the playerbase is dealing with?

You have strange ideas of majority.

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From what I’ve seen. It’s only one or two servers having issues still.

The actual majority of people are playing fine. The minority are having issues. You can say that no one should be having issues or whatever but it’s not the majority

LOL! he says as 1.0 update thread gets constantly bombarded with people complaining about connectivity issues and login issues. And those are just the people willing to make an account on here and complain. I literally logged in right now and am stuck on “connecting” at character select. I don’t think the majority of people are “playing fine”, with inconsistent loading times, constant connectivity issues, constant server spikes etc. Just because you are used to broken products or are complacent with them doesn’t mean the majority are. But hey, keep simping buddy.

That being said, It is now day 5 with major issues. The servers are definately not fixed and the Steam reviews still plummet. Devs please consider my suggestion. Thank you.

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I agree. Whoever is their operations manager (if they even have one) should be replaced ASAP with someone more skilled in the field.

As someone working in sysop field this is not acceptable and unprofessional behavior. What is their RTO, if they have any? Who scaled their infrastructure?

Not having enough network capacity, server infrastructure, application load balancing is all seen here. And someone doesnt know his job if you have same issue for 4 days.

Who do they employ as their system engineers/devops? Hamsters?

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Actually, the issue is not server capacity. They’ve already said they were prepared to ramp up the servers on demand. The problem is with the API, so it’s a software issue (a bug that they’re trying to fix) and not hardware.

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When does it go from a bug, to a poor game design feature?

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When they can’t fix it. Which isn’t the case so far, considering that things have been improving and there are thousands of players able to play every day with little issue.

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ya if you’re able to stay in monoliths then you will have a fine experience. So if you’re lucky enough to get there between server downs and never have to go to the campaign areas, you’re good.

At this point the moral thing would be to trash this game, refund ALL the games sold so far and start from scratch!

Alternatively advertise it as a SOLO OFFLINE ARPG meant to be played solo only. In this case it wouldnt be false advertisement and bad practice.

Disgusting practice so far!

Lol at the people bitching about a game that costs like 3 margaritas, has some downtime on game launch. So many Karens, Karens everywhere.

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Somehow I’m told to believe that day 5 is the same as launch. This guy is a troll.

I’ve spent the last 3 days finishing the campaign. I didn’t have many issues. In the first day there would be sometimes where loads were longer or where it would fail to load the zone or even disconnect me. I just did something else while trying to load the other zone.
These last couple of days I’ve managed to play without any issues, even without long loading times. I finished the campaign just fine. Took me a bit longer than normal, but I don’t mind that.

you after missing your goals on your performance review as your boss is firing you. lul. I don’t care about the cost of the game in the slightest. If you got to 89, you need to touch grass I’m only 47 lul. Offline isn’t in the season so…

You guys literally Karen-ing, on a 30 dollar video game? a video game?!? It’s an effing video game. It costs less than 3 cocktails. It’s been rocky online the last few days but I still managed to get to 89 and have some fun. Offline has worked great. You all need to relax or touch some grass or something.

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