Horrendous launch/server downtime compensation idea

Offline has all the same season mechanics and stuff as season. A nice departure from the other games. And you can sprint in town. I’m starting to regret not going ham on offline from the beginning as I don’t care about ladders.

Offline would work great, it’s offline and doesn’t interact as heavily, or at all, with the servers. The problem is online play.

I gave EHG a pass the first few days for being a smaller company, but the issues persisting this long are getting a little ridiculous.

Once you are in monoliths, the problems are less bad, and especially soloing monoliths is very smooth. But having made several characters so far to test new builds out, the campaign is still very buggy with load times and connectivity issues. My group of 6 all have issues, all at different places and using different regional servers over the country, experiencing the same problems.

Party play in monoliths is also fairly bad right now, I’ve been softlocked out of my monoliths for having someone in a party leave and keeping me from being able to portal into the reward room in several instances.

I love the game, I respect the team for giving it their all in tryna fix the servers. I’m disappointed we are still having some major issues after 4 days. Can’t say I’m surprised, but definitely disappointed.

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That seems like a very healthy attitude Livid, it’s a bummer and ok to be dissappointed, I am too, but demanding compensation and all, just seems a bit ridiculous for a video game, and one that is this cheap, in the grand scheme of things.

Yea I don’t really care much for the compensation. I’d just like to play the game more consistently.

compensating with some in game premium currency does not have real monetary cost to the developers. But losing players and giving refunds does. Its really simple actually. But your a ragebaiting troll so I don’t even know why Im bothering responding to you.

All this talk of cocktails and now I want to day drink. Maybe I have been playing LE too much. Or maybe I do have a drinking problem.

I really like the game and I am not a huge fan of d4 & never got into PoE. This game I feel got it right the balance of amount of skills / while being unique but not limiting the options* .
I think the most crucial thing you guys (devs) did was not let online players (non hardcore) play off-line while you are dealing with this issue and letting us build up our character and still use them online… This decision may kill this game & i really mean it… as of this writing you have near 269k ppl playing & they are going to leave if the servers stay like this or play offline and then realize that the character they just put 15-30 hrs in this weekend is not able to play online & that will be enough to leave a bitter taste in many people’s mouths.
I agree with the op, giving in-game currency like they said will show you care about us and by letting us choose what we want to buy it gives us something meaningful & that will go along way in showing your sincerity in making this game the best you can going forward because as of this moment you guys are right on the pivot point where Tens of thousand can & will start leaving and if something isnt done like a special offline mode for the next few days for the normal online mode players (until the servers are stable) & also showing us you do care with the store voucher etc… I hope that will show many people who do like the game & even love it that you care and they will most likely want to back a company like that …
The Ball is in your hands guys…



I get what you are saying, but it kind of does have monetary cost. The more free things you give, the less likely people are to want to spend money to get the things they want with that now free currency. Especially now when their MTX market items are pretty limited.

They are gonna be making more MTX, and no it does not. $10 of currency is enough to get like 1 item. Giving out premium currency is done in a lot of gatcha games for server downtime and it has been proven to have a strong pyschological effect in not only increasing player retention but also driving future cash shop purchases. My suggestion is a win-win for the devs no matter how you slice it. And trust me man, refunds are hurting them a lot more right now.

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I hope those are huge margaritas!


This is getting completely ridiculous at this point. We are on day 4, and now the servers are completely unavailable. I come back from the gym thinking that it would get fixed in 2 hours, but its just not. I am starting to feel like we got jebaited with this release.

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