Herald of the scurry

Looks like the squirells dont take any points from summon wolf talent tree… They dont use howl equivalent on kills. They die fast and have low dmg.

Am I only one who was excited to get this helm? Looks like its gonna be dusting on the shelve until they hotfix…

Hi, i was so excited to play this squirrell build and i found thats unplayable, low dmg, low life and no interactions at all with howl skills, i hope they fix this.

I have no idea what u guys are talking about… but im only lv94 with low corruption.
I believe you, but I’m not experiencing this at all.*

Once i got the helm they started shredding my screen faster than the wolves.

How can you even confirm that it’s not benefiting from the Howl mechanic?
It doesn’t seem like Howl applies a visual buff to you, so other than the audible howl how can you even tell its NOT working?

I don’t know anything about theorycrafting, are u guys following someone elses guide, or doing your own thing? Im following someone elses and it’s working for me.

I AM experiencing tons of minion related bugs and im compiling that in one ticket, ill be happy to mention the howl thing as well, can u tell me how to replicate what you’re experiencing? How are you verifying that the howl mechanic isnt working since I see no indication that its going off on wolves or squirrels?

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Herald of Scurry converts your wolves into Squirrels but that doesn’t change the base skill.

The squirrels count as wolves and get benefits from the wolf skill tree. Victory Howl will still proc, for example, but it’ll trigger Sciurine Rage instead of howl.

Squirrels Build

You still need to build around the helmet. Lots of people take advantage of their fast attack speed and go for bleed builds. Legendary Bite will make up for the 35% damage loss from the conversion of wolves to squirrels.

Guys youre wrong. The howl replacement is visible through red eyes on squirrels. They dont howl on kill at all. Never got them to use the rage ability themselves other than my cast. Im 100% sure its bugged. Also seems like they are more squishy than wolves. So means they dont take any passives from the tree…

Herald Of Scurry Item Screenshot

Those glowing red eyes are your squirrels activating Scuirine Rage.
They will not howl because they have been converted into squirrels. They instead enrage which is why their eyes glow red.

I don’t know what else to tell you. Everything else sounds like an issue with gearing. Would you like to share your build here so we can see why your companions are feeling squishy?

My squirrels are having no problem sustaining themselves at 150 Corruption right now:

Build Link: 95 BM / Herald of Scurry

Also, remember to use minion command and move your furry friends out of aoe spells.

Are you guys following a guide? I’m not having any issues. You do need to put some points into your companion skills and stats or else (like any ability) they won’t be good.

nevermind, figured out the issue

I’m not struggling with the build, but would also love some clarification on Howl/Squirrine Rage, as it seems to be inconsistent what applies and what doesn’t. For instance, neither “Victory Howl” or “Battlecry” have ever once triggered on my Squirrels, nor does “Snarl” appear to activate. On the other hand “Lead the Pack” from the Frenzy Totem tree does proc from Squirrels.

Does ten squirrels seem to do less damage than three wolves, a bear, raptor, and sabertooth to anyone else? Granted, I did not change my skills. I did a couple of echoes with the squirrels and went back to the +1 wolf helm.


I just tested victory howl and it does work but the chances proc separately on each individual squirrel’s kill as opposed to all of them gaining rage on a kill. Will test out the others.

I’ve tested it a lot and I am convinced the best build is the cold crit version with Apogee…

Also remember Squirrels took quite a big nerf in 1.0.

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@Ghostlight Have you figured out a way to reliably get a minion death to proc frozen vengeance? It seems like vines are the way to go but they are still pretty beefy and thus take a while to die IME.

Also, didn’t they reduce the squirrel damage penalty from 45% to 35% for 1.0?

Yes, however pre 1.0 the penalty never actually applied, it was bugged. Meaning squirrels were doing 100% damage basically just 2x better then wolves in all regards lol.

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OOOOF I understand now

Yes. I use an idol that creates bees. Bees die reliably. (Note that until you are at a certain corruption, the bees will not die reliably as they are Minions and you are a Minion spec, so those bees are HARD. However once corruption is a certain level (I forgot what that level was sorry, was ages ago) the Bees begin to die all the time.

I never thought about Vines, that is a very nice idea. Unfortunately I need to use Julia’s path boots to make the build pop.

EDIT: I guess you could spec Fury Leap to create Vines. That might be some fun.

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squerells are fine. proc on kill works. For damage you need to understand what you gonna do for damage: bleed or hit build.

Oh, why cold gear… guys, uniques for herald of scurry build:
helmet: Herald of the Scurry
weapon 1: Arek’s Bones
weapon 2: Beast King
gloves: Julra’s Obsession with attack speed and shred armor
body: Doublet of Onos Tull
boots: Advent of the Erased
amulet: The Fang
relic: Dedication of an Erased Primalist

Spriggan form with armor and totems, they heal and shread armor. 9 totems with like insta healing. Only downside is you can’t manualy cast rage in form and form is 99% uptime.

The most problem I have with build, squrells don’t have much aoe.

You can run Thorn Totem idol instead of bees as well. Resummon kills the old totems, which procs “Poggy”.

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Because if you spec your Squirrels to Cold (using Tundra Stalker node in Summon Wolf), then you can take advantage of a few very powerful buffs…

Apogee sword (which you can dual wield) gives ~50% more cold damage to cold Minions and 8 seconds (!) of Frenzy, plus +6 levels to Summon Wolf. And your own (Swipe) hits will now freeze 8 enemies per swing, which greatly increases your survivability.

Warcry: has some amazing buffs for Cold minions. The Frost Claw node will give 250% increased Cold damage to affected Minions, and Bringer of Winter node gives 100% increased crit chance and 100% increase chill chance to Cold minions.

I have tried all the Squirrel builds I could find online, including Bleed-based, Poison-based and plain (non-Cold) crit-based and while they were good, none of them come close to the Cold-based crit version using the buffs above.

Give it time. The biggest problem you are going to have is Squirrels dying.

I’m actually tempted to try a Hakar’s Phoenix “Exploding Squirrels” build.

Any chance you tried that one as well? :laughing: