Help understanding mechanics and scaling

hey guys i posted these questions in the mage class subforum and a guy helped me… im posting here aswell not because i dont trust what he says but because some things are still rather unclear to me and i want to understand it so that for next classes i wont need to ask again also he was unsure about fire aura so id love to get to be sure about this aswell thanks !

1: some skills have chance to trigger effects/stuff or skills which doesnt have their own skill tree (inside their skill tree) for example… Flame Reave has chance to active fire aura
are these effects are effected by the main skill passive tree?
for example flame reave has chance to to cast fire aura and flame reave also have points in passive tree “more fire damage” and " reave does more damage over time" are these points from Reave passive tree will also apply to fire aura? and flame reave also have chance to apply spreading flames are they effected by flame reave passive tree?

2: i often see skills effect appearing in many different skills / trees are they effected by all of them? for example i see spreading Flames on fire ball passive tree (210% more) and theres the spreading flames on flame reave … will maxing spreading flames on fire ball (210%) will also increase the damage on spreading flames from flame reave? and maxing on flame reave will increase it even more ? all of them are working?
or fire aura has points on flame reave and flame ward are all the fire damage points on flame wards apply to fire aura aswell ? are points from both flame reave and flame ward both apply?

3: there are some effects on passive tree that then also appear on some skill trees are they effected by the skill tree even if applied through passive tree trigger?
for example… on spellblade passive theres warden;s echo with a chance to cast elemental burst when using skills. . if using a fire skill it has chance to cast fire burst , fire burst also appear on enchantment weapon… and theres fire burst has more damage this also apply to fire burst from passive tree? are they same skill? will this damage also apply to ignite applied by fire burst ?

someone in game told me something like… " if a skill trigger something that has its own skill tree it will be effected by its own skill tree when triggered, however if a skill trigger something that does not have its own skill tree it will be effected by everything in the triggering skill tree as long as the points you take support the tag of the triggered skill, for example if triggered skill has tag of fire taking more fire damage damage on skill tree will also effect the triggered skill… unless the triggered skill/effect state that it is not effected by the skill tree" is that always the case? because if its always the case then fire aura should be effected by points in flame reave passive tree because it never mention that it cant ?

also if a skill pen fire resist will ignite applied by this skill also pen the fire resist ? or its like poe only apply to the hit? and can damage over time leech if its not stated on hit? thanks alot !
thank you very much for reading any help is appreciated

  1. No only if the node tooltip specify it buffs the procced skill. overall “increased fire dmg” from gear still helps but skillnodes are normaly only buffing the skill you take them in.

  2. No because once you procc it with flame reave and the other time you procc it with firball. These are 2 totaly different skills so the are not adding up but both have a chance to trigger said effect.

  3. This should add up if both triggers have a chance and the same procc. Druid has a chance to cast Ice thorns when hit in the Ice Thorns tree and more chance to cast ice thorns when hit in the passive tree. These add up. If said Flame Burst is triggered on skill use it should add up with the chance from Reave.

Long story short you always look at some things:

  1. the skill used is it’s own thing untill stated otherwise in the tooltip of the node in question
  2. the procced skill only improves with bonuses from gear untill there are nodes to buff the proccs.

For your last questions these are good ones :D. I played a Warpath paladin with 100% fire pen while spinning that procced smite and I asked myself if my ignite and smite proccs from Warpath pen as well while spinning :D. I have NO idea to be honest.

There are different kind of leech. If you only have leech on melee hit you don’t leech dots. If you have firde dmg leeched you leech from ignite as well because it’s fire dmg. If you have dmg leeched it leeches everything that damages the enemy.

Isn’t this the same thread as this earlier one from yesterday? Apart from the last two paragraphs above.

thank you ! that helps alot ! so basically if you have skill tree and inside the skill tree theres chance to proc some effect/skill, the effect / skill is NOT effected by any point of this tree unless it state that it does ? would that then also be correct for effects like ignite? lets say i use fireball and i ignite with it. will the ignite be effected by fire damage points in the fireball skill tree? i would assume it will… but then how is igntite diferent than other effects such as fire aura and spreading flames? they are also dot effects caused by fire ball… same as ignite if the fire damage on this skill tree effects ignite it would make sense that it would effect fire aura? thanks

hey yes and ive mentioned that !
hey guys i posted these questions in the mage class subforum and a guy helped me… im posting here aswell not because i dont trust what he says but because some things are still rather unclear to me and i want to understand it so that for next classes i wont need to ask again also he was unsure about fire aura so id love to get to be sure about this aswell thanks"

he wasnt sure about fireaura and while its true the examples i used are from mage these are general scaling things and i thought id maybe have more people seeing it in general thanks !

A single proc, like Void Rifts, that can be proc’d from different skills or passives generally doesn’t get affected by skill trees outside the skill that’s proccing it at the time. Fire Aura is an example that breaks this rule since Flame Ward has a node that specifically says that it converts the damage from Fire Aura to cold or lightning.

If a sub-skill is proc’d by a skill and it’s only affected by the node that you have to take to get it to proc it’ll usually say in the alt text, such as Rip Blood’s blood splatters, the two nodes that can proc it specify that it’s not affected by other nodes in the skill tree unless specified.

If you have a sub-skill that’s proc’d by a node (Smite’s Lightning proc’d by Unbalanced Scale) that doesn’t specify whether it’s affected then it will be affected by any relevant skill nodes (since this is how skill damage modifiers are inherited by ailments as well as sub-skills/procs). Examples of this on Smite would be the damage on the Sacrifice node, but if Smite had a % fire damage node then that wouldn’t apply to the Lightning from Unbalanced Scale.

If a skill is proc’d by another skill (such as Lightning Blast proc’d by virtually every other Mage spell…) then it will only benefit from it’s own skill tree nodes, not any relevant damage modifiers on the proc’ing skill tree, Lightning Blast proc’d by Disintegrate wouldn’t be affected by any of Disintegrate’s % damage nodes but ignites from Disintegrate would be affected by any % generic damage or % fire damage nodes in Disintegrate.


  • If a thing isn’t affected by other appropriate nodes on the skill tree it’ll say.
  • If a thing can be proc’d by multiple different skills, it doesn’t double dip on applicable damage modifers from both skill trees, only the proc’d skill’s tree is used for the thing that it procs.
  • Proc’d skills are only affected by their own skill trees unless specified (Firebrand/Volka’s Razor being an example of this)

i see thank you for your time to replay !
let me pls ask to confirm to see that i understood it all correctly !

when i alt on fire aura it doesnt say that its not effected by nodes on the skill tree (Flame Reave) so fire aura proc’d by flame reave its self will be effected by relevant points such as more fire damage and more damage and more damage over time correct? but fire aura created by lets say surge will not be effected by by the nodes on reave but would only be effected by the relevant points in Surge right ? and i assume points for fire aura in passive tree will effect all fire aura from any skill ?

and this is correct for ignite aswell? taking more fire damage on flame reave will increase damage of fire aura proc’d by flame reave aswell as ignite proc’d by flame reave? thanks alot and sorry for the bother .

i think at some point they really should be more clear about these things now its not big issue but when game will grow maybe. thanks agian for help

Correct, the Heat Wave (% fire damage), Rhythm of Fire (% damage every 4th use), Engulfing Flames (% fire DoT damage) nodes will affect the damage of any Fire Auras (& ignites) created by Flame Reave, but most of the other nodes won’t since they specify melee damage.


Have you tried the in-game guide? I’m not sure how well this would be explained but I’d probably expect to see it explained in there.

i tried i carefully read the game guide before asking questions here… i expected it to be there and explained aswell but didnt find it. . but i understand game still developing amazing game tho… truly enjoy it. thanks alot for explaining this to me so well ! i appreciate that !

Llama sorry for the bother, just 1 more quesiton if i may.

spell blade passive tree has pasive that says chance to cast fire aura when using a melee skill and hitting at least one enemy
if i use flame reave and it trigger . will it be effected by flame reave passives? it adds up to the flame reave chance to cast fire aura? or they would still be seperate even tho its from passive . thanks

Yes, because Flame Reave is the skill that’s proccing the Fire Aura. That node adds a % chance to proc a Fire Aura to your elemental melee attacks which will then additively stack with any % chance from idols or skill nodes.

make sense thanks alot !

hey im truly sorry to be bothering you again regarding this but i would love to ask if its ok… about the interaction with items if its similar, lets say i have an item that has chance to create void rift . then i use skill and that skill create void rift through the item … will the skill tree of the main skill i use which triggered the void rift but through item will its skill tree effect the void rift created by the skill through the item chance to create? thanks alot !

I am 99% sure the void rift created by any Item will not be affected by any skills skill spec tree, regardless of which skill triggered the Item.

But I guess that could only be answered by a dev.

I guess your best chances will be asking this question on the discord in the ask-the-devs channel.

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Yeah, Heavy’s probably right. The only reason Void Rifts (or any secondary effects) scale with nodes in the tree of the skill that procs them is because the skill procs them. If the source of the proc is a different skill or item or passive they will inherit whatever relevant stats the proccing thing can pass on.

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thank you , i guess i should join the discord… this is 1 of my main issues right now … things are not stated clearly and theres 0 way to know if are effected not effected or how exacly they are effected . lack of tool doesnt help… but honestly the more i play the more i love the game regardless but i do find it sometimes hard to design something or plan build when alot of the interaction such as this is unclear the void rift is just example but this could be any other skill/effect on the item.

Void Rift is a really confusing thing for new player, because it has several skills that can proc them, but each individual skill only gives the void rift the stats from it’s respective skill tree and the scaling of the main ability.

But Void Rifts themselves also have scaling tags on their own if they are coming from Items for example.

The Base Tags of a Void Rift are:

So if the Void Rift comes from an Item your only ways of scaling it will be those tags.

i mean i guess? but if the chance is from passive tree and a skill proc them through the chance of passive tree is it really different than if the chance is from item and a skill proc it though the item chance? like the fire aura from passive tree effected from flame reave because flame reave is the skill to proc them? i only ask becuase i really try to understand for certain how things actually works always in all cases …

Fire Aura is the same as Void Rift yes.

If the fire aura comes from a specific skill, it will inherent it’s scaling of the parent skill.
If the Fire Aura comes from an Item or a Passive Node, it will only scale with it’s base scaling tags.

So Fire Auras that are triggered through Flame Reave, will deal more damage, than Fire Auras coming from Items or Passive, if you taken nodes in Flame Reaves skill spec tree that would affect Fire Auras

then ill make it abit harder on you… what if i have an item and i have a skill that proc void rift. ? would it then be effected by the skill tree? the thing is its abit unclear and i do try to see some consistent rule … . for interaction with stuff and skill trees… but there are many ways and atm i havent seen any offical statement or something that truly clear it all. and no skill tooltip atm … maybe they should consider once you have chance to trigger some effect to create somewhat blacked icon for the effect that shows its dps like normal skills but you cant activy cast it… but then it would show damage sort of and you could see if points are effecting it or not effecting it.

but anyways and what if it wasnt void rift ? the fact that each individual is a different story is whats confusing for me…