Harbingers of Ruin: Quality of Life & More

Are the Korean translation issues and Asian server optimization issues (or game GPU, memory, etc.) optimization issues not fixed?

Yes. Specific weavers relics like Void cleave t7+elem resist7 + … It may take weeks to find weavers good mood to roll needed skill t7 even w/o another viable affix.
But for sure exalted and unique items are more tradable than legs (often too crappy slammed to be sold)

Sharing the same arena ranking (ladder) between the two factions still makes no sence.


Awful changes to forge guard, removal of anvil stance with 25% damage reduction and medicore buffs on other nodes looks just bad, mage in comparison is insane, as always…idk why ehg straight up hates sentinel, this is getting stupid

Will have the option “save loot filter to account”? :sweat_smile:

Am I missing something? What does that 0.00005* part in ward changes achieve? More clutter? Its such a small number that it can be irrelevant. Could’ve just posted that ward gets halved and above 10k its decay is sky-high, effectively putting a stop to face-tanking those 14k+ hits present in higher arena waves/corruption.

Yaay so exciting! Can’t wait for patch notes <3 Great job, EHG!

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Saying ward retention is halved would be incorrect. Retention is higher for lower values of ward, and increases with higher ward values at an accelerating rate. There is an accurate graph posted in the section which visually shows the difference in the ward decay rates with different values of ward.


Well, it was a new system. PoE at launch was a mess, too. Trading in PoE is still a mess and everytime I come back to that game, I remember why I hate trading in it so much. Of course, that doesn’t make criticism of the MG invalid, I’m just pointing out nothing is perfect from the beginning. My main issues were the obvious gold duping and not-so-friendly UI and filters.
Still, you reach all exalted items tier somewhere around level 100 on your character, so I don’t see how it’s a grind. Level 8,9,10? Sure, I felt like level 9 and 10 was a grind, but even when you reach those levels, you still won’t probably have enough gold to buy the good legendary items, so it wouldn’t change much even if it was moved to MG tier 2. And if you haven’t even reached level 100, do you really need to buy t7 exalts?
Now you can reach the really important tiers even quicker, and it’s not like you have to go out of your way to grind reputation, it just happens naturally. I don’t really see some massive grind here and I’ve put like barely ~200 hours in the first cycle.

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Dude, I’m a truck driver, driving between 60 and 70 hours a week. If I can reach 400+ hours in a season (yes, on mobile internet), anyone can. Of course, I’m single with no kids. If you want a dad game, D4 is that way → No insult intended, but this game is focused more for SEMI-casuals. Not as nolife as PoE, and not as casual as D4. There are things to like and dislike about any of them but being grindy is an invalid complaint in this genre.


Did you even read the description?

Read this part again:

20% of your ward per second plus 0.005% of your ward squared per second .

0.005% of ward per second SQUARED which means it will decay very quickly if you have a lot of ward.

According to this formula if you have 100k ward it will decay at 0.2*100k + 0.005% * (100k)^2 which is over 500k decay per second which means it would decay almost instantly which means you won’t even be able to reach such high numbers, even with currently known bugs.

What it achieves is that decay is slower at low values of ward and WAY higher at high values of ward, try reading the description next time bro

Mommy, Login

Filters : the main feature that the excellent built in filter is missing is proper colour and sound options. The colour in particular is extremely limited. Anyone who has played PoE (I imagine most of your players) is thinking “why can’t I have the “divine” CLANK in red/white” effect

I sincerely hope there are adjustments to skill interactions which trivialise the game and make corruption of 1000 or more easy to reach. The way you are adjusting Disintegrate to not make it rely on an unintended powerful interaction is what is needed across multiple skills in the game right now

The single biggest issue with LE is the lack of challenge. Please up the difficulty across the board. Right now the game is an utter snooze fest until you get to empowered corruption. I want to feel tension and the thrill of danger from level 1, not 40 hours later

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Bruh, you are on the wrong forum, this is the Last Epoch one, we don’t have leagues we have cycles.

I would have understood seasons but leagues? Really?

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If I’m reading the explanation correctly, investing into ward retention and threshold is still going to return benefits, yes?

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Most certainly, yes, these stats will still have a signifigant impact on your ward retention. The change is made to target excessive ward generation, but normal mechanics are still applied, and is improved for lower values of ward.

Great changes on paper, for sure im abroad for the launch, but have i missed the released date of the patch note? Or is effectly not present yet? It’s strange cause the 1.1 will come in less than a week

Awesome Blog Post!

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A bit disappointed and worried concerning Sentinel and Forge Guard state especially.

  • New hammer and Anvil, mmkay but it removes one of the only available source of DR for Sentinels. I can’t understand the lack of DR for senties whose are mostly played as pure melee where you need DR so bad. If you do a quick comparaison with Druid / Beast master, you’re just crying regarding DR.

  • No more melee attack speed passive for 2H swords, 2str by point instead :') For me it was a bit the “Forge Guard special” which open cool setups and stay competive with void knight with their 30% melee attack speed passive + anomaly.

  • More things about str (crit multi scaling) and getting more str (for 2H) in Forge Guard tree now which for me buff something that was already a strong and easy aspect of the class (i mean stacking armor). I Hope that Healing Hand when switched to melee will get some str scaling instead of attunement regarding all of this.

Still hoping some QoL improvements in the current monolith system for MG players or perhaps overall changes, such as:

  • Being able to block certain map types (aka FU arena echoes). MG players deserve an option too just like CoF players!!

  • Easier navigation from node to node meaning streamlining or completely removing those 1-only-way paths, specially those that are often found at the edges of the web which offer no other option but going through a chain of one node after another. Where I’m basically going with this is I hope we get a proper spiderweb alike map rather than what we have now which you often find stranded and lonely filaments.

  • Guaranteeing a minimum of two Vessel of Chaos echoes in a map. Countless times I got very frustrated after discovering the full extent of the web just to find out there’s none or just one Vessel of Chaos. Such waste of time!!

  • Improving the outcome of Vessel of Chaos reroll!! You know what facial expression you do after seeing that completing a Vessel of Chaos rerolled that particular node that you were looking after from rare helmets to…rare staves, yeah that face.

  • Vessel of Memory Echo should also provide an incentive to race after, currently there’s not much of a difference completing one of those to restart your current web or just start a new one from scratch say at 10 more corruption. My suggestion is to implement a benefit of any sort to improve the quality and rarity of the items found in your current web after completing it. Just like the options you are offered when inserting a dungeon key or the options you get to choose when entering a new floor inside the dungeon. Anything!!!

  • Beacon echo…why does this not have a loot explosion after “sealing it” ??? Hello?