Harbingers of Ruin: Quality of Life & More

I have like 3k hours into PoE, I love ARPGs, but lets not kid ourselves the merchant guild needs A LOT of love still. I dont like this notion that criticizing something is wrong. The entire merchant guild was a complete mess in 1.0


This is likely not the first reaction to the CoF changes, but I liked it a LOT better when the prophecy rewards were duplicated exactly instead of having double the prophecy. It was vital for Exalted rewards, as if you had a T6 of an affix you really wanted (like a class-specific affix or health on a great base item), you could afford to have one item bricked by having Rune of Removal hitting the wrong affix or Forging Potential being completely eaten up as you’re trying to craft. The Rank 12 reward is just a MASSIVE downgrade and I hope it gets reverted.

I’ll respond specifically to the Shaman sections, as it is obvious that a lot more love was put into its class skills and passives:

  • Avalanche + Excavation: This is going to be hard to balance, as Avalanche depends on Spell damage and Upheaval relies on Melee damage, but considering there are nodes that provide Avalanche boulders on melee hit, I’m assuming this node is more meant for them. Depends on how well melee Shamans end up doing with the new changes, I suppose.

  • Stormcaller - allowing you to obtain Storm Stacks without having to use Gathering Storm directly: 45% is a bit iffy, but otherwise, :fist_right:

  • Swirling Maelstrom - I’m assuming that if you’re casting Maelstrom, if you have Lagon’s Slumber, then it will give you multiple stacks if you have the Slumber node? If so, that’s a very nice QoL change.

  • Gift of the Skies - It was bad when you revealed it on your dev stream, and it’s bad now. Remember that Beastmaster has a 50% Attack Speed boost over 10 nodes, while Shaman has a pathetic 16% boost over 8 nodes. It’s really bad. This should be a 5 point node (with the totem frenzy bonus being a 3 point bonus) and having double the speed bonus per point.

The other Shaman passives look good, at least you took my massive feedback thread into consideration. It makes going through all the effort to make that giant thread worth it.


Well first of all thanks, I am looking forward to 1.1

Could you also provide us with a filtering option regarding unique rarity? You know there are uniques anyone would love to pick up even at 0 lp and there are those that you see so often that you’d filter out those below 2 lp.

I know there are workarounds with item subtype and lvl requirements, but why not provide the actual fact as a condition?

I don’t know how I feel about this. I was quite fond of getting two shots at crafting whenever something relevant dropped. Sure it’s mathematically the same amount and there may be more cases, in which separate rolls are better, but this is my gut feeling.

Also regarding CoF, maybe I missed it, but are you balancing prophecy per item costs? Exalteds were heavily overpriced.

edit: And please let me repeat the request for minimap symbols in the loot filter. There are fundamental build archtypes (dots) based on killing things offscreen.

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Good info, excited to see this… I’m excited to not see infinite loading screens and have area transitions be smooth again, like prior to launch. I know my community is coming back to give this another go next week, if the load screen issues are still present, best wishes to EHG.

Please rework forge guard, he has no variations, look at the builds they put together for him, you either stand still for 5 seconds and then hit with a strong attack, or with his armor minion… everything else can’t close even 200+ corruption, so please do a complete rework, the class looks great, but it’s impossible to play him normally, he’s like a summoner :melting_face:

But then ward builds would invest into mostly the same stats compared to a health build.

Some ward builds already do that (all the %missing health as ward/sec builds want high maximum health already).

I rather have ward mostly be a completely different way of building your character defensively with lots of other gear and stat requirements.


This blog post doesn’t cover all the up coming Class and Skill changes, those will be in the full Patch Notes :slight_smile:


That is what Scepters and Staves are for.

Upheval has a crazy Staff nodes giving it 90% Cold pen and you can concert it to cold damage. Those hybrid builds never had issues in LE and I doubt this will become a great challenge here.

Congratulations for killing FG even more lol ,this was the last nail in the coffin. Some channelling skills will regenerate mana, will this be the case for Warpath? I don’t think so.

I just posted it to hear others thoughts on it i just think its strong to have more ward then health by a massive margin and being able to tank boss mechanics easily without having to dodge them or use skills and such.

The problem with this is base crit on staves and scepters. There is none. Base crit not being available on all weapons (implicit or prefix/suffix) is always an issue. That being said, there is a different reason for being excited about this, and that is totem shatter. You no longer have to cast upheaval to shatter while generating totems with avalanche. Shaman does have a weird issue with scaling and melee/spell that hasn’t been solved. I was really hoping to see a node in the tree with a threshold that gives some value of +spell damage and + melee damager per X attunement.

this guy R dummy.

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i thought Forgeguard was getting buffed enough to be usable? all i saw was a slight buff to shield bash and maybe some crit?

But Scepters and Staves have falt melee crit available and flat spell crit would be available on Off-Hand Catalysts.

Sad to see Sentinel is still lacking an entire passive tree… Other Classes got some good changes thought

in my experience, when using the catalyst, the issue is survivability (in 400+ corruption). It will be a problem to be solved for sure, and likely doable depending on the corruption goals. The base crit node in avalanche looks amazing

Yes, it does include warpath.


Really excited to play 1.1

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Gaze changes are a step into the right direction, allthough multiplayer corruption pushing is still far from optimal since you would still have to kill orobyss for each of the party member for them all to gain corruption.

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Are the Korean translation issues and Asian server optimization issues (or game GPU, memory, etc.) optimization issues not fixed?