Harbingers of Ruin: Quality of Life & More

I second this. The blessing change is awesome, but:
Please make the best blessing roll account wide for all characters in the game mode
Maxing them all out will take insane amounts of time regardless

Thanks a bunch for the update. I’ve read it a couple times and new stuff keeps popping out at me. Really appreciate the leaderboard updates! Race to 100 will be a real thing. No more fake winners :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks for expanding on exactly what I said. The 0.00005 part is still looking meh and irrelevant to me. Having 4k ward is like having a buffer for one hit maybe two. Any build utilizing ward gets to that point in literal seconds (or milliseconds in case of certain OP builds). We’ll see where that balancing lands us I guess. Not having more than 13k ward gonna suck I feel like. Because that graph mentioned by EHG_Kain shows us that your decay is going to essentially kill anything above 10k before mobs do.

I love that no matter how many times a post says “This is only a few of the changes we are making and does not include every change in the patch”, it will be full of people who didn’t read it at all saying “BUT WHAT ABOUT X???”


Train hype… Tchu tchu! :grinning:


I think you missunderstood the Lens system in CoF.

These don’t prevent echo types from spawning.
They prevent prophecies having certain game modes as condition.

100% agree and I made several posts about this in the past.
This heaviyl impacts my fun when wanting to uncover one timeline extensively to utilize Vessels.

I think Vessels of Memory not resetting Beacons would be fine. This way travel times after a Vessel of Memory would be way less and redoing beacons on a already uncovered echo are almsot senseles anyway.

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I’m hype so much. But I have one problem: Still Where is Arena Ladders for a single Mastery? It’s so needed… but they’ll add Ladder for exp? I don’t get it. Also Arena for common ranking with every class has no sense and just show how bad are most of Masteries.

Hi there, I’d like to premise this by saying that this patch looks absolutely phenomenal, incredible changes all around, especially on the blessings, and I’m sure that the detailed changes to skills and passives will be even more thrilling once we get a chance to see them. Truly an outstanding patch that I can’t wait to play for weeks or months on end, thank you! Having said that, the one thing that I really can not ignore is this specific change:

“Rank 12: Prophecies grant twice as many items (Previously Rank 10 - Changed, formerly “Items from Prophecies are duplicated”)”

I really couldn’t sit still once I red this to the point that this is my very first forum post despite playing this game for over 4 years at this point. I implore you to revert this to the previous change before the patch goes live, this change is infinitely detrimental in regard to what really matter for CoF endgame farming, a.k.a. high end multi LP items or T6/7 affixes on specific bases. The entirety of the endgame of LE is basically built up on “wasting” a ton of super rare, very specific items in the hope that either the crafting on them succeed or that you end up imprinting the right affixes on a unique item, so having as many copies as possible of the ones you were looking for is beyond imperative, making the old version of this CoF tier a literal irreplaceable lifeline towards refining any build. Please do not change that, as getting multiple different prophecies outcomes will never statistically equate to having multiple readily available copies of what you truly need as soon as you find it once, or, at the very least, give us both options at the same time to truly balance CoF out compared to the Merchant’s Guild.

Pratically I think this does not really impacts you though.

You get more chances with the new proposed rank reward.
And especailly for Exalted Items you can still use Rune of Creation to duplicate them.

I think having more individual chances will feel better and give you desired rewards earlier than having those exact duplicates, because that bonus only benefited you if among the base rewards there was something useful.

Both versions have upsides and downsides but i don’t think it is as grave as you make it out to be.


Honestly, I’d just really like to see a rework to how the monolith web generates, to make it more web-like. Right now it feels like a monolith tree, as paths diverge very often but rarely converge. Make it more web-like where paths converge nearly as often as they diverge, and it’d be golden IMO. Would also open up a more interesting design space in the future if, say, EHG releases some new mechanic or feature that affects areas of the monolith web, as the player could feasibly path around that area if they don’t want to touch it with a ten foot pole.

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The echo web generation has some sort of algorithm. At first its fine but it becomes worse, the bigger the echo web becomes.

This has improved a lot over time, but its still not very good for extreme cases.

I made a post a loooong tiem ago and it has significantly improved since then.
I asked @EHG_Mike a couple of times on discord and he said that they improved and tweaked that numerous times.

But I agree and still advocate for more improvments.

For reference if you are interested, here is my old post:

Looks good,! But… No controller changes?

THat’s awesome I’m a main warpath and I couldn’t be more happy, nwo we just need some new cool uniques xD.

Well, this patch is the patch with the most unique items added in a single patch since the monolithrework in 7.9

So that should statisfy your request already^^


Yes. Most importantly, Ward Decay Threshold will now increase the ‘soft cap’ before the quadratic scaling sets in. Ward Retention is largely unaffected by this change (it does exactly what it did before).

Like I said, it’s not a big mathematical change, but it feels bad. Using runes of creation is only a small factor in this. The real end-end-end game chase revolves around getting a certain t7 affix on a certain item or even specific subtype. Getting that alone isn’t hard, but crafting that up to having 2-3 t5 affixes of your choice is harsh.

We really don’t need to talk about a numerical nerf here, it just isn’t there. Maybe getting one such item every 1.5 hours feels better than getting a pair every 3 hours, I don’t know. I just liked these pair drops.

As I already said, both ways have upsides and downsides.

For legendary crafting this does matter a lot less, because realistically oyu wil ldo a lot more 1 and 2LP legendary crafts.

So you don’t need to maximize all affixes present on the gear.

I also have a lot of exalted items that I used for legendary crafting that have all affixes maxed out and are still sitting on 20+ FP

I don’t know about everyone else, but did the skills get snappier? That was one of my biggest gripes about LE, skills felt floaty and had no impact. The few they showed looks so much better. That alone is getting me hyped to play.

until you exceed 2 lp :sweat_smile:

and even for 2 lp I’d rather have 1/3 than 1/6 chance of getting what I want…

Yeah, but I meant Warpath related uniques, like the relic.