Harbinger kills me, I cant unlock empowered

Ok, so I’m a bit annoyed at this point.

To my understanding the first harbinger spawns when you kill last timeline boss on normal mode. I did not realize this and now this boss spawns in the last ruin.

I cannot see where the beams start. I will die, if beam starts on me.

The beams will kill me in few seconds and if I’m hit by anything during them, they will catch me and kill me. There are lightning bombs everywhere and any hit from the boss will also stop me long enough that any beam will kill me.

I do not see option to turn off this encounter and unlock empowereds. Can I move it elsewhere? Like the fire dudes, that seems easier place.

I tried some random build as usual, but it also might seem my dude is just too weak to do this. Now I cannot progress. I will not start another character, if I can’t pass this in reasonable time. I will instead quit and remember it works this way next cycle. Yes, I’m rather annoyed atm.

I do not like this design choice.

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Ask someone in chat for help on first one.

After that it’s not a big deal and you can disable them from spawning in empowered with an option (and they will require escalating corruption to even be allowed to spawn, starting at 100, then 125, etc).

No, if I cant do it myself, it is pointless for me to continue.


After about many deaths, I thought of a way to avoid instant death, if beam happens to spawn on me. That is to run towards them and then evade over one, if needed. This only takes 25-40% of my hp, but I survive it. Then it tooks only several more attempts.

Anyway… this is a feedback then.

Allow players to opt out of the that automatic harbinger fight. Allow us to get our blessings and gear. Let us choose where it comes and when. Not automatically.

I do not like the way it is.

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I am not sure about this, but if I read correctly, those 3 lvl 90 timelines should behave the same. So if you build up stability there, you should get an easier fight.

Gaspar is truly awful.

Also, I had made a thread regarding harbingers being attached to bosses. Having them spawn without a break or recovery is quite the change to those fights. Now you don’t just kill them, you try to get back to full health/mana and potions before you trigger the real boss.

To my understanding the harbinger spawns after the first level 90 boss you fight. And you only need to complete one level 90 boss+respective harbinger to unlocked empowered now.

But I’ve also seen many comments about spawning in the last ruin, so maybe it only spawns in the last ruin and that’s the only one you need to do now?

On the other hand, my alt was doing spirits of fire last night at 100c and the harbinger spawned, which many people complained it never did for alts and you needed level 90 to trigger, so maybe the devs are changing/fix things? I don’t think they are, because they communicate these kinds of changes.

It would be helpful if someone from EHG could clarify what exactly are the requirements to trigger the harbinger, to unlock empowered, etc, since the blog posts were kinda vague about this.

I have the same issue. I can easily kill all the bosses but now my last monolith is spirit of fire so I kill the 3 bosses easily and then comes the Harbinger of Ash and I have no way to kill it… all the mechanics are one shot and I could only reach half life before making a mistake and being killed. Now I cannot go to empower to gain better items… that really disappointing.

Finally did it… hardest fight in a long long time… so not as impossible as I was thinking first

For me it spawned in Last Ruin which was the last of the three lvl 90 timelines for me.

I am yet to get there and wonder which mono I should save for last. Obviously not Last Ruin. Probably also not not the Age of Winter, at least not as melee. So Spirits of Fire? I do not remember the boss from the previous cycle which implies it does not suffer from a broken mechanic.

Spirits of fire is the one with the 3 bosses.

Personally, I think I’d save Abomination for last or Formosus for last.

Too late for me, i have only the last 4 left.
I also thought it has to be one of the three level 90 monos?

That is only for the first one. The rest you can do in any order.
And I don’t know if that restriction also applies to the 2nd time around going after him.

One other thing you might want to take into account is that the last timeline needs to be 300c+. Ideally you’d have your monos layered in such a way that you don’t need to farm the least profitable ones to raise their corruption. So that might be another factor to consider.

You could just raise them all to 300c, but no one wants to do that :stuck_out_tongue:

I thought this is the discussion about the very first Harbinger on normal monos. Hence my confusion about what you are trying to tell me.
My concern right now is about not ending up in the situation the OP was in.

Ah, I misunderstood you then. My bad. I thought you were talking about your tactic for dealing with the hardest ones first (like Harton and Lagon) and leaving easier ones for the end.

I was under the impression that the harbinger spawned on the first level 90 boss you did and you could access empowered monos immediately after that (so only needing one level 90 mono done).
But I’ve also heard he always spawns on the last ruin.

On my alt in legacy, which was already in empowered, he spawned on the first I did of those 3 which was spirits of fire. And I’ve been alt hopping making new chars, so I haven’t yet reached a natural level 90 mono with either to confirm.

My first char in online-offline 1.1 and the Harbinger did NOT appear after the first level 90 boxx (frigging Caspar). so I guess it is after the last one.

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Neither of those were true for me, though.

I did Age of Winter first, no Harbinger. Then Last Ruin, also no Harbinger yet. Now I’m doing Spirits of Fire, and I assume it will spawn here.

So it’s plausible to say the first Harbinger only spawns at the time you would have normally have unlocked empowered in 1.0 (meaning, defeating the last 3 lvl 90 timelines)?


For me it was herot. I did gaspard first, followed by fire spirits.

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That would make sense to me. I just remember I saw it written somewhere that you now access empowered monos after just 1 level 90 mono.
Maybe that’s how it works for alts after you unlock the faction on a main?

It would be nice if the devs clarified exactly how it works for main and alt characters, since there seems to be some confusion around this.

I am not sure either. I did it offline, but i had alts who had empowered in 1.0. I did not export their gear to 1.1 but i did transport the faction, gear and mats of a lvl 80 that was not in empowered.

Perhaps there is a hidden counter that resets every season even in offline. Not sure how it works. Possible its just bugged