Harbinger kills me, I cant unlock empowered

Definitely not for your first character.

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I just tried it on a new alt which I’ve been leveling up. So on my “main” (the one that triggered the faction) I had 2 harbingers done: Spirits of Fire and Ending the Storm.
On the alt I tried starting with The Last Ruin and it triggered the harbinger right away.

I presume it’s because this harbinger wasn’t done yet.
I also assume that if I pick another alt and do Age of Winter with it, I’ll get a trigger as well.
This would mean you can actually do the top 3 bosses at level 90, which seems like an oversight.

It’s probably also the reason some people have issues triggering the faction on alts, if they already have the top 3 harbingers. Also seems like an oversight.

Back to the original subject: I would say that thinking a bit about which of the three top bosses to take out last might be very well worth your time, particularly if bosses aren’t your thing.
Because, if you do not beat the Harbinger you would have to do this boss again. And if that boss actually rather beats you than you beating him, which for me e.g. is the case with Hereot, than getting to empowered could be a frustrating process.
So thanks to this thread I chose Spirits of Fire for the final mono because I can reliably beat the three shamans. Otherwise I would have had to face Caspar again and again because that is the boss I usually save for last.

I had two tries so far but have yet to beat the Harbinger. Could be worse though.
All in all I cannot say that boss-after-boss is a design I particularly enjoy. But it is what it is.

Anyhow, and @DJSamhein is right with this , once it gets to empowered monos it is probably even more worthwhile thinking about the order of the bosses.

If you don’t care about harbingers at all, you can disable that fight and focus only on mono bosses.

If you do care about them, then the best option would be to actually get rid of the hardest ones first because the corruption requirements keep rising.
So if you have issues with last ruin, it’s better to do it at level 90 rather than corruption 200+.

How do you disable it? I play my own builds that are never particulary strong and my dps is just too low and there’s too much crap flying around in the Harbinger in the Last Ruin so that I can’t kill it unless I have a perfect run.

From what I can tell you have to defeat at least 1 to be able to disable them

Apparently you can’t disable the first one. Your best bet is to either choose an easier one for the first fight or get an alt to do it.
Or upgrade your build so that you can deal with it.

That’s unfortunate and poor planning from the devs. This will hamstring at least some of those of us that aren’t following a meta build.

As you suggest I will need to upgrade my build to at least double up my DPS.

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You don’t need a meta build to get past mono level 90. Any build can reach 300c. There’s a difference between meta and more optimized.
So what you would need is just to improve your build, not turn it into a meta one. It shouldn’t be hard to do just to beat the first harbinger.

Try posting your build in the respective class category and players will help you improve it.

Yeah I am not a fan of this implementation in its current iteration. It can screw a build over completely, forcing to either rely on other players help or completely respeccing the build just to beat a boss and gain empowered.

Ranged classes have less of an issue because they can avoid damage wheres some melee classes simply have no chance to win and there is no counter play at all. An AoE that does tons of damage and is constantly on leaves no room to skilful play. Normally you should just wait it out or dodge it with movement but this time the boss stands in the middle of the aura and it never leaves during the fight. Compounding the issue is that some classes generate their power trough killing or hitting mobs which the boss does not spawn at all and as such the players chances to generate power is greatly diminsihed. So the balance is out of whack.

The other major problem with the boss is that it’s involuntary 2 bossess back to back with no refills or anything. Further compounding the issue is that the game does not directly explain how, when or why the Harbringer spawns. There is a in-game wiki help section but the game does not explicitly give information and players won’t automatically assume they have to scroll trough the wiki first before they can play the game.

The harbringer in the 1.1 implementation is bad and needs tweaking, especially for melee. I get that it’s supposed to be a challenge and that’s fine. But challenges are always meant to be fair and gameplay design wise at least offer clear play and counterplay where it’s up to player skill to win or lose. Currently for melee especially there is no counterplay in certain instances and that needs to change. It can’t be healthy to keep it as is.

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