Hi. I just got the game and am enjoying it quite a bit but once I hit lv 9 or 10 I started getting crashes every 10 to 20 minutes. Thanks for any help. DxDiag.txt (101.7 KB)
Player.log (38.7 KB)
Player-prev.log (54.3 KB)
Hey there, Welcome to the forums.
Your player.log files arent providing anything specific - they just stop without recording any crash information - this usually means that something external to the game is causing the instability - e.g. a driver, OS issues, physical things like power/overheating etc.
You dont provide the le_graphicsmanager.ini so I cannot see what in-game settings you are trying to use which could be affecting things - e.g. if you are using Ultra settings or not using framerate limits or various combinations of settings on your hardware, you may be getting to a point where the GPU is maxing out or overheating/throttling and then crashing after a certain period of play.
The information in your DXDIAG file points to various things that could be involved:
Your WIn 11 is pretty outdated - it looks like its using a June 2021 release version. It is highly recommended that you update your Windows to the latest release (not preview release) patch for best stability - this is very important on any Windows installation as windows patches (or the lack thereof) can cause problems. It seems to be even more of an issue on Win11 based on people playing LE who just update a patch and everything works again.
Your Dxdiag diagnostic section (see end of the file) is showing various issues that could be related:
You are getting continual dwm.exe errors (specifically on ism.dll) - this is the Desktop Windows Manager component of Windows and controls various aspects of the windows graphical display and hardware accelleration on the desktop. If this component of windows is crashing, there is definitely something going on that needs to be troubleshooted and resolved. It could definitely be related to LE problems.
Researching the ISM.DLL (in relation to dwm.exe) I see that there are quite a few people linking this to an Xbox controller driver issue. I see that you are using an Xbox One controller so its possible that you are experiencing the same/related issue. Apparently updated controller drivers addresses this problem.
Your diagnostics are also reporting a lot of RADAR_PRE_LEAK_64 errors - these are memory related and usually show up when applications dont shutdown properly or release memory back to the OS. Normally these are not serious errors and can be ignored, but you have 5 different apps reporting the same so I am concerned that there is some other issue with your system.
Recommended things to try:
Update and patch your Win11. Make sure that any optional patches that are directly related to your specific system/hardware are also installed and up to date. Note: only update to a formal release version of Win11 - do not update to a preview release if offered.
Make sure that the Xbox controller you are using is running on the latest available drivers. This is recommended because of the ism.dll link with dwn.exe.
Once updates, run Windows System File Checker to make sure your system is correctly updated and there are no system files corrupted etc. This is recommended because of the dwm.exe errors.
Update your GPU Driver (after windows updates) and install it with a CLEAN driver installations (or use something like DDU). This is a precaution as GPU drivers can become corrupted, dwm.exe is directly involved with GPU drivers and upgrade installs of GPU drivers dont always correct driver problems (vs Clean installations).
Verify the LE game files using Steam Game File Verification - to make sure your LE install is not corrupted due to the crashes.
When playing LE. Temporarily set the in-game settings to Very Low quality, 1080p, in-game framerate limit to 60fps and all special features disabled. This is the most stable configuration for LE on any hardware. If the game is stable after doing all the above steps on these settings, then you can consider increasing whatever settings are more important to you incrementally and finding a stable compromise between visual quality, performance (fps) and stability. Remember, LE is beta and unoptimised - dont assume that your system can play it on Ultra settings.
Do not run any other applications while testing LE - this includes Steam overlays (disable them fo LE) . It doesnt matter how irrelevant you think they are, just temporarily dont run them.
Monitor your CPU & GPU and other system components and ensure that they are running within spec - not throttling clock speeds, overheating, maxing out unneccessarily etc. This is very important in cases where a cause of problems is not immediately obvious - i.e. in your case.
If nothing above works, then post updated copies of the player.logs, dxdiags and le_graphicsmanager.ini and maybe there will be something new that could indicate what is going on.
Just wanted to follow up. I updated Windows and did a clean install on my gpu drivers as well as lowering the graphics settings and everything is running smoothly now. Thanks for all the help. Greatly appreciated.
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