Gender locked classes

Although I would like to have a choice what gender my character is regardless of the class, it’s not so big a deal to me and I agree that there are MUCH bigger issues that the devs should focus on first and am glad that they are.

to the point - thanks!

This post says nothing about whether this ask is something the devs should prioritize. The devs have already spoken for themselves on that matter, multiple times, eloquently.

This post is about me being amazed that this topic has, with a considerable margin, more votes than either other suggestion (especially some of the, imo, low-effort/no brainer suggestions). … :laughing: and it’s about the people that need to gatekeep/explain away that. I just find it funny.

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Game can only be better with more customisation, I want to make a character my way. Adds to the uniqueness, especially in an online world/

PoE has the Scion (female) which can be any class. They obviously listened to their player base.

PoE has the female Scion which can be any class. They listened to their player base.

If you want to reply with the same text to different people, you can @ them.

Plus I’d personally view the Scion as a very different thing to male/female of each class, more like multi-classing. If you wanted to make a female Chieftan or a male Elementalist you either can’t or you have to accept a significant downside of not being able to use their “full” ascendancy passives because Scion. Though you do get the ability to take w few things from other classes instead.

That’s about as dishonest of a statement as you could make…not to mention is contradicts itself.

The female Scion, is still a Scion. Regardless of which Ascendancy nodes she chooses to take. Unless you’re willing to concede that a female Ranger can be a Shadow, simply by picking nodes outside the Shadow starting area on the passive tree.

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Not at all dishonest…I have played many builds on my Scion, because being in the middle she can pick anywhere she wishes to go, and I use the appropriate gear for the build I decide.

It’s unusual having to use @ when specifically replying to a person’s post by using the “reply” button under that post. Just a little thing, but important to some :joy: :rofl:

totally off topic of the original post:

Its fairly common place to @Llama8 or @Rosy when you are replying to multiple people in a single post on this forum - its often used and all @s are notified in the same way as if you replied to them individually. Its sort of an accepted way to negate the need to have multiple posts which can screw with the reability of the thread… You can also quote a part of multiple posts from multiple posters into a single thread reply and it will notify them identically. Its just how the forum software does it (Discourse) so we have all gotten used to it. :+1:


Good for you :roll_eyes:

But if you wanted to say the same thing to several people, might it not be easier to @ the relevant people rather than post the same thing X different times.

@Llama8 I think I made it quite clear, that it was a mistake. I was assuming (yeah I know) that this was the same as other forums. Now I know it isn’t, I can be a good girl and put all your fears at rest by using @.


See, this is why I don’t understand the hatred of mansplaining, as it has clearly helped here.


Never even crossed my old XY mind that I was even doing that… I thought the response indicated an lack of understanding of the technical use of the forum and voila… I mansplained in a thread about gender… I will probably get cancelled now.


Hey guys I just started playing this game and I think its amazing. I was having initial issues with the gender locking too but everything else in the game is so good that I just stopped caring. I would still love to see this implemented one day but I totally understand that its a massive undertaking right now with how much personalized stuff you’ve been putting into the classes.

I did have a suggestion for a potentially low cost method I thought of while I was starting the game and getting used to it. If you wanted to reuse as much as possible you could implement some alternate versions of the existing characters as other classes, which I think may be lore friendly too since the game has a bit of a multiverse vibe to it. But basically would be something like the “Male Acolyte” would just be the Mage from an alternate universe, maybe the base class could even have a different name too like the “Black Wizard” or something but would essentially just reuse assets from the Mage maybe recoloring gear to be darker when converting Acolyte uniques.

But keep up the good work, this game is already mogging D4 in all respects that matter.

In the recent post for the runemaster update here in the forums I’m pretty sure a dev replied confirming character customization coming sometimes after launch. Which is very exciting.


That’s epic news

Ya I thought so too, when checking the forums so I could repost this I wasn’t able to find it though. I’m pretty sure it was in the comments on the post runemaster update forum post(I was so (I was so amazed by the response I forgot to pin). If anyone can find that I think it needs its own thread because that’s a huge decision change for them.