Gender locked classes? Really? Refund

it would be extremely expensive to hire 5 voice actors to redo all the lines that have already been done

do you want them to finish the game or not?

In that case, well hello there!

You’re right, if it was a game like BG3, I would probably agree with you, because creating the story of a certain character (be it myself or a persona I made up just for the game) is essentially the entire gameplay. But that game also has options to create a story. LE’s biggest choice in the Campaign is wether or not you wonna call the Last Refuge “Rat City” once and then never talk about it again.

I always saw the story in games as just that, the story of X, but if you are able to convey that a character resembling you in some way is somewhat important for your enjoyment in an mature fashion, then who am I to dismiss that? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

There are choices in the campaign? :flushed:
As much as it saddens me, because I really would like to know it, I could never pay attention to the campaign story in LE. I don’t find the dialog boxes engaging and quickly lose the patience to read them. Same thing happened to me in GD. So I just click the first line until it goes away and advances the quest.

Well, of course i would love to play a male rogue or acolyte. The thing is, while i prefer male characters, that doesn’t mean i completely rule out female characters. If the game itself is a lot of fun or the female characters don’t have the things that bother me, then i’ll survive playing a female character.
I would find it nonsensical to deliberately limit myself by completely avoiding one gender, and then “complain” about being so limited in my choice of character.

No, thanks. My nieces at Christmas are enough for me and i always need a year’s break from children afterwards.

Sometimes she just says one sentence and then it’s quiet, but i’ve also had moments where the same sentence came twice in quick succession and then another. is a bit too much talking for me.
I like the Paladin’s voice.

That’s because on the scale of being affected by the gender of the character you’re playing or how much you personally identify as the character, you aren’t particularly far along. You’d prefer a particular gender, but as long as the game & specific character are interesting you aren’t too fussed.

If you’re a lot further along in that particular scale (because you personally identify as the character you’re playing rather than just treating it as a thing you’re controlling) then you have a much stronger reaction to the gender if it’s not the same as yours.

If it was that important to me to play only male characters, i would think very carefully about whether or not i could enjoy the game in its current state. i would probably also search the forum for this topic to see if the devs have an opinion on it and if they plan to add all genders for all classes in the future.

however, i would never complain on the forum about not being able to play as a male rogue right now. the fact that this is currently not possible should be clear to me the moment i decide to play the game despite the gender restriction.